The problem with putting stuff like this into the sky is that it blocks the sun, upon which all life depends.

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Look up in the sky on most places in America and you will clearly see that geo engineering is going on full tilt. It’s not going to happen, it’s been happening. Low level aluminum oxide clouds and haze likely keep heat from escaping, causing rising temperatures and magically we have Climate Change.

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Happened upon this substack and this offering is the most comprehensive history of geoengineering I've ever seen - the insanity is traced back to the 19th century: https://outraged.substack.com/p/geoengineering-and-nano

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Whatever bad things are happening to the climate--and to our earth in general, it's because these maniacal would-be mini-gods are tinkering with God's natural order.

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Exactly! It’s just a bunch godless freaks doing stupid stuff to win stupid prizes. It’s just another scam. And their ideas are ridiculous. Parasols. Really? What a bunch of nut jobs. We need to bring back mental asylums STAT!

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Except since they're in charge, they would put us in the mental asylums 😬

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Oh you think that would help? What about the whole population continuing to fund them? Aren't they culpable too?

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Who's funding them though?

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The unspeakable levels of damage done by the “climate changers” (literally those who have chemtrailed us for years harming our health and the earth’s ecosystems) has zero to do with carbon or global warming and everything to do with a deliberate wanton reckless ploy by a few to rule the planet — who can forget LBJ’s madcap statement, that “he who controls the weather controls the world,” (these psychopaths are all the same and are all to blame for the sad mess our beloved planet is facing, but of course like the narcissistic personality disorder types they are, they will blame us and try to tax us more).

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Well said

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Couldn’t agree more! Who the hell are they to think they will “rule” over the world? Who elected them? It’s just insanity and yes arrogance and narcissism as well.

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According to https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org, the primary threat presented by shading the Sun lies in the potentially irreversible process of depriving the Earth from its own cloud-forming process, which will turn the Planet uninhabitable.

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Mar 5
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All I know is that the technology contains a LOT of things that shouldn't be dispersed all over the place. Last time I looked, it was snowing here at 40F in rural KY, and some people on the East Coast experienced similar weather, but the snow, when analyzed in a spectroscope, contained significant amounts of heavy metals.

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Mar 5
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I don't believe in "issues," especially not in "controversial" ones, but I believe in confused minds. :)

Having worked with doctors, nurses, and other sick-care staff for 12 years, at a military hospital for eight months, and volunteering for the VA for a couple of years at a psych ward, I have a pretty good idea what it means to survive there, but I suppose, I can always learn.

Can you provide links, please?

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Mar 5
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Chemtrails are so obvious it’s not even a controversy. You want a real rabbit hole to go down, try this:


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The last big snow we had in West MI was very strange. Dense and mealy. It looked like hail mixed in with snow but felt like sand.

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That kind of thing has been reported from all over the country in the last few years...

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And the snow doesn’t melt the same way it used to…

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Whether he is credible or not doesn't change the fact that we can see what they're doing and have been doing with chemtrails. We can actually see them and they have been happening for years.

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That’s because Dane exaggerates greatly on many points and sounds ridiculous doing so. For example, he once said that “Trillions of fishing hooks are lost in the sea every year”. Kid you not, that was trillions with a T. I doubt if a trillion fishing hooks have been manufactured. And he says many things like this, and holds the same opinion of “fossil fuels” as other extreme environmentalists. Further, he candidly tells you he worked for (or does he still) Bechtel, one of the major players in California industry. That could be innocent, or a confession in plain sight. And how could he ever know where we stand with regards to his extreme sky-is-falling, past the point of no return prognosticating? He’s been saying it for years, always with the caveat “unless we do something immediately”. Well, immediately has come and gone for years now. Can’t have it both ways, Dane.

I think the elite want us to all be aware of chemtrails, and to understand that we can do nothing about it. Think of how demoralizing and mind f**king that is!?!? What Dane has accomplished is to mainstream chemtrails to the normies, to contribute to the shattering of their psyches.

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Dane Wigington’s extensive many years of research and data collection is impossible for the ‘climate changers’ to hide from, see geoengineeringwatch.org

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Why are we allowing ourselves to be sprayed with who knows what? Obviously not for gobal warming given how aggressive the spraying has been in the middle of winter.

One would think they are trying to set off the next ice age or just want to poison us and the environment.

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I have been reading lately that’s how they get the nano bots into us to control us through the 5G. Read any of Sabrina Wallace, she has many receipts.

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We are seeing the sky here in middle New Zealand CAST OVER with de liberate pollution MOST DAYS. Vitamin D levels are low, world wide.

Lockstep Governments repeatedly denied that their populations could use vitamin D to fight COVID and other diseases. IT IS A DE LIBERATE ATTACK ON THE HEALTH OF HUMANITY.

Perhaps this study confirms this


Interpretation: Globally, vitamin D deficiency remained prevalent from 2000 to 2022. The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency would increase the global burden of disease. Therefore, governments, policymakers, health workers, and individuals should attach importance to the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and take its prevention as a public health priority.

AND this one.

Our study shows that the global prevalence of serum 25(OH)D <30 nmol/L was 15.7% between 2000 and 2022. The result is similar to that of a study published in the New England Journal (2). From the findings of our study, vitamin D deficiency is a huge challenge facing the world.27 Feb 2023

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Vitamin D is a poison, most synthetic vitamins are.

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This is just ridiculous. Leave it alone - the climate always changes. INSANITY

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Bill Gates IS the mad scientist. John Kerry’s not insane but has gotten very rich ( $250 million net worth ) pushing this scam.

