“The spike protein encoded by mRNA vaccines is a genetically engineered bioweapon, designed to infiltrate and damage critical organs across the body.” – Dr. Mark Trozzi
I know the feeling. But ultimately we have to live with ourselves. All else is slavery or insanity.
I know which I prefer. Mind you. I do try and learn and be guided by PROVEN experts. Fauci was unique. But he actually looked like a bat. Maybe raised by a bat. Or bitten by a bat. But I digress.
Seems that have multiple patents so they create the disease then they attempt to cure it only they don’t you just receive endless expensive treatment then you die.
Jab booths set up still at every CVS and Walgreens! #10 available at the local euthanasia drug den! Convid and flu jab poison free so it must be good for you! 😎💯
I was taught to be objective by my mother. That is not in vogue anymore. People are mere sheeple, attuned to be brainwashed in their refusal to examine the evidence on both sides of the fence before deciding one way or the other. But I have learned some valuable lessons.
-a LIEberal always lies
-a LIEberal politician always speaks out of the left side of its mealy mouth.
-ovomit, turdo, and bidumb had less sense than God gave a billygoat
-more and more BUREAUCRAPS are inclined to be corrupt
-turdo in his spare time sucks farts out of dead seagulls (he was divorced by SIMPLE Sophie who was stupid to marry the son of a witch hippie
-most LIEberal blacks think the world owes them a living
-OPP are the most corrupt agency in the ranks of categorized law enforcement, they are assholes compared to American law enforcement who are responsible and habve integrity
-the most common new name for a leftist that fits is "f*ckup"
-do not leave your dog, of any gender in the care of a LPC assministrative fool(you can deduce the reason why I am sure)
-do not trust NDP dupes
-the truth is generally the exact opposite of what a lefturd says it is
The failure is that these are not vaccines, they are TRANSFECTIONS.... the people in charge need stop playing this game and explain what this means.... this new technology is NOT new at all... it's been used in labs for years.... it has been sold as such but it is all a lie.... that is the biggest failure....
JJ Couey has been explaining this for the last few years and is shut down by meddlers..... he is the real deal.... Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!
and don't forget, Your consciousness is prime real estate....
Why dident you say something before. ? ??? And save countless of lives. How convenient to say this now. It's TOO LATE. All you so called Dr's who stayed quiet , your blood is being demanded by all those who have passed on because of you. And your silence. Millions of Voices screaming for your BLOOD. YOU ALL WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOWED.
Wow this guy is determined. He has been sent a lot of information regarding there not being any virus and the goal of the globalists re transhumanism through the IEEE. No virus no mRNA. CDC admits no SARSCov-2 Virus and a lot of other so called viruses do not exist. He was sent information on 5G being lined to the Covid Scam. Here is an article explaining how 5G can harm you - https://reinettesenum.medium.com/the-5g-network-what-you-dont-know-may-kill-you-f4361f46627f. Dr. T has been told to check out Sabrina Wallace and all of the white papers she has exposed from the American Government and IEEE regarding the internet of things (IOT), wide area band network (WBAN). Sabrina, Juxtaposition, FM8, Tony P, NonVaxer420 and so many more have all exposed papers from different agencies revealing the fact that these shots are needed in the goal to TRANSHUMANISM, developing our digital twin to ensure global enslavement through technocracy. TonyP, FM8 and others have been trying to develop anti-nano devices to de-active the nano particles that are self-assembling in our bodies from injections, pharmaceutical products, food, chemtrails aka geo-engineering (aerosolized fungus, molds, bacteria, smart dust etc) . I realize it seem impossible but it is not. They the scientists and the Globalists have been working on these projects (Transhumanism, depopulation, technoenslavement) for 50+ years. Until you start doing the research only then will you appreciate what I have written. If you really want to help yourself get off the phones, stop using WIFI and hardware all of your devices in your home, start growing your own food indoors (there is no organic because of the chemtrails), use cash, avoid being trapped by digital ids AND get active and stop your cities, town villages from becoming 15 minute cities.
I know the feeling. But ultimately we have to live with ourselves. All else is slavery or insanity.
I know which I prefer. Mind you. I do try and learn and be guided by PROVEN experts. Fauci was unique. But he actually looked like a bat. Maybe raised by a bat. Or bitten by a bat. But I digress.
