Yup. And not just shades of Benghazi, but also 9/11/2001 - where were the military jets that should have been scrambled to take down (or at least follow) the 3 planes that had not yet flown into buildings? We are still being told the disgusting lie that the transponders were shut off in the planes so they could not be tracked. To your point, Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

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You’ve nailed it all. . Thanks

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How about the recent Lahaina fires? The water was turned off and witnesses saw local police blocking evacuation routes.

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Yes. The government continually demands that we don't believe what our own eyes see and what our own common sense tells us.

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It is becoming obvious that the stand down is the common thread in all false flags.

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Exactly, they said this attack was Israel's 9-11, which makes total sense. It was a false flag attack allowed to happen to innocent civilians by way of a stand down.

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Frankly, I don’t believe that hating Zionism is remotely the same as hating Jews.

Zionism, Mossad, Hamas, the government of the state of Israel are ALL part of the Pathocracy.

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Truth . . . Thry conflate the BS with impunity. . .

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TY , Gary ........well said . shalom

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Correct. And it doesn’t take an event like this to hate such ENTITIES.

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Going to only say what I know for sure, one single thing. I live in region of one Israeli airforce base. over time you learn sounds, speeds, elevation and what it means when news comes late. So over time you know the mission by the sounds before the news that follows.

Since Arabs like to act up on the sabbath, the airforce always flying on Sabbath. That particular sabbath I noticed something quite odd. The airforce was totally quiet in my area. I counted, and about 7 hours totally quiet. This is odd and noticed before news of an invasion was even on the news.

I can't speak of anything else outside of my purview.

I would only hope that if some evil was done by a govt to its people, please don't also attack the people and that nation.

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U are awake my friend - ty Stive for a meaningful observation . ......... ....shalom

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Sounds like evidence to me.

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Let's take a Chinese-Spy-Balloon perspective on all this. In the abstract, it's a way to distance ourselves from the fly-paper propaganda. We know what time it is (sic). A lot lot lot people -- even ones I used to respect -- have taken the bait, chosen-up sides, etc. Humanity too is subject to entropy. I think our action plan should be the following: stay out of it; be civaly disobedient; keep reminding neighbors that this is THEM vs US; prepare...as in prepper stuff; and as callous as this sounds --> grab the popcorn. I'm anti-war, anti-death, and pro-humanity. But can I control what's out of my control?

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I venture to say we are not Chinese spy balloons and to believe ourselves capable of the perspective of said balloon is a fantasy. Because we are all in this world whether we like this fact or not. Our preferences do not result in a hill 'o beans.

To stay out of it, to pop popcorn and watch the "show" is an analogy I can see coming from a TV producer, but it is very likely (given the reality of the world we are actually living in and not floating above as an imaginary balloon) at some point there will be someone else, maybe even Mr. Gates and his offspring, sitting on a sofa with fresh popcorn watching as everyone and everything you hold dear is ripped to shreds. Limb from limb.

The only question the popcorn munchers will have drifting through their little minds as they watch your horror unfold in detachment will be, "Did I put too much butter on the popcorn?"

That is entropy in full blown action. God Bless.

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I did t mean to be glib. And the popcorn comment has zero to do with my handle. I am totally on agreement with you. But I think it’s helpful to step back and observe, in addition to participating in the real resistance. I full well understand that they want us dead — at the hands of one another if possible. And OMGosh, I just said the same thing about Entropy to my husband. Let’s hope this chaos makes it harder for the Bill Gates of the world to reach their goals. God bless you too.

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IMO when advocating detachment we have to be very aware of the subject we are seeking to detach from. In this specific instance where people, not governments or religions, are experiencing horrific pain and suffering, it's important not to detach from their ordeal and become simply an observer of their pain or we are in very real peril of losing our compassion for them. In this instance, I feel compassion is more productive than detachment.

In my personal experience of compassion, it is not detached from the person(s) I feel compassion for.

In regards to the politics, the governments and the politics of religions, I think detachment can be useful, though it is very important to distinguish between the people, the citizens of countries and the politics of countries.

This is where I found your comment glib. There was no discernable division between the people and the politics and that is to a large degree what is causing increasing pain and suffering for the people. That's why I took issue and why I think in a deadly circumstance like the one in Palestine and Israel, care must me taken in communication and ideas we endorse to one another.

I don't think, without careful consideration and clarity, that advocating becoming a balloon that floats above it all or popping popcorn and watching the show is helpful. Because the show is one of real terror and horror. I think this attitude easily promotes a callous disconnect from others and foments exactly the sort of division you mention as detrimental.

This is my opinion, of course. God Bless us all.

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My one trusted source indicated that indeed the orders to stand down came from the top. Per my source it was intentional with the reasoning that Israel would be the aggressors if they responded immediately; and then Israel would not be able to justify a planned retaliation. IMO this was a very bad and intentional decision which in effect was to start a major War in the region.

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EXCELLENT analysis , ty Mike . ............... ....shalom

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This reminds me of the stories from Hawaii… no one answers calls for help. And also the school shooting where the cops stood in the hallway. I believe that everything happening in the Middle East was planned by all of our corrupt “leaders.” People suffering or dying are of no matter to them, just keep killing and stealing money.

