Well in all fairness they likely had some sort of mental issues before getting vaccinated... you'd have to be a germophobe, paranoiac, or at least have a high level of extreme risk taking behavior to inject themselves with a rushed and untested experimental technology....

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being uninformed, trusting of experts is not a mental issue. I think we could suggest that being brainwashed is a mental issue, but otherwise mentally healthy people (in the range of society's "normal") can definitely become brainwashed. The fact that this was untested, experimental technology did not break through the programming.

The panic reaction that many (but not all) had, is a separate thing from having mental issues, in my view.

Take, for example, the reason we are not allowed to yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. The human tendency to panic and make things worse is well known. This was weaponized against us.

It's important to break this down so that more of us understand better, for future attempts to weaponize fear and the desire to belong.

Pharmaceutical drug-induced, psychological side effects are definitely a thing, and that too needs to be made more widely known, both by the general public and by the prescribing physicians.

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It is exactly a mental issue since you were mentally asleep and refused to think for yourself.

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Don't act so high and mighty for tomorrow you may fall down on your face.

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Dani , agree 100%

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The military was forced.

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They could have quit the job rather than get the jab, which MANY did in fact do.

Priorities made a difference.

Not right still, but force is physical, coercion is psychological.

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You obviously never served in the military.

Religious exemptions were denied.

People were court-martialed for their refusal.

Less than honorable discharges were given.

That, has a chilling effect on everyone.

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Yes I understand all of those facts...

Those are still forms of coercion.

It's wrong.

However it's not the same thing as physically holding someone down and forcing them to get the shot.

Force is physical.

You can't say you were raped if someone told you that you would lose your job if you didn't have sex with them but you can say you were coerced.

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Force is not solely physical in nature. You don't know what you're talking about. Coercion is a form of force. In your example above, it is still legally rape.

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In what state is using a position of employment power to coerce someone into sex considered rape between adults?

It's horrible. "Rapey" maybe. But I have not seen any such law in which it's actually legally rape to threaten someone that they'll lose their job for refusing sex.

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the alternative to not taking the injection was a dishonorable discharge or that's what they were told. A dishonorable discharge or anything less than honorable is a very bad thing or at least it used to be. Although now it would be a badge of honor for that reason.

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While it may be a personal badge of honor, it would still be very detrimental on someone's military record and result in losses of opportunities for employment, etc.

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Coercion is a form of force. There are many forms force takes. Look it up.

Being married to your opinion forces or coerces you to bend truth to support your opinion.

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This is a bit of silly focus on semantics here but....

"Using force" and "forcing" someone to do something are not one in the same.

A short person might "use force" to try and knock me down to rob me, but if he's unsuccessful, and I retain my possessions, he didn't "force me" to give up my money or phone, etc.

If he threatened me that he'll shoot me, it's forceful AND coercion, but if I don't give in and I disarm him or he wimps out and runs off, he hasn't "forced me", he has "threatened me".

See the difference?

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Not exactly sure why this matters enough to you that you've left me like 4 different comment replies/ notifications.... I'm just clarifying definitions, not approving of the mandates.

I physically went out and protested the mandates.

But I'm also not just throwing meaning to the wind just because I disagree with the behavior....

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You don't know if they had mental issues, but even if they did, these are different and very severe; see the article embedded on psychosis. As for subjecting thrmselves to the vaccine I'm not going to blame them for taking them. It really serves no purpose, and the fact is many were required to take them by their employers.

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Medical professionals are to blame for taking the poison shots without doing proper research. It shows a distinct lack of professional conduct. Even some basic thinking should have forewarned them. i managed it whilst struggling with my health and I am not a doctor.

The vaccines and the side effects or death are judgement on their stupidity.

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Absolutely they are, meaning the medical professionals. Most of them don't read the information given to them that comes along with the shot. I'm talking about the general populace. There should be a level of trust between the medical profession and the general population. And blaming the general populace does them no good for having taking the shot(s).

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So... according to your reasoning, the vast majority who were injected and have no negative side effects or death are intelligent.