The System Is Cracking Up, Not Solidifying
"We no longer control the news"
I was wondering how they managed to get Simeon virus 40 into clot/cancer shot as no virus has ever been proven to exist.
It appears that they have the DNA sequence and it was readily available for insertion into the vials. Looks like batch and number of shots key.
SV-40 derived DNA constructs comprising exogenous DNA sequences
Sv-40 derived dna constructs comprising exogenous dna sequences
Seems that have multiple patents so they create the disease then they attempt to cure it only they don’t you just receive endless expensive treatment then you die.
Provable data that exposes the jab as a killer. Are sheeple so stupid they do not research this!!!
Jab booths set up still at every CVS and Walgreens! #10 available at the local euthanasia drug den! Convid and flu jab poison free so it must be good for you! 😎💯
I was taught to be objective by my mother. That is not in vogue anymore. People are mere sheeple, attuned to be brainwashed in their refusal to examine the evidence on both sides of the fence before deciding one way or the other. But I have learned some valuable lessons.
-a LIEberal always lies
-a LIEberal politician always speaks out of the left side of its mealy mouth.
-ovomit, turdo, and bidumb had less sense than God gave a billygoat
-more and more BUREAUCRAPS are inclined to be corrupt
-turdo in his spare time sucks farts out of dead seagulls (he was divorced by SIMPLE Sophie who was stupid to marry the son of a witch hippie
-most LIEberal blacks think the world owes them a living
-OPP are the most corrupt agency in the ranks of categorized law enforcement, they are assholes compared to American law enforcement who are responsible and habve integrity
-the most common new name for a leftist that fits is "f*ckup"
-do not leave your dog, of any gender in the care of a LPC assministrative fool(you can deduce the reason why I am sure)
-do not trust NDP dupes
-the truth is generally the exact opposite of what a lefturd says it is
The failure is that these are not vaccines, they are TRANSFECTIONS.... the people in charge need stop playing this game and explain what this means.... this new technology is NOT new at all... it's been used in labs for years.... it has been sold as such but it is all a lie.... that is the biggest failure....
JJ Couey has been explaining this for the last few years and is shut down by meddlers..... he is the real deal.... Stop TRANSFECTION in healthy humans. RNA cannot pandemic. LEARN BIOLOGY NOW!
and don't forget, Your consciousness is prime real estate....
Why dident you say something before. ? ??? And save countless of lives. How convenient to say this now. It's TOO LATE. All you so called Dr's who stayed quiet , your blood is being demanded by all those who have passed on because of you. And your silence. Millions of Voices screaming for your BLOOD. YOU ALL WILL REAP WHAT YOU SOWED.
Dr. Trozzi was NEVER quiet!
He will be held accountable
Thanks for this.
So take all of those together at the same time?
I wouldn't.
Do supplements break a Fast?
Yes they have calories.
Does salt? No.
Wow this guy is determined. He has been sent a lot of information regarding there not being any virus and the goal of the globalists re transhumanism through the IEEE. No virus no mRNA. CDC admits no SARSCov-2 Virus and a lot of other so called viruses do not exist. He was sent information on 5G being lined to the Covid Scam. Here is an article explaining how 5G can harm you - https://reinettesenum.medium.com/the-5g-network-what-you-dont-know-may-kill-you-f4361f46627f. Dr. T has been told to check out Sabrina Wallace and all of the white papers she has exposed from the American Government and IEEE regarding the internet of things (IOT), wide area band network (WBAN). Sabrina, Juxtaposition, FM8, Tony P, NonVaxer420 and so many more have all exposed papers from different agencies revealing the fact that these shots are needed in the goal to TRANSHUMANISM, developing our digital twin to ensure global enslavement through technocracy. TonyP, FM8 and others have been trying to develop anti-nano devices to de-active the nano particles that are self-assembling in our bodies from injections, pharmaceutical products, food, chemtrails aka geo-engineering (aerosolized fungus, molds, bacteria, smart dust etc) . I realize it seem impossible but it is not. They the scientists and the Globalists have been working on these projects (Transhumanism, depopulation, technoenslavement) for 50+ years. Until you start doing the research only then will you appreciate what I have written. If you really want to help yourself get off the phones, stop using WIFI and hardware all of your devices in your home, start growing your own food indoors (there is no organic because of the chemtrails), use cash, avoid being trapped by digital ids AND get active and stop your cities, town villages from becoming 15 minute cities.
Excellent post, thank you. Share it with everyone you know.