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They are eugenicists.

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Mother Earth Effers

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Leave well enough alone FFS!!!

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Goddard Institute is as The Gotthard Tunnel which was consecrated to Baphomet at its opening following the appearance of this particular Demon with the Cern Collider.

NASA now declaring the same Apostasy?

Goddard is a surname of Norman origin, found in England and France. It is derived from the personal name "Golhard", composed of the Germanic elements "god", good, or "god, got", god, and "hard", hardy, brave, strong.

2 The name was introduced into Britain by the Normans after the Invasion of 1066, and it was popular in Europe during the Middle Ages as a result of the fame of St. Goddard, an 11th-century bishop of Hildesheim, who founded a hospice on the pass from Switzerland to Italy that bears his name.

The name has various variants, including Godard, Godart, Goudard, Godar, Gotthard, Godehard, and Goddert in Germany, and Goedhard and Goedhart in Holland.0

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Now that’s what I call Epoch gaslighting.

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Critical Science MIS/DISinformatION Day, for Primary school students;

Good Morning His/Her/They/IT. The Earth, OUR Earth's atmospheric Constituents are Thus;

WICKED Nitrogen; 78%. Oxygen; 21% (or near enough too). ALL other gases; 1 %. And that NASTY/ INERT/ Plant & Animal LIFE GAS = 0.0408 OF 1 % = OMG!! AND, @ HALF of this or thereabouts @ 0.0195 of 1% = EXTINCTION = GET the GlobAlists to 'Escape That one'!


Now then Kids, With 1 of our Foremost CIA- Military/ Spy/ SUREveillence 'Fronts' - NASA, - Sorry - 'Scientific Agency' - NASA, in 'League' with 'Others', sending SO2 into the Atmosphere - Then ADD Water = H2SO4 - Yes Kids - Acid rain! HOORAH! ( As an aside - CO2 'Something or other'- 2030 'Project Bison' (Apt - Where the wild Buffalo USE TO 'Roam'). Now kids, ADD CO2 + H2O Underground = Carbonic Acid = How's that working with 'Limestone' Sub-Strata?

Further, OZONE; O,3. Apart from the 'Popular Scientific DIRECTED Crisis' portrayed in the 70's>90's, MAGICALLY 'IT' was not an issue POST this Period! ( I want to thank The Tooth Fairy, for installing a big Zip in said Previous 'Hole', A Neutrilising THE 'Issue'! - APPaRently, ALL of those 'Science & CONmunication' Rockets - With 'Satellite' Payloads - Rocket propellants BURNING Swiss cheese Holes Thru said O,3 Earth protections, ARE OF ZERO CON-CERN! = OH REALLY!!

With THE Biggest Polluters = THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL CONPLEX - AppaRently Wearing A CLOAKING DEVICE - For 'IT', IS NEVER 'MENTIONED' in ANY 'Discussions' by MSM or the Dodgy Political -Govt -Cratic P.E.T.S BrigAide (Sponsored Criminality), OR, 'IT' has an 'ExemptION card'

Next; Power generation & the NEW A.I. GOD SCIENCES;

A.I. Energy Plus 'Thermal outputs' - The Newby A.I. 'FoundatION of ALL', CurRently is Estimated to use - USersof A alone, 35 >40 GgW Daily. ONE Nuclear Power Station (2 Turbines) outputs Approx 2 GgW [ Efficient 4 Turbine Coal fired Power Station produces Approx 3.5 Ggw daily]. SO, A.I.- ALONE CONsumes 17>20 COMPLETE Power Station outputs, BUT, it IS the Peasants 'Fault' ON 'ENERGY CONsumptions'! Glad that's 'Sorted'! AND this Doesn't Include the THERMAL VALUES 'Emitted' by the A.I 'Systems' & it's CONtributION to PLANETARY HEATING!

Alternate 'Energy'; Solar 'fARMs'; Panel MASS Thermals & Panel Short/Mid term 'DEGRADations' (Physical -DETERIATING 'OUTPUTS' ['Life Expectancies - NOT inclusive of Fraudulent ECOnomics Modelling]) = WHO'S CHECKING THE SWINDLE??

Better add in the Rambling Gargantuan CONsumptIONs of The 4/5/6 + G Networks Permeating THE Planetary landscape - UNmonitored thru EVERY PHASE of Existence, PLUS Their CONsumables AND Thermal Outputs( Safety inflictions Against ALL of Nature NOT Inclusive).


Acronym Time;


NOAA; Numpties Organising Atmospheric Annihilations.

PETS; (Use by Dated- of course) Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes

Last; For the GEO ENGINEERING 'Deniers' [Role reversal], Those 'CON trails' [NOT], contain radio Active Barium/Coal fly Ash/strontium + a raft of other Industrial Bonuses, AND, my Fav - Alumina! = A KNOWN NEURO TOXIN, Cancer Booster & 'Fire Booster'- PLUS other 'Adjustables'. - Just in case YOU, WEREN'T getting your 'Daily Intake' from Personal Cosmetics, Food, Water[Flouride Suitcase IncluDead], All Metric Utensils & Tools- OH! And your 'Jabs'! = GOOD LUCK!

'Science' - I'll have to look up my Dictionary, to see - Just as in Vaccine Definitions, if this 'Word', has been Altered 'At the Speed of Science'! LOL.

SOOooo - Wellness Kids.

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Talk about lunatics.

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These people should be institutionalized, examined for motives, then tried and convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. Every last one of them. Starting with EPA higher-ups

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But is funding them. Why do the people continue to do this when our earth is being vandalized?

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