Yet I heard the Japanese are pushing more mRNA (!?!)

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Even though certain countries have people speaking out, after 4 years now, nothing has changed, has it? Japan in particular, with development of so called self replicating "vaccine" development and implementation.

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The price for pure blood will be….

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Japanese researchers should come to Christ.

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An assumption is made that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 actually exists. That is debatable. What is not is that a British government research body spent 30 years investigating common cold viruses and attempting to find cures or an effective vaccine - and failed. It ended up being shut down.

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Healthcare becomes deathcare.

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To add yet another concern; it has been shown DNA/fragments in the "vaccine" can become incorporated into the recipients cellular machinery. This permanently changes what it means to be human.

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What if vaccine, is the synonym of genocide; need for strict regulations for pure blood transfusions only.

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You know, for the last 4 years we have been hearing, reading, seeing, all this carnage, yet the wheels on the bus keep rolling along. We've all seen open letters to governments from highly respected people, seen videos of severely damaged people, or relatives of dead ones, we've had data analysts proving risk/benefit to be adverse, our world in data website showing no excess deaths until lockdowns, a huge blip with new protocols which caused deaths, then the pcr farce, test, test, test, to create the illusion of a killer bug. All lies. When you realise pHARMa needed same meds as bank bailouts, 2007/8, 2019/2020, (real reason to suspend commerce, i.e. lockdowns) no part of it is to do with supporting health. In fact, no government has enough workers paying taxes to cover retirement pensions now or for those untermensch, through no fault of their own, learning disabilities, Down's, Autism syndrome, were astronomically diagnosed and, somehow, even though physically "normal" health, all died from supposed covid complications. So, what do we actually have here in the world? Scientists putting out warnings - to who? Yes, the world, but not Fred, Mary, Jane who may go online for FB but no clue of censorship or knows about different search engines from Guugle, who's F checkers tell them it's dis/mis/mal info. And sometimes it is, to create apathy, which we are seeing now.

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I believe Fred, Mary and Jane are knowingly or unknowingly being willingly ignorant.

Why ? Because personally I have found that most people can’t admit to themselves and especially to others that they may be wrong about what they believe due to their own pride.

I may be wrong but that’s my take on it.

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I was thinking of family docs, who see all kinds of decline and deaths with patients since jabs, still recommending them to "vunerable patients" who are elderly, not online and trust the doc. Only when the docs speak out will this end and I can't believe all of them still quote safe and effective to their patients. I agree on pride thing.

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Good point.

I wasn’t taking that perspective into consideration in my comment but I think you’re absolutely correct.

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Could the Spike Protein Derived from mRNA Vaccines Negatively Impact Beneficial Bacteria in the Gut?


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That's what happens when Fuck Ups let Fuck ups donate contaminated blood. What could possible go wrong??? #MAGA2MEGA

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