The Health Minister's calling these "vaccines" is just as fraudulent as calling the project a clinical trial. Trial it was for those who received the injections and, thereby, got hooked up to the IoT, but the only experimental part is how accurately specific people can be targeted and how long they would last...

Allowing a little bit of the truth exposed seems to serve the strategy of regaining people's trust in politicians and in the justice system. Too bad, most people in AUS have already been injected, so even if "justice" were served (it won't be), the result would be minuscule or temporary.

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"Indeed, never before had billions of people been injected with vaccines that were still in the trial phase and had only been provisionally approved."

Those "vaccines" were still in a DEVELOPMENT stage, and had been stuck there for years due to still-unsolved problems. Just a little white lie, I guess. Rev. 21:8 has something to say about where the liars (among other kinds) are headed.

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And Revelation 18:23 has something to say about all the nations being deceived by pharmekia. Maranatha

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Oh yes it does. More specifically, the global merchants and the global elite deceiving the nations with their sorcery.


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What do you think was developed and tested in the secret labs worldwide? My best guess is, the "vaccines." They are only one of the many bioweapons used against the people.

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Maybe some labs were trying to find solutions to the manufacturing problems, and maybe simplify the process, I don't know. But it turned out that the defective product served the purpose well. Just blame the injuries and deaths on "covid". No problem getting people to fall for that.

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Anything is possible; I'm opting for what's most likely based on the available information. There are sooo many ways to mimic a "pandemic." 5G is probably the best tool, but apparently, the globalists are now focusing on making sure every living creature can be tracked with the graphene is their system.

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Greg Hunt had to retire, after I sent a note to someone. He was a bureaucrat in the health portfolio, back in John Howard days, his minister and he knew about the anti-malaria drug trials in Bougainville and East Timor. His masters don't like him, as within a week of that note he had to retire to spend time with his family, he also had clots in his leg as a good bye present. Some politicians got the clot shot after all.

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The perfect article for branch covidians who claim that the adverse effects after their "jabbing" was caused because they contracted Covid and argue "thank God I'm vaccinated, it could have been worse".

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I saw a patient in an office I am working at today ...4 jabs and masked ... she said she’s been to more funerals in the last 2 years than her whole life . She got an earful from me today ... her mask was off by the time she left, and in her other hand was a list of supplements and FLCCC website to research . God help each and everyone of us to spread the message. 🙏

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Thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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There is only one-way places like Western Australia will listen. That involves a lot of people and a good amount of violence. I doubt that will happen. The masses have become compliant and don't have the proficiency any longer in fighting for what is right. These government systems will crash due to their weight of corruption, and that's about all we can hope for.

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Don't hold your breath. Australia voluntarily gave up their guns to daddy government- they are, as the article says "very compliant".

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NO actually we are mostly decent, honest folks who did not know we were being SERIOUSLY DECEIVED by our government, etc. which is enormously different from just being "compliant". You have so many many multitudes more boots on the ground, why don't you all make more of an effort to get VERY VERY LOUD about the truth - to the rest of the planet, when you are doing such amazing reach on to your own communities in America. Wake up the rest of the lions please, I am inviting you all to come over here ! and GET LOUD

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French are showing us something.

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You bet !!

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Yeah, I know. Won't happen.

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And Canada is pretty bad too. An injustice of immense proportions! Watch the testimony of a veteran Nova Scotia nurse who was fired for refusing to take the jab. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/veteran-nurse-vonnie-allen-betrayed

New Substack release. Listen to Turfseer’s new protest song A GOOD NURSE: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/a-good-nurse

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A Letter to a Generation


<a href="https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/how-the-us-govt-built-a-shadow-structure-that-enabled-covid-vax-bioterrorism/" target="_blank">The current horrors</a> will not be stopped by politicians and/or lawyers. Those efforts were tried unsuccessfully during the Vietnam era, which you may be too young to remember. They will never work today despite thoughtful analytical essays, websites, petitions, conferences, etc.

Here is a little history from a guy turning ninety this year. (Insufficient space for this comment. To read the article, open www.bigeye.org/letter.htm

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Thank you for this heartwrenching article - this is a global genocide. I can't wrap my head around 'billions' of people rolled their sleeves to take an EXPERIMENTAL bioweapon. GOD help us to help ourselves, especially if it gets into our food. Corrupt bill gates largest land owner in the US - I continue to TRUST & rely on our Creator to guide us to TRUTH & a Miracle ...

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Apr 5, 2023
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We didn't want them anyway

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