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90% of the world’s problems exist only because these psychopaths exist.

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Exactly correct!

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I am wondering is this what money does to these people?

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Money and power.

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Rothschilds and Rockefellers have a monopoly on both.

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When the rockefellers took over “wink wink” toxic medicine, petroleum based poison and syringes, cancer blew the roof. So they funded and started the cancer society. So sheep donate to the same psychopaths that give the world cancer! Pretty much all diseases and so called plandemics come from the vials of poison pushed through the skin with a syringe! Oh look at my pink ribbon they gave me for my donation! Gee I wonder why there’s never a cure found!

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Yes, I think it's time for we the people to write up a charter.

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We could always dust off the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights....

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What in the world is “voluntary depopulation” that’s a very ingenious way of stating the genocide already running right now in us!

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That's when everybody gets nudged over the edge of a cliff. Ooops! You didn't push back. You must have voluntarily fallen off of the edge. For example: when the vax destroys your life and they offer to assist in your suicide. Or when they lock you down until you complete your life, etc. The moral of the story is nudge back bigger.

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Oh in Canada when sheep opt for the maid program, they have to sign away their organs first! Sheep are worth more dead than alive! Because they care for your health and well being!

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Let me get this straight. Coke and heroin are legal and people still need help with their suicides? That's crazy. A big speedball and a 6-back of Molsten Ice will kill anybody.

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How about this. We give these murderers fair trials and we waive the death penalty but they spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Generous, I think.

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Given their position on depopulation, imprisonment for life would not be their choice.

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With one condition, give them all the faccines they push on children and adults every day, every day force them to read the bible, ask them to change their gender once a week, put a cip or two in their head and feed them with bugs and plastic five times a day.

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I think jails to good for them.

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Execution is too good, but I guess it's going to have to be good enough.

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Is it me or don't ya think at some point the so-called "excess eaters" will figure out the bamboozle and say enough? Upon which they will burn the UN, WEF, WHO and other like organizations to the ground. What am I missing? Pax

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Nope. To blind to see

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I read a little of their report because I wanted to see for myself if it was really that stupid. I stopped because it soon became apparent that these aren't misled people who really believe in what they are saying. They are elitists that know what they are saying is total BS, but they think everyone else is stupid enough to believe it because they are "experts". In other words, they are trying to pull the wool over our eyes because they think so little of us. Think about this: They say that mankind might cease to exist because we are causing global heating with such a large population. Well, even if we were causing global heating, if we start dying from it, then there won't be as many to heat the planet, so it would eventually reach equilibrium, so humanity would not cease to exist. Just plain stupid! And to say that overpopulation is a threat to humanity and can kill us off is also just plain stupid. There are too many of us, so none of us will exist? Again, if that were true, an equilibrium would be reached. Unless I guess we all die on the exact same day? There is no way these people believe this stuff. They play us for fools and their arrogance pisses me off!

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The audaciousness of thinking that they are going to kill everybody without getting killed back is just wild. It must take years of Satanic Ritual Witchcraft to get there.

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Their end must be close, they are so desperate and push hard all the bs they can. Their end, not ours. Wake up, your governments are working for them, not for you, is the only thing they rely on, which is making them to have such big wet dreams.

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I am not surprised at all by this. They no longer attempt to hide what they are doing. We have reached the point of complete moral inversion which was referred to by the Prophet Isaiah 5:20. What is being described is the Beast System of Revelation 13, complete with a mechanism for controlling all commerce using a bio-digital ID (Mark of the Beast), central bank digital currency and social credit score system. Additional information can be obtained at the following: https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/has-the-eschatological-sequence-begun and


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Appears as though it's high time for 'THE PEOPLE' of the world to rise at the same time as the Pagan Demon Worshiping Establishment Nazi Pukes are hidden COWARDS having NO credibility, honor, integrity and no PRIVILEGE granted by God to rule.

The Techno Feudal-Nazi's must be ended...All of them. Until 'The People of the World' rise to remove the 'NAZI ESTABLISHMENT PUKES', this TYRANNY IS TO CONTINUE.

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The UN has been deeply corrupt for decades as was the League of Nations before it. ALL Western countries should exit the UN. It is our leaders who need to be held accountable for this. They bought in. Let’s bring down these traitorous Western leaders via the ballot box. If that fails, there is only one other option. And North Americans, including Canadians, are still armed.

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Nice...75% of globalist turds to be flushed into the rivrt Styx. I can dig it, daddio.

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Elected, selected, or installed, all officials dance to the same global tune.

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It is quite amusing to me that globalists never seem to include themselves in those population reductions… I’m quite convinced that by the time the earth population is reduced by 25%, if at all, most if not all of the globalists will be NOT alive to see it and “enjoy’ it…

The only satisfaction, if any, people like Gates or Soros can have is that they are going to be some of the richest globalists at the cemetery…

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To hell with every bit of that thought.

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They are demons who hate the Living God and His image bearers and creation. The enemy wants to destroy us. This is ultimately a spiritual war- Satan vs God.

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