"The vaccines and the side effects or death are judgement on their stupidity."

Your statement seems to me to be a confirmation of the stupidity of your judgement.

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Come now, I did not say that. You know as well as I do that the vials could contain anything at all, just saline for all we know.

In any event, each person is an individual with an individual immune system in a different condition. The whole COVID 19 nonsense is a test of people's intelligence to see if they wish to take part in what I call the Great Vaccine experiment, or the Great Retest.


It is playing Russian roulette with your body. You might get an adrenaline kick out of playing the game but one day the 'magic bullet' will be in the chamber.

In any event big pharma make a lot of money out of vaccines and the 'customers' who are injured by them.


So please do think before you write comments in reply to someone.

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I was thinking and I was being facetious. Your "reasoning" afforded my humor since your reason was no reasoning at all.

I'm so tired of people relegating other people to subpar status when that's a big part of the "stinkin thinkin" that landed us in our current situation and perpetuates it.

I don't remember anyone where I worked playing a death wish game by choosing the injection. I remember a lot of scared and confused people who trusted other people that in a sane world they should have been able to trust.

I don't feel superior to them or cold toward them nor do I see them as customers. I see them as tragic people in a world of pain. A world I live in as well. I don't take mental refuge via a false superior attitude. I think that's cowardly.

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Natasha I am going to weigh in here as I can't access an independent posting box. I apologize.


This is a huge topic. Just understanding 'mental illness' and what that means. Then using psychiatric medications to treat the 'symptoms' is also a huge topic in itself.

What stands out to me most is that we are speaking of a huge population of people who believe we are in the middle of a terrifying deadly pandemic that is constantly mutating and in doing so the shots and boosters are endless. And just there anyone, absolutely anyone, any 'normal' human would be feeling anxious, depressed, suicidal etc... Add to that all the measures that were taken, are being taken to keep people 'safe', and we have clear 'reasons' for anyone to feel all of the above.

I won't touch on paranoia and psychosis, it's also a huge topic. And I am not saying in any way that the jabs are not causing reactions that are affecting someone's emotional state. But I am seeing this topic being brought up in different ways in different articles. Slow and steady as we go. Let us not forget what is staring us in the face.

"... dismissed his symptoms as anxiety"

(a sad comment of 'our' lack of giving weight to one's emotional well being)

"... with insomnia, depression, and anxiety "without any sort of rhyme or reason.""

"In Brazil, a previously healthy woman in her late 30s developed refractory psychosis within 24 hours of getting the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. She was aggressive, had disorganized thoughts, and believed she was being persecuted in the hospital."

Possibly because in reality she was?

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Agreed. I think much of what is being described as "mental illness" is appropriate response to the the reality you find yourself living.

All this judginess is backwards and serves nothing but a false self-congratulatory sense of superiority. How that serves anything other than one tiny ego I fail to see.

If we (the people who claim awareness) want the number of people it's going to take to turn the tide of the current tsunami of destruction, we must find ways to help these people get past the shock and awe and join us.

I don't think telling them they are or were mentally ill will serve anyone. I think it's a fabrication that tiny egoes invent and is destructive in and of it's own tiny self.

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Well said, thank you!

To the last part there have been other articles that have spoken to the 'vaccinations' affecting people's behavior. But I realize as I write that, that you understand me.

The piece about helping others to change their perspective is maybe more about listening and not introducing too much info at once as it is, as you say, shocking. And that needs great respect.

I feel folks are really and very understandably amped up right now. No matter their perspective.

And I am concerned the divide is pushed unwittingly by some.

Folks need to feel the shit of it without directing it at each other.

Man are we being pushed to stretch.

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The vaccinations have affected my behavior and I'm unvaccinated. Anyone who claims not to be affected is fooling themselves. The same with mind control.

We are being challenged to break from our egos and rise. I pray we do.

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I'm with you there.

Wise words!

I pray we do as well. ❤️

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"In all fairness..."? There's nothing fair in what you're saying. It's nothing more than a bunch of horse shyte. It's your ill-informed opinion and nothing more, so instead of blaming people who have been mentally damaged by the injections for their own illnesses, LOOK DEEPLY AT YOURSELF and try to determine why you need to write your unkind speculations in a public forum.

