Community engagement = relentlessly terrorizing the population with propaganda and criminalizing therapeutics, while doling out exemptions a la Jacinda’s grouping and the Congress and plunger needles for filmed fake injections but Not Tiffany Dover! and whoever else in secret. #nottheirfirstfraudfriend

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MAGGA - Make A Gallows Great Again

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Operation Warp speed headed this of it wasn’t for a team of White Hats we would all be dead prove me wrong?

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Please proof read because I don't get this.

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I just saw a link to a stopworldcontrol video on Rumble that claimed that operation warp speed stopped the mass internment in FEMA camps. I had not heard that argument before and they didn’t offer enough evidence to support it, but perhaps Trump understood that it was either OWS or camps??

However they did make it clear that they had constructed the FEMA camps and all of them worldwide were like prison cells or worse. One woman was stuck at the Howard Springs camp in Australia. So, it is more than a colorable argument that OWS stopped this deployment. For now.

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Very possible for sure.

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What do you mean?

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This alone is a Crime Against Humanity only magnifying the unthinkable nature of what the Uniparty Nazi Demon Worshipers deliberately PERPETRATED AS PLANNED.

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In a way, this level of isolation and quarantine actually did happen in nursing homes and care centers. Even in hospitals. The CDC needs to be dismantled and destroyed.

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Right. Reforming is out of the question.

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PRS formula-Problem-too many humans for earths resources-Reaction-create fear that a new deadly virus was going to kill you and we have the Soloution-an experimental use bioweapon that;s going to save the day! The smoking gun is the opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics, London England-a s ritusal featuring Covod 19! Aushwitz in a bottle

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Nov 8Edited

They get off telling you what the plan is ahead of time! Sheep are asleep though! Olympics, Event 201, predictive programming through movies and shows! Then they pop it off in real time and sheep go baaaaaaaah!

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China and Australia came dangerously close to this scenario. I remember an animation movie showing life in such a camp as dystopian vision of the future, should this have materialized.

The people concocting things like this are the sick ones. They are psychopaths.

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Thanking Jeffrey for putting his amazing mind and background to the issue of what happened to us. I can hardly face it even after Jeffrey did all the writing. I suspect very few people grasp the levels of degradation we have been dragged through one way or another. While we tried to envision the evil perpetrators and "tough it out" we were living through a level of degradation just being forced to deal with their crap when we could have been building a flourishing civilization.

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How did we allow so much power to get in the hands of so few people?

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It's time to dismantle the CDC and the other three letter criminal cartels.

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Will anyone be prosecuted?

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Just look how rabid and. Deranged was Davos shithole aka Canada fared and tyrannical federal government was during Ottawa Freedom protest. Once I see Trudeau on the trial a convicted for his crimes and utter corruption I will believe that western world is the place to be and live. In, sadly Canadians acted as obedient sheeple and as ultimate bootlickers and gatekeepers. I lost any illusion of these people.

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What part do you think so many "immigrants" from the Sino-sphere played in the way "Canada" acted. I was in Vancouver in 2019. The last time I had been there before was 1993. It as if in that intervening period, China has taken over western Canada. I believe the Chinese welcome most of the great reset polices, as their country is already a great reset hellhole (in my estimation). They seem to bring this mentality with them wherever they go--monitoring, track and trace, cameras, top-down human control, doing everything on iPhone, electric vehicles, complete atheism and worship of material wealth. We are in deep trouble. America also imported large swaths of Chinese during the same time period. I don't think it's a coincidence.

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My cousin visited China with his wife last summer for a few weeks and didn't like what they saw, everything is digital gulag, show your phone QR passport style, payments with cash are basically outlawed, you can do it but it would be much more expensive.his brother in law was a volunteer during harsh COVID lockdowns delivering food to apartment buildings o n order to get out the house, condo. Chinese society greatly adopted Davos policies and iron fist governing in every sphere of urban living. Of course, China is Trudeau's wet dream and unfortunately,big metro areas, read liberal seat rich strongholds are also in sync with him which makes this repeat re- election term in fall 2025, realistic outcome. Just a few more years until I retire, hoping CPP and RRSPs will be still bankable pension savings to enjoy my golden years, out of Davos shitholes,like majority of EU countries and USA under the Democrats or globalist goons. The question is how do you dodge these power hungry central one world government lunatics? Time will tell...

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Good observation. I did see the data from Canada on vaccinations and Asians were the most likely to get vaccinated. I do not doubt that they were also the most likely to follow government dictates.

Vancouver is mostly an Asian city now, and Australia is also allowing Asian colonization. However, I think it is somewhat reductionist to blame too much on Asians given that the people implementing a lot of these schemes were not Asian and they were not relying on popular support. The CDC leadership, for instance, was heavily Jewish.

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An irony here is that Harris voters are whining and crying because they are convinced Trump wants to put them in camps.

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1. All illegal aliens should be put in these prior to deportation so we know the locations

2. Afterwards, dismantle them.

3. Dismantle the CDC, now. It does absolutely no good. The $1.5 billion can be put towards the national debt.

4. Speaking of the National debt, every person in Congress who votes for spending more money than we have, donates 20% of their salary towards the national debt first.

5. Those in favor of the FEMA camps, must spend 3-6 months in one before sending anyone there.

6. Please return common sense to the governments!

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The CDC must be bucking for a war. I am sure those plans will not be thrown in the trash.

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Maybe Trump can use all of these covid concentration camps, that have already been built, to contain all the traitors to our country before their public executions.

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