Oct 6Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

If FEMA can’t fulfill its mandate it needs to be disbanded and defunded.

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Xactly Twitter them asap. Reclaim our government from the steel jaws of intentional chaos and malice.

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The Tennessee National Guard was sent to the Middle East.

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Heartbreaking and infuriating!

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FEMA has shown that IT is the enemy of the people, not there to HELP anyone. In fact, FEMA has worked AGAINST those trying to help. FEMA needs to be abolished, along with the DHS.

And now we have another hurricane, Milton, barreling toward Florida. Will this one also be artificially intensified to cause maximum damage, like they did with Helene?

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Considering when I woke up this morning (10/7/24) the reports were "Milton is expected to be a Category 3 hurricane by its expected landfall on Wednesday." Just got an alert on my phone--5 hours later--that "Milton has been upgraded to a CATEGORY FIVE."

WOW! That intensification by TWO categories sure was quick!

Nah. Surely, they're not going to artificially intensify it to cause maximum damage within a week or so of THE WORLD witnessing for the first time EVER, a hurricane strengthening OVER LAND after going ashore? Surely, they're not thinking of using a second shot of retribution to punish the very State whose Governor broke the Longshoreman strike by offering up the Florida National Guard to keep the ports of Florida open? Nah.

"Conspiracy" only happens in theory, ya know...

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Let us cease being victims and collectively stop this evil, WE CAN.

Please watch and focus on reversing it as I am. Thank you.

Please watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its'

course,, heading it south. I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we

are more powerful than as individuals. rachel


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Could you make your point without the derogatory language? You have no idea about the story of each individual coming to America, whatever way they enter the country. Referring to millions of people you don't know as "filth" adds plenty of heat but does not shed one iota of light on the issue you're trying to highlight.

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The immigrant problem is not what the MSM portray it as. This illegitimate Biden/Harris admin has intentionally and unlawfully facilitated the invasion of our country by all means at their disposal, including flying them directly here from other countries, bypassing the lawful means of entry, and not vetting them. They do this because they are trying to disrupt society and cause chaos. Not to mention, use them as illegal votes.

Yes, many of these illegals are sent here directly from prisons, and are murderers, rapists, drug dealers, terrorists, etc. They are the "filth" that the other countries do not want. They do not belong here, and will have to be deported. Millions of them.

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Venezuela is doing the same thing Cuba did years ago, emptying their prisons and sending them here. Other countries did the same. The MSM is NOT reporting the devastating rise in American crime. Yes, they are skinning and eating cats, that's been documented. Haitians! These people have no clue of our society, they come from 3rd world countries. The bird feeders are hanging out, that's why they're shipped here. What is coming to our country is 3rd world filth. The president is supposed to protect us from invasion, but this president is promoting it by even flying in terrorists that Trump disallowed in our country. That is filth. The cells of terrorists will hit one day soon, and if you're not prepared, you'll be dead.

This is part of the United Nations Global Compact on Migration that the brain dead dingbat commie in our White House signed onto. Of course we know who gave those orders.

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You said it even more forcefully, thank you.

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Oh boo hoo

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The FEMA presence in Appalachia is an Anti-American operation!

There…I said it!

FEMA is deliberately neglecting the victims of Helene while TARGETING anyone with the effrontery to try to help these desperate storm victims!!

A local reporter, Jeremy Herrell of LFA TV was threatened by FEMA for reporting that this four letter agency has gone rogue and is stopping private relief efforts while confiscating the food and water these private groups are trying to deliver to the victims!

It has gotten to the point local NC sheriffs have banded together and will arrest FEMA officials who try to impede the private groups’ efforts to save the lives of their fellow Americans!

Watch this in horror: https://t.me/c/1756533924/20741

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Link doesn't work

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You have to have Telegram installed.

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If you have Instagram, this might work: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAvyvxJJgOL/

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I don't but thanks anyway

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I don't either. Thanks.

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Duke Energy didn't want the dam to fail, they had to release water. Part of Agenda 21/30 is also to get rid of all the manmade dams.

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you have to be a telegram member.

