Everyone by now should know that covid Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA gene modificaition treatments and all other injections carrying the Sars-CoV-2 SPike are damaging and lethal, and yet all COMPANIES give themselves the right to mandate the cocktails. That is ILLEGAL and thus CRIMINAL. The question is what is the main goal of eliminating one of the most healthy portion of the HUMAN society, pilots who allow people to fly, so see the earth way from above, to move around, gather and exchange information. To eliminate all of it and close everyone in 15 min cities, is yet another INHUMANE crime, which people should be 100% aware of. Last thing, why all the pilots are reacting SO SLOW???? I have a flyer from Aorline Pilot Magazine from 2021 Oct/Nov addition, which says:
1 pilot passed away in 2019
6 pilots passed away in 2020
111 pilots passed away on first 9 months of 2021
Was that not enough??? Why are people SO SCARED OF THE author-i-ties???
'Authority' - Tends to 'Indicate' Extreme Knowledge/ Aka THE 'GO TO' experts/Professionals on ANY Given Particular Subject. 'Authori-Ties' - Tends to be Associated WITH > 'Enforce, Exact Obedience. Command, Determine or Judge!' The 'Ties' part IS Modern Interactive 'AuthoriTies - Corporate/ Govt Cabal Co-Ops. These GangStars ConTroll Public Policy & 'Enforcer' Thuggery, & endorse/ Co-Op/Direct Strategic Terror Against 'We the People' (Aided & Abetted by Embedded MS & Social Media Platforms/ NFPs & NGOs/ Nameless- Named 'Think Tanks', such as Club of Rome/ The Atlantic Council'- Poynter Institute/ ISD/ 'E' ConMissioners [MIS-DISinfo 'Laws'!} - 'U.N UDHR Global Human Rights Articles - KNOWN to All & Sundry = AppaRentLie M.I.A @ Large)!
Cont'd; Govt - Corporate= Most GovernMeants (and their Agencies, including Judiciary & Law EndForceMeant), ARE, or 'Work FOR', THE 'COrporatIONs'(1) ; Aka; C.O.M.I.C (2). The Inbox Politicians/ Crats, are even TOO Stupid to Realise that They are BarCodeDead for 'Useful' Useby Date PETS (3). The 'Smart' ones, Pull strings from the Shadows - & Never take the Fall.
1) Eg; For OZtopians; COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (Federal Govt); A UNITED .STATES of AMERICA Corporation. U.S. SEC Reg# CIK 0000805157. HQs; WASHINGTON / D.C.- NOT Canberra/A.C.T/ AUSTRALIA.
3) PETS - Pretty Easily Trained StupiDoes ( Connectively 'Installed' - Still 'Believing' that they are an actual 'Player', instead of an Apex Buffoon! {Paid by Public Purse, of Course! - Which is some Reflection of General Public Thought process.]).
Last; Aircraft Tech; Aug/Sept (?) 1997. U.S Airforce fly's 'Pilotless' 7 Series Boeing from Douglas Airforce Base > Adelaide/ South Australia>Taxies>Refuels. Re-taxis> Takes off> Back to Douglas - NO Pilots. Aircraft only 'Slightly altered' For 'Exercise'. - Year 1997! Boeing Also 'Piggy-Backed into ALL of their 7 Series 'Tin' Transponders, to 'Take Control' @ ANY time, to 'Prevent Emergency In-Air Incidents'= 'Trust us'! LOL.
This is what I call the Rube Goldberg Machine style of social engineering.
Goal: Force everyone into 15 minute cities.
Action: disable all air traffic so that no one could possibly leave unless: a) they were a pilot, and b) had their own aircraft, and c) didn't mind being a target when flying from point a to point b more than 15 minutes away.
It was actually quite awful in the past as well, but many of us were not directly exposed to it day to day, being somewhat sheltered and unaware of what was happening behind the scenes.
It is so out in the open now, and everyone feels it. I don't recognize the world I grew up in, even though it is the same world.
amazing how no politician has dropped dead.
My sister died March 2nd, at home in her sleep.
How awful.
I am sorry for you and all of your family to face such shock and loss.