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Netanyahu desperately needed this distraction; perhaps that is why Palestinians were provoked to the utmost, like sending officials surrounded by soldiers to the mosque. Many commentators believe the security failure was intentional to serve as a Pearl Harbour.

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May be ... Israel has a dilemma: it is surrounded by nations and people clearly intent of wiping all Jews out of the Middle East, if not the entire world. Iran is on the brink of having nuclear armaments. What would you do if knew all your neighbors wanted to kill you, they were close to having the means to do it, and your entire family and you had nowhere else to go?

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Oh, yeah. I would set my neighbors up to make it look like they were attacking me so that I could attack them back and kick the shit out of them. Definitely.


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With dilemmas there are no good courses of action or inaction.

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You really just don’t know until you’re really just in it.

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We have a much more, long enduring security fiasco on the southern border of the United States. I spite of lessons from thousands of years of human history there’s no lack of foolishness these days.

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It takes two belligerents at least to make a war. Always lead by the warmongering leaderships and those who easily push them towards war in their own interests. It's an old story lost here. Picking sides in this instance is a rubes game of naivety. Something really stinks to high heaven from underneath all the claptrap about this whole event but we do know who does the suffering as their interests surrounding family and living life do not matter under the present paradigm.

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This is just another in a very long line of Mossad and the Zionist terrorists. Kinda like September 11-2001. Just being told they breeched the worlds strongest military regime, by golly gosh darn it they pulled a fast one on us. I'd like to believe that Americans will wake up as to the absolutely insane operations that IDF and Mossad have attacked other people for decades and decades.

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I have an explanation. It’s the same reason our government did 9/11. When you have the most technologically advanced surveillance and military in the world and you and your buddies still need to steal more money, you manufacture the illusion of danger and fear so as to whip the brainless masses into a frenzy, begging to be made safe again. Sounds like its working perfectly. Before the smoke settled and the blood congealed Biden was already asking for billions more in aid to be sent to Israel (our partner in 9/11 by the way). War is among the most profitable business models on the planet.

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The hostages are not just civilians, they include women and children and babies. Is there no country on this planet doing anything? It will be 2 weeks tomorrow. I imagine there is something going on we are unaware of but in my mind, not enough, and certainly not fast enough? Does this not seem as tragic as the attack?

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They are claiming that hangliders caused "The speed, precision and scale of Hamas’s attack had thrown the Israeli military into disarray, and for many hours afterward civilians were left to fend for themselves."

Were the hang gliders moving to slowly to be picked up by missile defense systems? Credulous.

This is quite the David and Goliath story.

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One has to Step back FROM, ' THE ACTion', & Observe ' WHO's ASSETS' are @ Play in ALL Situations! Hamas ' PLUS' IS an Israeli - Sorry, Mossad ' Asset'! As for Sept 11, Strategic Broad spectrum & Multi Usage stratagems from ANY one event, ARE Maximised= STD Ops! - U.S. Operations ' Coincidental' - Sept 11 - U.S. Military & NORAD - ' Operation Northern Vigilance'. Ditto ' AllLies Of the Willing' Partners- The U.K. - London 7/7 Coincidental Ops ' Hanover Exercise'. Incorporating Australia/ N.Z. - Coincidentally ' Timed' Bali Bombing ' Episodes'.

NATO ' Leverages' per Organised ' Activities & Events' AGAINST ' HOME' Populations- Begun in Mid ' 60's - STILL OPERATIONAL TODAY! - MSM ' Reinforced'!

For followers of Sun Tzu's - The ART of WAR! = Intelligence & ' Diversion' IS ALL! - ZERO LIMITS.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot = Delicate Balancing ' Dance Moves' then? In the U.S. It's called the Potomic 2 Step, in OZtopia, it's called the Burley Griffin 2 Step (SINthetically created - Apt), & the U.K. Do The Balfour Quick Step ON ' Other Peoples Patch'!

Sept 11th. A Call to ' Please Explain' $U.S 100's of BILLIONS ' MISSING' in the Black Eagle Fund ( D. Chaney/ D. Rumsfeld)- To be ' Explained' to Oversight Committee Sept 12th. Only 'Records of FUNDS' held @ WTC 7 Building AND - Naval Intelligence Section at THE Pentagon! = Coincidence rears it's Form again, Via CONvenient destruction of BOTH records installations, plus Diversionary 'STATE Emergency'! Compliances of NON aligned 'Terrorist Assets'. Al Qaeda, along with Many others - A CIA ' Asset'.

Please note; ' Country I.D' Descriptions ' Attached to Negative Outcomes, via Event/ Activity/Deed, are a reference to That Country's Govt/ Military/Corporate Complex & Bureaus- Agencies- Forces- Politic & Assoc radicles therein. Media inclusive. ALL other 'Normal Folks', NO matter their Nationalities & Moderated Beliefs, ARE ' Up for it', as a part of ' Standard strategy' - see NATO Operation Gladio!.


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