This is what happens in a world of Godless billionaires and politicians.

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Lioness, can I thank you again for what you do ? To bring this to our attention is no mean feat...almost every day. You are a watchman.

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Why are ‘they’ still allowed to 💉murder Precious Souls, they are tyranny terrorists… so…. where is our armies etc etc. ❤️🙏

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So Sweden has the least number of excess deaths and also never employed lockdowns nor mask mandates.

But what do lockdowns and mask mandates have to do with the vaccines?

Everything. Their purpose is to compel vaccination.

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....no, this $cience, PF-or sure! lol! :)

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Relative numbers distort the perception because young people have very low mortality.

For example if normally only 500 people per 100.000 die in the 24-44 range and that increases by another 500 then you have 100% excess death, double the death rate.

In the 64 to 84 category 10.000 people may die in normal years. If that increases by 500 then you only see 5% excess death.

Yet the risk for one elder individual is higher because there are fewer so the chance is higher to be one of the 500.

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Probably why work from home is still a thing. Now if Becky or Jim disappear from the zoom meetings it's just called the great resignation. I'm curious on the disability numbers, is there any way of finding out how many people are now disabled? If deaths are up then disabilities have to be even higher

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Genocide in plain sight!

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"Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines (that I own) we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent." Or 20-30%. This is still a free man whose neck hasn't yet met piano wire.

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I like the idea of lead poisoning, less messy, or perhaps a hemp necktie in the public square.

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am ever perplexed about this as well.

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Me not any more. I have come to terms with the fact that ALL individuals in positions of power are evil.

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That's my view as well. Seeking power is an indication of evil intent, since power over others is the power most desired by the ones who want power for themselves.

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