Very important, we have undeniable proof now for what we knew.

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Who really believes it's a 'leaked video' ? Really???. Nothing the government does is ever without an agenda.

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Sasha's the real deal though. It was leaked from AstraZenica apparently. It corroborates what she and Katherine Watt had already discovered via the contracts and legal trail.

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100% she's been chosen to channel this to the public. That's part of the playbook.

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Care to expand why, and what purpose.

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To preserve the status quo. The structure of lies, deception, pharma cartells, politics, fraud and plunder. The convid lie is the trojan horse for everything we are witnessing at this point in time. The biggest shift in human history started with the plndmc shit show.

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Status quo being to keep the plandemic and fear alive? That I can see with the corporate media and corporate america in general. Her working for the status quo? I don't see that.

Sasha being picked for this, I don't see that.

Exposing anything with the DOD, I would think does not bring good things to one's life.

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Just like virus X already in the can and ready to be released when Gates and the WEF tell the UN to start.

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You mean fictional viruses? Because there is simply no evidence. The story does it, not the reality. Without media we would not recognize a thing at all.

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Not her! I think that Sasha is trustworthy and honest. I think people are being used without them knowing. Like telling someone not to talk about a shared secret and provoking exactly the opposite. To get the public attention. We see this daily, everywhere.

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Not all in government are bright and without mistakes.

For example they messed up 9/11 enough to give us a window into theorizing what the heck happened that day

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UK High consequence infectious diseases: "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID."

They locked down anyway - despite the fact that people were not dropping like flies.

As it turned out, deaths from the dread zoonotic novel plague were less than standard influenza.

In fact the only thing SARS CoV-2 actually killed outright was the seasonal flu.

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We’ve gone from Chinese wet market to bat lady to lab leak to US biolabs in China and Ukraine to Ralph Baric to EcoHealthAlliance to Fauci’s gain of function to dark funding to DARPA to DoD to pharma-military collusion and now to manufacturers who of course aren’t manufacturers because they are at best only accessories to iatrogenic genocide.

Methinks they doth protest too much. As we are now undeniably living in clown world, these conclusions are more plausible:

1. There was no virus, no pathogen, no spread, no-one dying in the streets (outside of crisis acting China), no excess deaths and therefore no need for quackzines.

Exhibit A: “No-one’s safe till we’re all safe”.

2. Illness was caused by the all-out asymmetric assault using fear, stress, suppression of antibiotics and generic medicines, hospital protocols, health-depleting masks, wall to wall fearmongering by mass media, enforced isolation and the threat of punishment for non-compliance, all perpetrated by “health” authorities, governments, mainstream media and their accomplices.

Exhibit B: “Your government loves you”.

3. The all cause mortality, death spikes, excess deaths started everywhere after the pandemic and have continued since and throughout the rollout of the clot shots, backed up by actuaries, undertakers, disability claims, every jabbed cohort…

Exhibit C: “Coincidence - correlation does not equal causation

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I like this. I was out everyday during the lockdowns, I didn't care and was not interested in joining the hysteria. Also had many people over during and after, and not one person got sick.

And then people were stupid enough to keep testing themselves with corrupted devices that kept the fear going on and on.

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Many lied, many died. Crimes against humanity need to have consequences. Nuremberg 2.0 time.

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Sasha is extremely talented and a strong leader in understanding the massive attack worldwide. I think the Jeffery Tucker link is helpful too

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Always the national security threat excuse.

They keep telling architects & engineers the same thing about 9/11, just for simply trying to open a new investigation. "it would be a threat to national security".

F these criminal scumbags

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Why did they conspire against their own citizens? Proof they cannot be trusted ever again... and trying to distract us with a demented, scarecrow mannikin wondering around the white house. Mark Levin is spot on: The DNC Hates America!

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Feb. 4, 2020, national security threat? based on 🤔🤔

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