Many people were pressured and coerced into the injections in ways I am guessing you never have to face.

Count your blessings and be grateful to God Almighty you were given the grace to avoid being injected. I am not injected and I lost my job and live in poverty. BUT I manage to have empathy for those who fell.

In all fairness, I see in you something I truly wish I had never seen.

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Where Did I blame them for their own illnesses?

You're projecting some kind of assumptions onto me about things I never said.

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First paragraph: Is this a typo ? neurotologist

Suggestion, condense this article significantly.

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No it's not a typo: Neurotology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotology.

If I condense this article people would not be able to read it unless they have Epoch Premium membership

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Weakapedia is not a legitimate source. Please use academic sources. Our high school children know this.

Secondly it is an ear doctor is who is sitting next to the microscope?

Is there a Board certification in this specialty? Or do they just claim the name?

ENT has Board certification obviously, so is it ENT with extra time spent on Ear?

I believe the Ear is extra -CNS, so this possible expert is weighing in on ear damage?

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This is a Substack I am reading. Why are you talking about Epoch?

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An interesting group of doctors not mentioned here, who actually do have visual proof of the jabs altering people’s brains, are those who do Neuro-Feedback therapy. At a conference last year in Florida, some of the findings of the alterations in the brains of vaccinated patients were discussed. Because the patients are regularly having scans taken of the function of their brains (I’m not sure what you’d call the scans exactly, they use caps to record the data, as opposed to an MRI, so they’re looking at all the different wavelengths - alpha, beta, etc, in the different parts of the brain), they have clear maps of the alterations before and after vaccination. I know this to be true from my daughter’s neurofeedback therapist, who has remained awake to all of this.

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Perhaps this is a better link with adequate explanation.


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Re the first " Doctor ". Why the pose with the microscope? Is he a pathologist ?

Things are unclear in this article. Sorry.

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That doctor with the microscope in the photo is the neurotoligist who fell ill after he took the shots.

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Jab = mitochondrial dysfunction and is an endocrine disrupter…. Brain included.

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Our bodies are being poisoned by these jabs and people had better catch on and stop getting them real soon or we can expect this to get much worse. Who still takes this poison after all of the negative side effects and even death?

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Oct 4, 2023
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Many of my friends and family too. Worries me.

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Sorry. You are not alone.....

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We have in laws that adore these jabs and have taken every single one on the market!! We were called extreme right wing conspiracy theorists when we tried to try one more time last fall to stop them. We will never say another word! Whatever happens to them…so be it! We all know they will keep making them worse. So they may have gotten placebos to begin with, but just wait!!!! Especially the ones tested on only mice. Other liberal family members through marriage are so brainwashed nothing will wake them up. A neice in law through marriage, late twenties, has had a massive stroke, hospitalized for three months, three different hospitals in 2022. Then jabbed her babies! Now has a collapsed lung and huge blood clots in both lungs. Has been in the hospital for weeks, but they are sold on the jabs. The brainwashed liberal mother in law got nasty when some of us were speaking about all the injuries and deaths and she ran up and said…..I’m getting my booster next week!!!! Well have at it then!!! I have no sympathy for these people! We tried. They are idiots!

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They suffer from willful ignorance, and probably an unhealthy dose of arrogance. That does not mean we should not pray for them, just the same. Lest we become like they are. That is what I try to practice, even though it is difficult at times.

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We can only witness to the truth and leave it up to the individuals. The vaccines are a judgement on the corrupted, foolish and arrogant. Sometime we have to leave them be. Let the brain dead bury the dead.

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That is another way we can look at it, the Darwin approach. I understand your thinking.

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i was thinking about Jesus's words but in a way, yes. I have seen pro-vaxxers scoff the anti-vaxxers and talking about them receiving the Darwin awards. That backfired on them despite us warning them.

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The Darwin approach reduces mankind to the state of animal. If that's all we are, then let's get this over with. Bring on Mad Max and call it a day.

