Much respect for Dr Yeadon. Perhaps he has wandered off in the weeds with the "no virus" crowd. What exactly was transmitted by injected people if not a virus or particles thereof? What poison or biologically active substance spreads from person to person? It is most definitely NOT psychogenic illness if you spend several hours around a person, not knowing they were freshly injected, and then end up in the ER with a bounding BP and heart rate they cannot reduce for several hours. And only days later find out about the injection. And the injected person had suffered the same symptoms.

I went to the trouble to get a book and read about the 19th century debate about microbes. There was no argument about the existence of microbial life, which was observable under the newly developed microscopes. The argument was over the microbes as *causative* of illness, or fellow travelers that cleaned up cellular debris. Lister thought there was a different causative organism for each identifiable infectious state, the terrain argument did not think them causative. Are we actually back to that? How many substances are being transmitted, and what are the effects of each?

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My question to the no virus or germ camp is this: If that's the case, why not get a cup, find the filthiest shit filled toilet you can, take a dip with that cup and a niiiiiiice loooonnnnnng swig?

No? Gee why not? There's no such thing as germs!

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Visible bacteria as PART OF fecal pollution versus hypothesized teeny-tiny invisible segments of genetic material contained in another hypothesized lipid membrane (aka [pseudoscientific] [so-called] “viruses”) as CONTAGIONS is the intelligent and intellectual debate. Reducing this debate to drinking sewage only aids the deceivers. Congratulations on showing whose side you’re on.

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Lol. I haven't got a *side*. Unless it's humanity's side.

It was a simple observation/opinion from a layperson who knows Jack shit about it. I will not choose a side. Same with flat earth. I am not versed enough though well read, in astrophysics and all that other incredibly complex science.

We only know what they allow us to know. Although some are learning how to navigate the BS. I'm trying.

Thanks for your reply. Have a great new year ⚔️✝️⚔️

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There actually is a “side” one takes in the military grade psychological operation called “Covid” when one argues for germs-as-contagions by writing:

“My question to the no virus or germ camp is this: If that's the case, why not get a cup, find the filthiest shit filled toilet you can, take a dip with that cup and a niiiiiiice loooonnnnnng swig? No? Gee why not? There's no such thing as germs!”

There’s no fear porn with a flat earth. There’s major psychogenic hysteria surrounding old germs, viruses, deceivers in governments and NGOs (like the World Health Organization) talking about newer & deadlier pandemics. Take away their trump cards — germs kill people — and you take away a lot of their power to deceive.

Happy New Year 🎊🎈🎆 to you too.

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As an aside, I should also mention I don't believe what people are being sickened with is a virus, aka Operation Convid-19.

It's graphene oxide and other nasties combined with emf radiation and such signals.

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Yep. There’s a major push to discover PRECISELY WHAT is in the poisonous injections which is causing this present democide. Some people are completely convinced it’s healthy human cells manufacturing a foreign protein, a prion. Others are convinced that it’s genetic therapy to CAUSE cancer. Others, like you, are convinced it’s graphene products. Others are convinced it’s nanotechnology energized by anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation. Still others are 100% convinced that the democide is 100% caused by anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning and that the shots aren’t the problem.

Those of us who consider ourselves fully aware of what’s really happening are still (hopelessly?) divided on cause and effect.

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I'm not 100% convinced about

:: anything::

I am open minded about almost everything.

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I agree with your statement. There’s real intellectual and intelligent value in both reasonable certitude and skeptical inquiry (aka “keeping an open mind about almost everything”). It’s situational. The facts are that there are few facts. 😊

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Exactly. The real psychogenesis looks increasingly to be mass hypnosis or hysteria, some sort of reverse-placebo where the body is fooled by the over-propagandised mind into being sick. All the world is a mirage as well as a stage. The Wizard of Oz warned us a long time ago.

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Most of us are naturally concerned about poisonous attacks on the body. Considering the nature of the military-grade Covid psychological operation and militarized propaganda, one ought to be aware of (and concerned about) attacks on the mind. The book by Joost Meerloo “Rape of the Mind” has jumped into my consciousness a couple of times today.

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Bacteria is real, germ theory is not. there's many books on this, & the Spanish flu wasn't real either. Louis pasture was corrupt & the families who backed that theory are Eugenicists. No vaccine is safe, viriology fake science, & covid doesn't exist.