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Amen, thank you. Bottom line, they want the people dead because they want the land in Spruce Pine, NC that contains all the quartz needed to run automobiles destroyed. Why? Read Agenda 21/30, they don't want us traveling, only bicycles or feet, no cars, no motorcycles.

And no one has looked at what Doug Emhoff actually has stock in yet either.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

The plan may be to get rid of Americans and resettle third world fugees there. Funny how as soon as someone tested "positive" for COVID anywhere a few years ago trillions of dollars were immediately thrown around:)

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True, and there is no Covid, it's the flu...all of that was done as control...a test. And the Americans failed, they all complied. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn told us, NEVER COMPLY!

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Trillions of dollars thrown around re COVID, but nothing for Helene victims.

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Disgusting what is happening in NC

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Sounds like corrupt, obstructive, murderous FEMA personal need to be removed from the situation via any means neccesary.

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Very good read, Kelleigh . Have been linking quite a bit about this the past couple of days @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/. Will be linking your take tomorrow as well. Thanks Lioness for sharing!!!!

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how do I sign up for NNUTS?

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Click on the link When the site comes up, to the left should be Blue highlighted message to follow NNUTS. Just click on it. That should do it.

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got it

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Already got confirmation, you should get an email every day when I post.. Thanks. Actually my site is more important than my Substack, because of the news links. Substack is basically my daily image and to make people aware the site is there.

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FEMA & 'Law EndForceMeant'. SAME Play-Book (& maybe Military 'Tech DeployMeant') as in Maui!!

Has Anyone asked if Las Vegas, Then Maui, Police Chief /Non Bias Coroner - John PelletTier, Has been PRE relocated to Local Carolina/ Tennessee area - Just BEFORE 'HurryCane' was 'Released'?

To the U.S. 'Feral (Federal) AgentSeize (Agencies). YOU, DO KNOW, that 'Weaponising Weather', IS against InterNatIONall/ & NatIONal ENMOD ConventIONs!!

'Funding/ Support' for 'ImmiGrants' & Figures Bandied of US$ 1 Trillion over 3> 4 Years for Upkeep of said 'Foreigners'. - I'm OZtopian (Australian), & I'm Sure, that FEMAs annual Budget is U.S$ 29 Billion & Change- So the US$ 200 Billion/ Year, has got to have been 'Stripped' from somewhere else!! Your U.S Treasury Dept., HAS 'Ratted' - Over Several Administrations, THE Citizens 401K/ Super/ Pension fund of Approx U.S$ 28 Trillion, So That IS a vacuum! Same Treasury, not long back, 'Admitted' that it Couldn't pay it's Monthly 'Interest Payment' to the PRIVATELY OWNED U.S Federal reserve; "Even if we Stole Money from other Federal Budgetary zones!" FEMA, 'Blew' a Bucket load of Coin, after 4>5 Star Hotels 'Kicked out' Survivors of Other Military Ops - On Maui, so that FEMA 'Staff', could 'Lounge Lizard', US$1500 > 1800 a Day Hotel rooms ( Hope 'They' - FEMA Agents) weren't InCONvenience very much, Whilst doing EXACTLIE NOTHING, in another MIS/DISaster!

PLUS US$ 10s of Billions going to Israeli FOR - 'Civilian Operations'[Sic], & the Ucranial BudJetTry Black Hole! = FederAll Policies - Round & Round Ewe go!

Wellness to All - John D.

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Sadly, this is our new normal, and there's nothing we can do to change it. THEY have all the power, all the money, all the resources to implement their schemes. We sat by and did nothing while they took complete control of our institutions. All we can do now is hunker down, prepare for the end, and take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

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Evil is all around us in plain sight.

May the Lord be with those that are calling it out and fighting against it.

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Thank you.

However, WE NEED NOOT BE VICTIMS, by the grace of God, we can collectively change

what is being thrown at us. We have free-will, I do not accept this evil storm and choose to

weaken and reverse it.

Please, watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its'course,,

heading it south. I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we

are more powerful than as individuals. God bless, rachel


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