Rather Dr 'Strange' of ACOG /A-COG in the 'HEALth [1]/ILLness[2] IdusTrial Fields of Chemical OrienTed 'Medicines', & with Their Patients (& Offspring - The Future Generations of Any Nation) future GOOD Health & Well-Being in mind, that somehow, these Medical PROfessionals (loose term), MUST HAVE been Hiding under a Communal rock, for the lst 3-4 YEARS, and at Least - Somehow - Missed The 'Attachment A' Memo sent out to ALL 'Health Providers' (One assumes that this INCLUDES the Broad spectrum Private/Govt/Institutes & Associated watch-dogs. this is Australia, & I'd expect that the same WAS relayed to ALL Nations where 'Product' was 'Deployed');

'Attachment A'; Important Information for Health Providers and consumers;

COVID-19 Vaccine COMIRNITY BNT162b2 BNT = BioNTech [3]

Under the 'SAFETY' banner; Pfizer's Capital letter script;


And lower in same Listing header;

* If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immune compromised, otherwise ill, frail or taking other medications, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you should not take this vaccine.

And on Attachment A goes with Efficacy, & proper 'Informed Consent' information, that The Medics 'Kept' MIA!

SOOOoo, ACOG, does THIS Information, DIRECT FROM the 'Product' Manufacturers, obviously mean ZIP?? Now go back to your Ivory Towers & recount, the 30 pieces of Silver!

[1] HEALth = This & 'AllLied' Industry is NO longer Capable of Healing.

[2] ILLness = BUT, they ARE capable of the ON GOING This! ILL. 'There is NO PROFIT in a Healthy Population, as Nations SINC - Sorry, SINK U.Nder the weight of Population ILLness budgets.

[3] BioNTech - Part of the Pfizer 'Amalgamated' COVID-19 cabal, also included Chinese Pharma Giant Fosun.> 17/03/2020 BioNTech received $135 Million investment from Fosun, in exchange for 1.58 Million shares in BioNTech, for future developments & marketing rights of the mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 in China. = Nothing to see here, along with Fosun's other Investments & Associations!

Wellness - John D.

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Only thimg about all of this amd the comments that surprises me is how many professional intelligent people still do not get whats going on. Invaded by hordes of poor Catholics*, ongyn bribed by Biden admin, Catholics*, why don't the courts hold anyone accountable? Catholics* They or there allies, yes its not just them. All the pagan based religions are uniting. Imcluding Islam, zionism, evangelicanism, methodist, lutherans, list is way to long to continue all the secret societies including frats and sororieties all the agencies every seal has a facete symbol, most founding directors CIA, FBI Catholics, most modern directors Catholic or jesuit collegiates who don't publicly avow their Jesuit loyalty ie Trump, De Santis, surprises many they ally with atheists? They invented and promoted atheism, Darwin funded by Rothschilde to write his theory. Rockefeller owned colleges, scientists promote this mda stem to stern their sorcerous guild is what it is. Nothing to do with health only as a cloak of goodwill to hide their genocidal criminaly lucrative monopoly. They have used Grants, courts, agencies, to manipulate society cradle to grave. Public oaths"to do no harm" ad nauseum window dressing to look credible of holding credentials. Licenses? Credentials? Degrees? From who? Rockerfeller? Just as theological seminaries add a title to confer trust in? Mans understanding. Not worth the paper its printed on.All the wisdom of men is foolishness to my father. What should we do? Matt 10 speaks to me. We are as* lambs amongst wolves be wise blameless. Do not be* Lambs be as Lambs, someday when it is lawfull his law not man's law to do so. We must pick up our swords or sell our cloaks and buy one. These beasts, devils* (opposite of saint) are the saints* (those who do the fathers will on earth) responsibility, duty, to oppose and when it becomes lawfull destroy. "And then I saw those who had overcome the beast and his image*" Doesn't matter to me your doctrine or creed. His law is written on the hearts of all men* If you honestly follow your conscience* you inevitably are doing his will."My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." I implore all to study diligently if the lack is what destroys then understanding can protect us. What should you study, ask his spirit every morning then still your thoughts and listen... *all scripture (writings) are profitable to those who love the lord. If you love him you heed his advice to test everything against his law and his prophets. This scheme of globalists? It is not new* a word came to me, i gooogled it found stories of a high one shooting poisoned syranx(syringe) into random kingdoms of men, with omicron( hephesus) bearing hydra to corona. Before Apollo and Diana? Names everyone symbolicaly. Apollo= President, Pope, King/Queen. Dianna=media, sports stars, trans Hephesus = CDC, NIH, MDA, WHO. Hydra = Jesuits, Illuminatti, ad nauseum all the other secret societies. My savior "has said nothing in secret" Corona? She is THE UNITED STATES, THE UK, ROME. The eclipse over the antartic dec of 21 globalist yacht full of admirers. I studied the stories. I was worried my spirit overwhelmed the enemy appeared so intelligent every move attacked 3 ways like trying to compete with Magnus when your still playing london openings. After seeing that I realized yeah their smart, their determined, unrelentimg and merciless but they are following a script. An ancient one and thats a crutch that can be kicked away. All their institutions are propped up with these crutches rooted in babylon. Matthew 10, speak to his sheep get them out, where to house them separately put them in a barn* then when the barn is full it will be time to stand* no need to attack they will eventualy declare and come for us openly, then it will be lawfull to crush them. They appear to be dragons but really they are what they will be worms. Secular people I study those who appear to honestly diligently study their passion, say the same separate economies continue to speak truth, oppose the greatest evil support the greatest good, understand who it is your speaking to, ideas have men men do not have ideas. Look where the arrows land to know the target. Aha that is why Apollo's arrows are random to obscure who is being attacked. Punch is continually beaten by Judy to gain the crowds sympathy and trust. But he is never really harmed. They both serve the same master. This puppet show of left right blue red contention has been playing in theaters to long to still bemuse you. Selah

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All I can say is that the people responsible have names and addresses and family members.

