
"Last week, the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals agreed that mandating covid-19 “vaccines” violates the individual human rights of teachers and other staff of Los Angeles School Unified Districts (“LAUSD”), remanding a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County School District’s vaccine mandate for employees.

This gives some hope that Dr. Joseph Sansome’s case – which if successful, compels Florida’s governor to stop distributing covid injections – will be moved forward in the courts. After being dismissed the case is now in the Appellate Court. An appeal to which Dr. Francis Boyle has added his affidavit.

“It is my expert opinion that, [the covid injections] meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons [Convention],” his affidavit states."

Covid injections meet the criteria for biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction

Rhonda Wilson expose-news.com June 12, 2024


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This is like using a sling shot against Godzilla. The CV19 bioweapon might be temporarily de-fanged, but the evolution of CoV-3 or some other idiot virus will keep the doors wide open. No way big pharma doesn't get around this and keep the vaccine juggernaut rolling at full speed. You need to uproot the laws that are keeping big pharma immune from total vaccine liability. You need to bring a nuke to a fistfight.

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No it wont

won't...the 9th circuit ruling might though.

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Praise God, Amen! Prayers are being answered! Finally, sanity and lawsuits with teeth. If only MSM would report on it but they are beholden to the Cabal.

This information needs to be shared on every social media platform possible and often to get the word out.

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Is it me, or is Karen confused again?

Didn’t she change her mind several times over the last few months/years about many fundamental issues that she had insisted they were false and now turned out to be true?

Didn’t she claim the governments were spaying nano-particles on the people to infect them with “covid-19”? Didn’t she also claim that Pfizer’s clinical trials were legit and now we know they admitted in court the US government ordered them to commit fraud?

Her website/substack is/was also of questionable nature full of trolls praising her and insinuating she has been sent by God to “save” the world or something like that…

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May the Lord above bring His terrifying justice down on Phizer’s head swiftly and absolutely 💯!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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You are going to find this Covid depopulation program is a Department of Defense program. Pfizer - horrible though they are - was acting as a subcontractor to the DoD. If they are ever arraigned they will doubtless employ the Nuremberg defence (as in, 'I was only obeying orders'). One can only hope that the courts will throw this defence out, but you can bet your life that if the noose awaits any Pfizer exec, he will drag out proof he was ordered to action by DoD, and as we know (and as JFK found to his cost) you are most unlikely to succeed if you take on the Deep State. Depressing, I know, but these cats set this thing up to guarantee protection from action. Our final protector, under the Constitution, is the Supreme Court and if you think they will act to protect the people, then that is a hope beyond hope in my opinion. Full and unremitting exposure of evil by a free Press would be effective in arousing the population to righteous anger at being slaughtered, but a free and crusading Press disappeared a long time ago.

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Very brave try, but I'm afraid this is a dud. The actions are brought under consumer protection legislation. The 'vaccines' are not consumer products so the effort will likely fail at the first hurdle. The creeps who are behind the disgraceful, deceitful and deadly Covid depopulation program were careful to get themselves fully immunised from actions by organising the effort to effectively be part of the US Government.. and I believe it is the case that you cannot sue the US Government.

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They are not vaccines. They are treatments, likely under the umbrella of genetic treatments or therapies…

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Katherine Watt has demonstrated that the c19 injections program is a kill box, that all the laws were put in place over many years so that these criminals could kill with inpunity.

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Yes, very good observation. Ms Watt is a reliable source. Sasha Latypova has also written in Substacks on the DoD involvement that really is worth understanding. I would venture to say Ms Latypova is a substantive expert on running clinical trials and ensuring drugs comply with all legal requirements. What she has to say about the roles of the DoD/Intelligence/military complex, puppets like Fauci, FDA and the CDC hierarchy, and compliant partners like Pfizer, Moderna et al will make any reasonable person who believes in the sanctity of owning your own body to become apoplectic beyond control. The extent of malevolence against the population is beyond anything Ian Fleming could dream up. Truly the stuff of nightmares.

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Go Kansas! Kobach's legal wording is spot on!!!

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✓ ✊🫱

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Wake up - read Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News on substack to learn about how Constitutional Laws protect all players with full immunity. Trump is not your savior - these announcements are like the child yelling wolf to no avail- Constitutional Laws are what make this debacle legal- read, weep and control act

Your congress person - force these people to act to repeal

These evil, draconian laws today.

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Contact your congress person every day until they do their job you elected them to do - protect citizens now.

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since the vx-ines were fraudulent, then lawsuits are allowed. Phyzer admitted to changing out "trials" for another sh0t. Some lawsuits have started from what I am reading.

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As a Kansan I will be keeping my eye on this! I had no idea this happened so thank you for posting Lioness.

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We certainly hope so

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Correct in the statement that Trump had his hands all over this deal. Surely he did when he took the campaign donation.

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