Everyone by now should know that covid Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA gene modificaition treatments and all other injections carrying the Sars-CoV-2 SPike are damaging and lethal, and yet all COMPANIES give themselves the right to mandate the cocktails. That is ILLEGAL and thus CRIMINAL. The question is what is the main goal of eliminating one of the most healthy portion of the HUMAN society, pilots who allow people to fly, so see the earth way from above, to move around, gather and exchange information. To eliminate all of it and close everyone in 15 min cities, is yet another INHUMANE crime, which people should be 100% aware of. Last thing, why all the pilots are reacting SO SLOW???? I have a flyer from Aorline Pilot Magazine from 2021 Oct/Nov addition, which says:
1 pilot passed away in 2019
6 pilots passed away in 2020
111 pilots passed away on first 9 months of 2021
Was that not enough??? Why are people SO SCARED OF THE author-i-ties???
'Authority' - Tends to 'Indicate' Extreme Knowledge/ Aka THE 'GO TO' experts/Professionals on ANY Given Particular Subject. 'Authori-Ties' - Tends to be Associated WITH > 'Enforce, Exact Obedience. Command, Determine or Judge!' The 'Ties' part IS Modern Interactive 'AuthoriTies - Corporate/ Govt Cabal Co-Ops. These GangStars ConTroll Public Policy & 'Enforcer' Thuggery, & endorse/ Co-Op/Direct Strategic Terror Against 'We the People' (Aided & Abetted by Embedded MS & Social Media Platforms/ NFPs & NGOs/ Nameless- Named 'Think Tanks', such as Club of Rome/ The Atlantic Council'- Poynter Institute/ ISD/ 'E' ConMissioners [MIS-DISinfo 'Laws'!} - 'U.N UDHR Global Human Rights Articles - KNOWN to All & Sundry = AppaRentLie M.I.A @ Large)!
Cont'd; Govt - Corporate= Most GovernMeants (and their Agencies, including Judiciary & Law EndForceMeant), ARE, or 'Work FOR', THE 'COrporatIONs'(1) ; Aka; C.O.M.I.C (2). The Inbox Politicians/ Crats, are even TOO Stupid to Realise that They are BarCodeDead for 'Useful' Useby Date PETS (3). The 'Smart' ones, Pull strings from the Shadows - & Never take the Fall.
1) Eg; For OZtopians; COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (Federal Govt); A UNITED .STATES of AMERICA Corporation. U.S. SEC Reg# CIK 0000805157. HQs; WASHINGTON / D.C.- NOT Canberra/A.C.T/ AUSTRALIA.
2) COMIC - CorePoorRat organised Miltary InDustTrial CONplex.
3) PETS - Pretty Easily Trained StupiDoes ( Connectively 'Installed' - Still 'Believing' that they are an actual 'Player', instead of an Apex Buffoon! {Paid by Public Purse, of Course! - Which is some Reflection of General Public Thought process.]).
Last; Aircraft Tech; Aug/Sept (?) 1997. U.S Airforce fly's 'Pilotless' 7 Series Boeing from Douglas Airforce Base > Adelaide/ South Australia>Taxies>Refuels. Re-taxis> Takes off> Back to Douglas - NO Pilots. Aircraft only 'Slightly altered' For 'Exercise'. - Year 1997! Boeing Also 'Piggy-Backed into ALL of their 7 Series 'Tin' Transponders, to 'Take Control' @ ANY time, to 'Prevent Emergency In-Air Incidents'= 'Trust us'! LOL.
Wellness - John D.
This is what I call the Rube Goldberg Machine style of social engineering.
Goal: Force everyone into 15 minute cities.
Action: disable all air traffic so that no one could possibly leave unless: a) they were a pilot, and b) had their own aircraft, and c) didn't mind being a target when flying from point a to point b more than 15 minutes away.
Hmm...Air Force One pilots are forced jabbed.
Comment to Joe: "You feeling lucky today, punk?"
The obvious, reckless endangerment of life is appalling.
Nothing seems to matter anymore.
What an awful world to live in.
It was prophesied. Here we are.
It was actually quite awful in the past as well, but many of us were not directly exposed to it day to day, being somewhat sheltered and unaware of what was happening behind the scenes.
It is so out in the open now, and everyone feels it. I don't recognize the world I grew up in, even though it is the same world.
And to die ...
and with a profession requiring sitting for hours at a time, making pilots even more susceptible to clots/injury.
A colleague at work partner has just been diagnosed with a blood clot on the brain, he’s fit and healthy but not now.
And cabin pressures are less than sea level air pressure which means oxygen is a bit lower in airplanes.