The shots have heavy metals, & graphene in them with other shit like aborted fetal cells, in various amounts. As far as the vaccinated passing on spike protiens to the unvaccinated i haven't read anything that's gave a clear answer, jury is out on that for me.

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Agree on all points. See? Shit has bacteria, not germs. I have been schooled here by two of you.

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Spanish flu was exactly the same time as the rollout of AM band radio, was it not?

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Yes, there's a good book on this called the The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. The pdf is online if you're interested but if you can't find just say.

Kudos to your curiosity.


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Have it 🙂

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Good on you friend lol, have a beatiful day.

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If you want numerous books on germ theory lies just say.

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You can still have poisons that are excreted, shed or spread. A chemotherapy model seems to apply to the jabs based on the wide range of adverse events.

"What to do during – and for 48 to 72 hours after – chemo:

It generally takes about 48 to 72 hours for your body to break down and/or get rid of most chemo drugs. But it's important to know that each chemo drug is excreted or passed through the body a bit differently. Talk to your doctor or nurse about how the chemo you are getting is passed and what body fluids may be affected by chemo. Some drugs take longer to leave your body.

Most of the drug waste comes out in your body fluids, such as urine, stool, tears, sweat, and vomit. The drug waste is also in your blood, and may be in other body fluids such as fluids from semen and the vagina. When chemo drugs or their waste are outside your body, they can harm or irritate skin. Other people and pets could be exposed to the drug waste for a few days if they come into contact with any of your body fluids.

Here are things you can do to help keep your family, visitors, and pets safe during this time:

- If possible, have children use a different toilet than the one you use.

- Flush the toilet twice after you use it. Put the lid down before flushing to avoid splashing. If possible, you may want to use a separate toilet during this time. If this is not possible, wear gloves to clean the toilet seat after each use.

- Sit on the toilet when you use it to cut down on splashing.

- Keep the toilet lid down when you're not using it to keep pets from drinking the water.

- Always wash your hands with warm water and soap after using the toilet. Dry your hands with paper towels and throw them away.

- If you vomit into the toilet, clean off all splashes and flush twice. If you vomit into a bucket or basin, carefully empty it into the toilet without splashing the contents and flush twice. Wash out the bucket with hot, soapy water and rinse it; empty the wash and rinse water into the toilet, then flush. Dry the bucket with paper towels and throw them away.

- Caregivers should wear 2 pairs of throw-away gloves if they need to touch any of your body fluids. (These can be bought in most drug stores.) They should always wash their hands with warm water and soap afterward – even if they had gloves on.

- If a caregiver does come in contact with any of your body fluids, they should wash the area very well with warm water and soap. It’s not likely to cause any harm, but try to avoid this. At your next visit, let your doctor know this happened. Being exposed often may lead to problems, and extra care should be taken to avoid this.

- Any clothes or sheets that have body fluids on them should be washed in your washing machine – not by hand. Wash them in warm water with regular laundry detergent. Do not wash them with other clothes. If they can’t be washed right away, seal them in a plastic bag.

- If using throw-away adult diapers, underwear, or sanitary pads, seal them in 2 plastic bags and throw them away with your regular trash."


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why did nobody give me any of those instructions when my husband had chemo?

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Fascinating. and horribly disgusting what they are trying to do to us. I said trying..

Stay tough everyone! ⚔️✝️⚔️

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Look at that word used: "enhances" fear and public anxiety.

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I would agree that a psychogenic component played a roll in those susceptible to the fear porn. However, there’s no denying there was some transmissible agent (be it engineered virus, be it weaponized SP-LNP particles as per K. Kingston, or both). And yes, virology is not a clean science by any means, which of course adds more fuel to the fire.

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“However, there’s no denying there was some transmissible agent….”

A legitimate intelligent and intellectual debate, based on what’s testable AND verifiable AND falsifiable (according to the demarcation problem in epistemology) upon careful examination of the necessary and sufficient evidence — in the political environment of completely noticeable weaponized and highly propagandized $cience™️ — is hardly “denial”.

There is simply no epistemological proof that virus exist AS CONTAGIONS. There’s no proof that they exist as natural phenomena.

Check out the Day Tapes and how (legitimate) science was going to be corrupted in order to deceive the masses, ie con the marks.

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Yes, the Day tapes are the current thing. And yes, there’s plenty of corruption to go around. I used a virus or an engineered SP weapon as an example. But to call every case a psychogenic illness? Now who’s being the true believer?