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May the wrath of God come upon those who participated in this. Babies Mommas never needed protection from said virus. They need protection from the agencies that pretend to protect them. No mercy for those who showed no mercy.

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Capital punishment is required. This cannot happen again.

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all involved with this evil agenda will be judged severely...they are "sharer in their sin" and with their silence in telling the Truth the whole Truth, they will be accused of the "sin of Omission"... so their reward for this behaviour will be:

(Revelation 21:8) But as for the cowards....and the murderers and.... the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”

Sorry I will not shed a tear for them at all...the restored paradise will be filled with people with morals, ethics, values, who genuinely care for one another, and love their fellow humans...I just cannot wait! See you all on a beach in Paradise!

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Came aross a Physician in 'LifeSiteNews' leaving a Comment claiming he and all his family members to have taken the Basic Ai/Bio Nanoweapon Schedule of two shots and now 3 Boosters per person. Claims to be confused about so many refusing to take the injections as research shows they've saved millions of lives.


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I wonder how that breaks down..how many aborted fetuses miscarriages dead babies and mothers per dollar spent? Unless the clinicians got paid per vaccinated mothers too? And i bet we the taxpayers funded all of it. Sick and twisted. All of us should be up in arms.

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While it would be difficult to prove this was criminal, it was without doubt violation of the Nuremberg Code, and is extremely unethical.

All citizens affected should consider lodging complaints against *individual* Ob/Gyns to their local licensing boards. The People must demand accountability.

"Just following orders" is never acceptable

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I have news folks the gynecologists have been the recipients of many things sponsored by the pharmaceuticals. Birth control pills, abortion medicine, breast x rays, estrogen post menopause, bone density tests and medicine..... and more. The vaxx us just the latest. DONT EVER TRUST ANY DOCTORS. AFTER ALL CORPORATE MEDICINE ALLOWS AND DEMANDS A NON PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DOCS AND PATIENTS. WHEN DOCTORS DO NOT KNOW YOU OR WISH TO KNOW AS A PERSON YOU THEN THE DOCTOR WONT CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU. It’s just the system we are in currently. Currently means at least 40 years maybe more.

If you realize the situation you’re in due to belief in your doctors recommendations then you have been tricked and going forward remember you are only a number not a person.


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We can't trust our government, we can't trust our media, we can't trust our doctors, we can't trust our schools and we have been taken over by Socialists/Communists and we DO NOTHING!!!!!

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Exasperating is too nice a word to describe this situation. But it’s extremely frustrating and anger provoking. Then I say to myself “that’s exactly what they want to illicit” and I just distract myself and calm down.

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And we can stress over it, or we can read it as a sign and better understand the world we are living in, and respond as we are able. There isn't a lot that I can do about it personally, other than the witness that I do, but my God is intimately aware of what is going on, and is responding, and will respond even more powerfully in the fullness of time. A bunch of people are going to be really unhappy about that.

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May 12, 2023Edited
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"We" are more complicit than that. "We" _are_ acting. Acting in ways that bring these things upon us. While there are measures we can take, I predict that trying to stop "them" is not ultimately going to work, when we ourselves are the problem.

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Einsatzgruppen MDs and RNs.

Conclusion of The Milgram Experiment:

Q: How do you get people to Redrum other people?

A: Easily.

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A doctor who sells his credentials to the highest bidder is an unworthy practitioner of his art and should be condemned at every turn.

From the World Medical Association’s International Code Of Medical Ethics:

Physicians must not allow their individual professional judgement to be influenced by the possibility of benefit to themselves or their institution. The physician must recognise and avoid real or potential conflicts of interest. Where such conflicts are unavoidable, they must be declared in advance and properly managed.


There is no debate that accepting bribes from the CDC is the acme of unethical behavior.

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They too are a product of their indoctrination

Just another medical device to be marketed, sold and deployed.

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A lot of people and a lot of victims. And unlike media, there is real criminality here, shots were given under false claims.

Now, the question is what are we going to do about it?

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Grateful for Ms.Baletti for writing this up , the Thorp family for being brave and standing tall and Lioness for exposing the truth . God hear our prayers. Proverbs 10:24

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The level of criminality with all this is so despicable and deeply troubling. I hope every family that has lost their mother or their baby because of this bribery to “DO HARM” all because of these payoffs sue the crap out of them, then they need criminally prosecuted and hung! But first, make sure they are heavily injected with these toxic jabs! The levels of evil now has been exposed! No doctor or nurse can ever use the pathetic excuse that they didn’t know! It’s because they didn’t want to know! I read about these deadly jabs in 2020 and alerted the people I care about, and even spoke out to strangers who wanted to learn more about them. What amazes me is some people said they didn’t want family or friends to get mad at them. Nothing but a bunch of spineless people these days! So let them die or become disabled and maimed instead, but please don’t get made at me! How do these people sleep at night! Now they want all this crap to be put in our meats and food!

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