Louisiana Says ‘No Way’ to the Great Reset’s Latest Power Grab, and the Next One That’s Coming

Guest Editorial by Jason Jones

In a first, the Louisiana Senate has passed a bill that would block international political organizations and the Federal government from imposing tyrannical policies upon the people. In our resistance struggle against the globalists and their “Great Reset,” Louisiana’s bold move is historic. It will either inspire or shame legislators in other states to do the same, in defense of their voters’ rights.

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Of course it is! Why ask?

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I don’t trust the WHO, anymore than the traitors Obiden and Obama!!! We will not comply….EVER!!!

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I don't know if I'm the only one thinking this, but... James' recent behavior is making me wonder if someone's gotten to him or is pushing his buttons. I'm not seeking confirmation bias, but from what I can gather (and I'm not following this as close as I can) he's been on a particular tangent, and this recent stuff seems like a 180, after his influence has spread about the prior tangent, and it's getting traction. The WHO DID seem to be panicking from other news stories. So why change the narrative now?

Am I missing something? Or is James getting "leaned on" to divert from what appears to be a successful mission to date. Or is he feeling like his influence is lessening with others reporting the things he used to report. Because I think he's single-handedly brought a LOT of people into the light on what's going on.

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Apr 17
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I've seen a few of her posts, but she would be in the camp that James is pointing to saying they're following the wrong stuff. That's why I'm wondering what's going on with James.

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Apr 17
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Thanks Sam! There was another long, LOOOONG rambling post from James a week or two ago, and I was thinking... what is going on with him! Basically a full blown copy of what this post is talking about and excoriating everyone else as missing the point and following the wrong purposes in the treaty. I mean, it was SHOCKING how much he was railing on everyone else. I know sometimes people feel like they're overshadowed by others who seem to exhibit greater influence than they did, and they try to put other people down while elevating themselves, but... I dunno.

I appreciate your asking! I treasure Meryl's posts as well. I just haven't had as much time lately to read a lot, and I get 1-200 emails a day. (I'm oversubscribed on substack, that's for sure!)

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Perhaps pressure from the likes of Meryl Nass and citizens worldwide have forced the WHO to weaken its demands in the treaty/regulation amendments, bringing about the changes that Roguski is talking about. That is a positive development that Del Bigtree has highlighted. Roguski's claim that state bad actors need to be reigned deserves merit, but his tone that we're all stupid for reading old treaty texts is off putting.

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Can you elaborate of what you mean by "Look at Dr. Mercola"? He changed his stance on many things. I'm just wondering what you are referring to. Thanks.

Meryl Nass believes that dr robert malone is innocent. So, it's hard to say what angle she takes. She's also tied to James Roguski, I believe.

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I think people can grow and learn so Mercola can change his mind here and there about things. I personally never follow Malone. I didn't like his response on the Senator Ron Johnson panel.

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At any rate, the WH (cabal puppets) just outflanked the "stop the WHO" effort yesterday. Looks like the cabal isn't yet aware the jig is up.


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WHAT IF the real issue is that the UN can ALREADY accomplish everything that has been associated with the WHO and the focus on it is to prevent anyone from recognizing and responding to the inherent danger of remaining in the UN (which should be abolished altogether - we do not need an international anything).







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Seeing what is going on with the EU commission, I would not be in the least surprised if this is all cooked and stewed by the same group responsible for almost simultaneous lockdowns etc etc.

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Well James was a big driver of attention on the treaties so I respect his honesty and humility to be open to being wrong, but now his credibility and judgment is going to take a hit, if this is how he feels(I haven’t read his Substack yet) then his opinions will now be getting less weight from myself than in the past. He certainly came across as authoritative and convincing previously and maybe, in retrospect, his tone should have been more questioning and speculative? but I suppose that’s what confirmation bias can do?

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It most definitely is a way to control the public by even more fear mongering. Just imagine if a nation that the WHO considers to be 'unfriendly' to their organisation, according to this Pandemic Treaty the whole country could go into permanent lockdown without any real evidence to support the lockdown. That immediately affects the nations that the country trades with, restricting their import/export capabilities, and reputation on the world markets.

