WOW! - NOT! = NO surprizes there, Just a REINFORCEMENT of the SHAM Globally known as 'Government @ Large'! 'THEY', along with the TechNO/BureauCrat Cabal, HAVE Forgotten 'THEIR' Role = MANAGEMENT, FOR & BY THE PEOPLE - THE 'LOCAL' PEOPLE! In OZtopia, a 'ReferenDum' (Which ALL of age Voters HAVE TO vote on!), was held recently 'Disguised' as a 'Input' into CONstitutional changes & Giving Indigenous Folk 'A Voice' (LOL), - Which as an Aside - They ALREADY HAVE, in/At Various State & Federal Levels. On other Policies. HOWEVER, Govt 'Policy Shifts', of a FAR MORE GRAVE CONCERN - WAR for Example - AND FOREIGN PRIVATE CORPORATE 'EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS', - GET NO DEMOCRATIC INPUT/INCLUSIVENESS/CONSULTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS FROM POPULATIONS - WHO, INEVITABLY - 'WEAR THE BRUNT OF ALL, BROAD SPECTRUM NEGATIVE OUTCOME'!

Government - "Some 'FORM of Treason, Me things Horatio, By Historic References, Reinforced BY DEED!!' = GlobAlist PETS & Actors!

Actors time - ALL of the World's A STAGE! With Temporary Actors - For that is Their 'PROfession', Even carrying on THE ACT, Even 'OFF STAGE!' Isn't that right Mr Anthony Hopkins? Whilst Sitting in a Car @ a Mobile 'Jab' ACTing site - Mask/Face Shield/ Jab 'Nurse'; " Is That Comfortable?" (After Pretend Jab 'Protocol'- I guess 'They' should have Stopped Recording, BEFORE disposing of Syringe 'CONtents' Into the air 'Outside' of the Vehicle! LOL) ONCE an Actor , Always an actor! "ADD him to the List Jacinta!"

P.E.T.S - Acronym; Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes. - Equal Political OPportuniTies.


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I would if I could afford one...!

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Sorry - new poster here - this should've been inserted under a comment below... Reposted to clarify...! 😝

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A reminder there is no evidence that the following had taken the injections:

1. Bill Gates

2. pfizer ceo

3. modern ceo

4. Brandon

5. the Pope

6. Kamala Harris

7. Trudeau

Note that the UNs' Dr Tedros admitted he has not taken any - as a form of "protest" that the poor African countries had not been injected!

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There was a scandal like this in my Province. People were outraged that thousands of these cards had been sold. The Gov vowed to catch the perpetrators and find the recipients. It was a big thing. Then, silence, we never heard about it again. I suspect they found out who had access to those fake certificates and dropped their big threat. I think doctors, politicians and influencial people got those so the whole thing was dropped.

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We should consider why the use of counterfeit vax cards is illegal. It's because the government says so. They also say we must accept injections. Injections are clearly dangerous, so demanding them is illegal, so therefore the prohibitions of vax cards are illegal. The fake vax card industry is heroic.

Lying is forbidden by religions and societies. So is killing. But killing is sometimes justified, by religions and societies. So is lying. The real test of lying is who is harmed. Lying that harms the devil is righteous.

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Have you seen the Moderna and Pfizer Covid19 genetherapy - called "vaccine" - got final marketing authorisation in the EU?



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What happened to the group of high-ranking physicians that were ready to come forward back in April (as reported by Alexander) about the exemptions they quietly received because they were too important to fire? Did they get cold feet, or is it still in the works?

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This is what happened YESTERDAY 11/10/2022 in EU Parliament. Pfizer telling the truth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YagXbprzFE

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Oh boy!!! "We had to move at the speed of science". What a stupid excuse for the lack of data: These shots had not been studied to stop the transmission of the v!rus before their release to the public!!! :-( there goes the lie exposed: they were never meant to stop the transmission to protect others.

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Spain too, some 1000 rich people and celebrities including a pharma guy.

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I bet MANY ‘evil elites’ took a fake Covid jab worldwide.

We know that different batch numbers on the Covid vaccines can be traced & they have tested many different batch numbers & some vials have way more metals & poisons in them!

The evil elite NWO Cabal who are trying to use the Plandemic & Depopulation Vaccine to control us while they take over everything & every country they can.

The UN, WEF, WHO, CDC, FDA, AMA, FBI, CIA, DOJ, & government owned & run MSM, etc... they are using everything they can to destroy our Rights & Freedoms for their “Great Reset” NWO/OWO plan.


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They're elites because they're smarter than we are. Buy a fake vax card and you can be elite, too.

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just now

I would if I could afford one...!

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They are not only liars or deceivers but traitors:


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'Attachment A'; Pfizer - DIRECT; Sent to ALL Health Providers/Govt/Oversight Bodies;



'This Vaccine may not prevent infection or give lasting protection from infection'

'This vaccine may not prevent viral transmission.'

'This vaccine will not reduce symptoms,'

'Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits, against the risks associated with infection, including mortality and morbidity Data.'

'You should carefully consider whether the vaccine is right for you in all circumstances.'

Extra; MANDATES by Govt WERE ILLEGAL. As above under Pharma Corporations OWN ADVICE, - NO BLANKET MANDATORY APPLICATION!! Individuals ARE to Assess whether THE 'Vaccine' (loose Term) IS OF ANY 'BENEFIT' TO - THE INDIVIDUAL! = NOT GOVT TO DECIDE!


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None of the shitty "elites" are injected besides the no brain ones. So frustrating, disappointing, sad, helpless, seeing people beliving and even arguing that fauci, bourla, biden, trudau and all the company of criminals are injected and getting sick and playing thanks to the "vaccine". Such a global theatre...

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Oct 12, 2022
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Of course they are not jabbed. The jabs are for the "useless eaters" only

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