I'm being facetious. We are not animals. We are created by God in His image. Now let's live up to that truth. God Bless.

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Yeah, I made some mild efforts a couple of times. It was pointless and a complete failure. Now I never say anything. I did ask a thirty something Phd. optometrist if she took the injections. yes, I believe in them she said. I didn't expect that.

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What is really amazing is that they all had covid and did just fine. Plus we took the one brother in law and his family all the supplements we take and they got over it right a way since we live close to them. Yet they forgot about God’s immunity and went and took the jabs. I don’t understand why none of these doctors researched the jabs like all of us. There was no way in the world I would have taken them. Plus years ago I took the flu vax three years in a row because our employer offered them since we also have police and fire personnel. It was the sickest three years of my life. I quit them after that and have never gotten the flu again and these have been around for years. No thanks. I haven’t gotten covid with the supplements I used, plus I keep HCQ and Ivermectin on hand if we need it.

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So sad, one thing is certain, these problems weren't around in 2019.

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Well, not so many. Vaccinating the world has just meant there are an awful lot. This is why COVID 19 came to make it abundantly clear that vaccines, all vaccines ever, were never a Good Idea for health for man or beast.



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I certainly have my doubts about all vaccines now. Most medicines, and all doctors who said nothing...

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and a lot of those doctors will sneer and belittle because you got information from the internet. Instead of them I guess.

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The doctors I have dealt with so far, I treat them with civility. Do I believe them? No they are a product of a warped system and cannot be trusted. Do your own research, crowd source. I'm in a Facebook group with 30k Spinal Stenosis sufferers. I have a question about a medicine, I ask the users not the sellers.

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everyone should be treated with civility. Even those who assume they are superior. Doctors aren't omnipotent and omniscient. They should understand that as well. They usually don't though.

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I observed folks get the shot and their eyes turned red as they sank into illness and brainwashed madness. There is a spiritual element that can not be denied. Sadly, it's rare to open a chart anymore and not see the first medical diagnosis as "Anxiety"...myself included. Thank-you and best wishes to all!

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VA still offering covid shots and booster to veterans.

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So is the Tricare system.

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"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Not just Vets, but their dependents, too.

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It’s disgusting. I started taking my dad there when he got dementia. I stopped all of it! I also blame the statins they gave him for 25 years for the dementia. His cholesterol wasn’t high enough to warrant any medication. If only I had learned about it earlier. My parents just never talked about what they were taking until I started taking them to the doctor.

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Statins are the worst drugs for people to take, especially older folks.

Causes memory loss and muscle weakness.

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You had to already be somewhat mentally ill to accept an experimental injection. Perhaps mentally unstable because you were filled with fear and trusted the authorities with your life. Big mistako, comrade.

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1P36 gene deletion, a known Pfizer side effect.

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Oops! My bad. Among the vxxed? I thought you just meant Liberals.

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"Dr. McDonald treated a vaccinated patient who developed dementia-like depression. The patient, despite being in her 90s, was highly independent and lived by herself. After getting the booster, she was diagnosed with dementia and placed in a nursing home.

Taking ivermectin reversed her symptoms."


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Thank you for all that. I am sorry to say most doctors have been paranoid for some years now and not just the COVID 19 vaccines as the cause.


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My triple vaxed husband of thirty years is no longer the person I married. He actually frightens me sometimes when I catch him staring at me like a stranger.

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Do you mean vacantly or as if he doesn't know you?

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Like he is a different person than my husband

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If a lot of this is inflammation perhaps the injured might want to try a low keto or carnivore diet which will eliminate a lot of foods that cause inflammation along with reducing inflammation over time. I will never understand the people that noticed injuries and then continued taking these jabs. Even my dog knows better that if something makes him sick not to ever eat / engage with it again.

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They don’t blame the shots and their doctors won’t tell them

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I have a friend who had what seemed to be a 4-day panic episode that escalated into hospitalization. He has a history of anxiety, but this was unlike anything I have ever seen.

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Great article, very informative.

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