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Who’s calling “every case” a case of psychogenic illness? It’s common knowledge that, according to the official record keepers and the creators of the official narratives, seasonal influenza disappeared during the winters of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. It seems entirely plausible that the respiratory symptoms called “Covid” were simply a rebranding of the flu and the common cold. Then what happened? Mass hysteria — caused by the propagandists and aided & abetted by the mass media — and the psychological operation — run by the middle managers working for the Pathocracy — creating a mass formation of delusions resulting in an ongoing mass atrocity, an ongoing crime against humanity.

I admit that I am a true believer in SOME things. One example? The world’s rulers are extremely evil & sadistic & Machiavellian & narcissistic psychopaths. Another example? People who believe that these evil rulers don’t exist are idiots.

For the record, YOU are no idiot and no cult-like Covidian.

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On the malevolence of the globohomopedopsychos, we can fully agree.

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There are probably plenty of other political phenomena upon which “we can fully agree”, especially considering how the globohomopedopsychos have corrupted both (legitimate) scientific endeavors and epistemology.

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Thank-you for your post on this issue. I wrote this last night thinking about the psychological effects of COVID-19. Where are all the psychologists and sociologists or are their voices being suppressed too? The mental health of our world is plummeting - anxiety/depression is skyrocketing.


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A year into the insanity, I found out that this woman I had been working with for emotional support around something else. Who had heard me speak about what I was reading for a whole year. (this was through video calls) Told me (only because I asked) that she had elected and had taken the Pfizer jab.

I was also using a wonderful 'hot line' from time to time that was manned by those with training and experience in real trauma support.

When I let slip that I had gone to a meeting around 'freedom against the jab etc.' They closed ranks very quickly and very unkindly and I was not allowed to use their line any longer.

I had been doing my work with others for awhile and was okay on my own, although both were isolating and devastating at the time.

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Tells it all coming from two mentally retarded institutions like the DHS and WHO.

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Thank you for bringing up the topic. On Februrary 7, 2023, I also wrote about it, mentioning a number of other variables, too:


Perhaps a larger readership will take it seriously.

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My comment is not disputing the contents of this DHS document - but I'm not clear on how a FOUO (For Official Use Only) and /LES (Law Enforcement Sensitive) document got into the public domain. While it is U (Unclassified), normally FOUO documents are not publicly disseminated. Otherwise, what's the purpose of the FOUO modifier?

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I suspect the whole shedding story was spread to cause mental illness. I've not seen any science which explains how the spike protein becomes a free roaming entity.

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The power of the mind can do amazing stuff, god and bad. It effects most people one way or another.

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Except that I was sick with Covid before the jabs were rolled out. We know they were playing around with gain of function which is such a dangerous thing.

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Mike would you be able to clarify a couple things? You write: "This is VERY interesting. Wondering about how people swear they’ve been ill, while objective evidence indicates that there is no additional lethal influence upon the population?

This phenomenon plausibly goes some way to offer an alternative explanation for “contagion”, where a person swears blind they were ok until after they’d visited others who had been jabbed?"

To my way of thinking illness is not lethality. It is something that can lead to lethality but people often feel sick and get better. So saying one feels sick but not dying from that illness would be very normal in human experience. You seem to equate those two things. Am I understanding you correctly?

Shedding (and I have heard multiple hypothesis on what this involves) seems to have been an adverse event which Pfizer was looking out for in their trials.

Many women have experienced strange menstrual irregularities after being exposed to groups of people or a person who had taken the jab. These menstrual irregularities, some of them very extreme and others truly abnormal, have been independently documented many times over. In your opinion, are these irregularities caused psychosomatically or is it possible that there are physical mechanisms at work of some kind?

Finally, PPE does cause physical harm to many people depending on their particular body. In fact, in the US, OSHA used to be unable to "fit" masks to certain people at all or their use had to be strictly limited and monitored. This was true well before the claim of any pandemic and it is one of the reasons that forcing everyone to wear a mask was actually making many people sick.

PPE certainly has alternative effects of terrifying people and other nasty things such as erasing the humanity of self and others. But again, I feel there are multiple factors at work which we ignore to our peril by saying everything is the result of a psy-op. We have been subjected to an horrific and evil psy-op but is that the explanation for everything we are experiencing?

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