Since we already know the WHO/CDC targets ethnicities within a nation, people will no longer have a chance to decide if they want to take a vaccine or have their families take the newest 'booster' jabs, after the country is declared a 'pandemic' nation.

Those considered to be 'carriers' of the new affliction would be arrested and put into 'quarantine' or locked up under house arrest. The US presently has reserved the right to vote by state whether a mandate should be required in an emergency situation, and denied if they happen to be a fraud. With this Pandemic Treaty the WHO will be the only group to decide the extent of the seriousness of the 'pandemic' emergency. They will target those they want and resist futile with this WHO/CDC 'treaty'.

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A Difference Without Distinction.


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Yes and it seems to still work

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Interesting, thank you. What goes on more locally should not be ignored. We have the evil little bill in the UK which is supposed to take effect in June this year re chipping cats. A clear case of illegal money grabbing as well as guiding the masses to chipping everything including themselves.


Then there is the hypocrisy of trying to ban cigarette smoking whilst allowing the toxic vaccines and big 'harma drugs.

There are a 101 plus other things at local level as the demonic powers seek to destroy all that is good and holy. We must continue to fight in the power of God's Holy Spirit.

As for the WHO that must be defunded too.

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American federal Constitutional Laws made the covid democide possible in the USA and need to be repealed as led contact your representatives now. Action needed now, read Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News on substack to understand it is our gov killing us.

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I will start with an apology for such a long post. Clearly I am no writer and struggle with being concise, which will be obvious. My humble observation is almost all people quickly gravitate to those that propagate the narrative they either believe, or want to believe. I feel Roguski is quite effective in aligning himself with this mindset. I don’t want to say the specifics of why I came to the conclusion I did about his stack but I read it for about a month and unsubscribed. It became clear, at least to me, he is at worst controlled and at best seriously misreading what is truly going on. I could be absolutely wrong, but I believe it is crucial to practice strong discernment, which requires looking at a volume of work and the subtleties within, to discern the truth, or lack thereof of what we read. I could be absolutely wrong on all counts concerning Roguski, but I’m comfortable of where I’m at. I will say Roguski could be absolutely correct that early information from the “treaty” was a red herring. His rational is plausible. Back to that discernment I mentioned a moment ago. I wonder if Roguski Is bringing up the past format of the “treaty” to subtly push what the tyrants at the WHO want us to believe. But, regardless of Roguski’s purpose, to me the current format of this so called “treaty” is most likely the red herring, and what matters now. I would think that the people figuring out the true intent of this “treaty” has come to the attention of the tyrants running the WHO. I believe their purpose with this new format, that Roguski advises be read, is their attempt to placate the ever growing number of people catching on to their evil plans and convince them that there is nothing to worry about. By doing this their hope is stopping the truth tellers from continuing to expose the WHO for the tyrants they are and the designers of this “treaty” that is designed to completely eradicate our sovereignty by putting our freedom in their hands. I feel the format of the “treaty”, that will be put to vote in late May, will not be the current version Roguski seemingly feels is nothing to be concerned with but will be the full freedom stealing version that we all have been so concerned with. It takes me a long time to trust people I actually know in person and it takes much longer for me to trust anyone I have not spent meaningful time with in person. Matter of fact there are none. RVW

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I agree it is our government leaders that are the problem. However since our leaders have been corrupted, with even Soros bragging how he managed to train up his young global leaders to take command of governments all over the world, then they are all one and the same. Our government, the WHO, FDA, CIA .... are all one massive corrupt agency.

So lets say our governments will not enter a legal binding agreement with WHO by the time their next plandemic starts and that makes everyone feel a bit better. However our doctors are also trained up in big pharma ways and we recently saw a large number of hospital "professionals" more than willing to give a patient Remdesivir knowing they were shutting down the patients kidneys and deny the patient medicine, food, vitamins, getting out of bed, anti-bitiotics etc... We didn't have to be legally binded to WHO. They just give the orders and people followed anyway.

The problem is banality of evil. Evil all around. Too many people were willing to look the other way and allow bad things to happen to good people. "The people" need to step up in a big way and not allow this to happen again because even if WHO or some other entity suggest it is best to deny treatment we know too many people in many professions are willing to go along with it. Hopefully people are starting to wise up. The world needs to be like Japan and start massively protesting.

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