We’re beyond this. Justice stage next.

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indeed Retribution

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Good point. But late.

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One of these days, someone in "official" capacity is going to decide they should go ahead and investigate the "embalmers clots."

I probably won't be alive when this happens ... so I wrote this fictional piece imagining that it did.


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The word is out read Laura Kasner’s stack … that team won’t back down .🙌🏼

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Laura has become a good buddy of mine. She's doing great and important work. I hope everybody discovers her Substack.

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TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Congratulations Einsteins.

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Putin can help humanity by placing those factories for mRNA on the first strike list for WWIII. People at work there aren't working for the good of humanity but for a checkbook.

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Putin is part of it.

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Just for the record, John Campbell is not a doctor. He had a career as an instructor of Nursing, I believe. He was also pro jab, pro mask, pro lockdown, etc. And there is little doubt that among his millions of YT followers he was a good initial source of info. But he also bought into the psyop 100% and only when the harms became to much to hide did he change his tune.

This is not to discount his current position, just to set the record straight.

Unless there is a different John Campbell. But I don’t think so.

He has completely changed his views, no doubt.

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He has a PhD so I guess that qualifies him as a doctor?

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If you buy into calling a PhD doctor then sure. But he’s not an MD. Or a GP. Or an immunologist etc.

In my book, anyone with a PhD who uses Dr. in their title in on a massive ego trip.

In that regard, I am also a doctor. It says so right on my diploma. A Juris Doctor. A Juris Doctor actually has more claim to using ‘doctor’ than someone with a PhD in History. Or whatever.

But we choose to not adorn ourselves with fake credentials.

A bit of a rant, yes. Bottom line. He’s not a doctor. And he absolutely convinced tons of people to get jabbed. I’m glad he saw the light. But he’s no hero, IMO.

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Don’t trust John Campbell

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Perfect summation.

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Usain Bolt has nothing to fear from these Harvud "experts":).

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Our World in Data shows some 19 million excess deaths and 16 million deficit births, as well. Some 35 million fewer than expected people were on the planet as of the end of 2023. https://open.substack.com/pub/supersally/p/assessment-of-owid-population-data?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=l1r7e

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Harvard Medical School really is not so awesome that information coming out of that institution should be trusted more. Harvard Med was my client and frankly my family has attended Harvard, not because they are super smart but because my grandfather donated big money to build a building on campus so that is/was the golden ticket for admittance. A lot of really good doctors and researchers such as Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Michael Palmer from Canada and many others have spoken out with good science/data from lesser known institutions. All of our institutions, including the Ivy Leagues, are badly corrupted. I am no longer inclined to believe anything coming from the Ivy leagues is more credible.

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I’m now more likely to find a gas station attendant more credible, honestly.

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It takes Harvard scientists years to figure that out? Maybe they should have read your blog from the beginning...

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Again an article that implies proof when in fact the findings state cause may have a possible link to vaccine. Possible is equivalent to conjecture; then you have John Campbell weighing in to support the thesis of causation. Possible., probable that is not proof. John Campbell pontificating his take on the findings is not proof- teach people to read the facts before you press a lede like this think again. Manipulating your readers is not journalism.

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Sure took awhile to get the memo

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The echo chamber that is "Substack" is one thing. "Reality" is quite another.

What makes you think any of these cretins "got" the memo?

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True !!! the memo of common sense … the history of thalidomide should have woke them up , cretins good one .

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I have a co-worker, moron just took his 7th Lethal Injection. I have another, she hasn't kept count of how many injections she's taken: "I have COPD, I have to be careful!"😱🤪

As regards the first one, I warned him in no uncertain terms back in August 2021 against his decision, to which he said: "It's going to happen"... 3 aortic stents and 2 simultaneous prescriptions of blood thinners later? "It's got nothing to do with the vaccination"💣🕳

As John Wayne aptly remarked: You can't fix "stupid," no matter how you try.

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Exactly it’s like a trance

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"like" a trance? 🤔

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Moron trance

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When do the arrests happen? When will the monsters responsible for this be held to account, duly found "Guilty" and publicly burned at the stake for what they've done?

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Probably never.

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Most interesting, Harvard owns the fraud, sort of. There is history / we have massive evidence that

the FINGER POINTING phase is in full swing. Their own Head of Chemistry, Charles Leiber, also in charge of foreign exhange program, arrested Jan 28, 2020, jailed smuggling Gain of Function vials

https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related Let the games continue, we need even more resignations before Retribution ensues

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