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Oct 9, 2023
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We will make sure to leave you behind in the skirmish.

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Matthew 24:5-14

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"Like a thief in the night" despite locked doors, alarm system, and border security?

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Exactly Edwin. Very sophisticated system failed to deploy ?! …. 🧐 hmmm no .

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Well I don't know. The elaborate, sophisticated alarms in Hawaii just happened not to be activated for umm.. the reason was..um... I'm not sure. I bet there was a reason though. Anyway if alarms got "broke" in Hawaii, I guess other alarm systems could get broke at other places. Right?

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I don’t believe Russia had anything to do with this attack, but I do believe that Ovomit and Obiden do!!!! We are lucky he didn’t initiate nuclear attacks on us yet! Billions to Ukraine against a Ovomit/Obiden Ukrainian war to hide their corruption, Zelensky basking in all our taxpayers dollars and living high on the hog, money being funneled to who knows who bank accounts, the Nazi regime running Ukraine that THEY installed and killing the Ukrainian people, the biolabs used against all of the world by these evil monsters Ovomit/Obiden and now the attack on Israel. The fact they just gave $6 billion to Iran is telling and that is where this starts. They knew exactly what they were doing. Now we are sending our ships to “aid” Israel…..hogwash. They are just doing this to act like they are against what happened. They knew it was going to happen and likely was part of it. I’ll never trust anything out of our federal government again (it was already on shaky ground) and I bet the CIA was also instrumental in all of this. So when are the military age men being shipped into America by Ovomit/Obiden/Bush/Clinton going to get armed or directed to start attacks on Americans. It’s time to be very vigilant and wake the F* up! We need to find out where these groups are being held in each and every state. We must get organized instead of thinking we can act alone to protect ourselves.

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You have it right Joni.

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It’s scary as hell what is coming and Americans really need to wake up. People I’ve corresponded with who have friends in Canada have seen these Chinese nationals training there over the last couple of years. We have to locate these settlements the men are in. It is no doubt they are all together and training for their big day! This is just one reference on the refugee resettlements: https://immigrationforum.org/article/fact-sheet-u-s-refugee-resettlement/. This is another link: https://www.unhcr.org/us/what-we-do/resettlement-united-states. Odd no Chinese nationals are listed. Plus we have far exceeded the numbers that they planned to allow into America! It’s amazing that our states are all in on this! I know our Rhino governor will have a hand in it. He is totally aligned with the deep state.

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Saw pics of armed Chinese in snow gear training in the snow in BC. There was a death of one of them and it was a little suspicious as to what the hell they were doing there. Justin likely buried it. It astounds me that the women and men ( in that order ) listen to him and support him. Simply astounding. A part time drama teacher. Hey, just like the actor/ comedian Zelinsky and ...the actor for FJB that was caught recently on people's phone videos energetically, youthfully walking away from his acting site by himself and getting in his Honda car by himself. He was busted by the crowd and they called out to him and he whooped it up for them joking around putting his arms in the air and laughing. He still had his mask on. Noah website I believe, WLT also. Must be elsewhere on non censored sites. They really don't hide it anymore. They have so much fun making fun of the ignorant public that it probably makes the joke so worth while.

Where did all those private eyes go? And the paparazzi ? Where are they? For all the paparazzi followers out there...maybe the fans are on tic toc and instagram now. Why don't we have sleuth social media people or do they get banned when they post investigative information?

So many questions.

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I’ve seen his double running around on various media masked and its real obvious its not FJB. I agree about Justin. I don’t know how anyone supports him and what he had done to Canada. It’s criminal and he’s still there destroying their lives and their country.

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Nailed it. Thank you for your raw truth

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Thank you, and you are welcome!!! None of this weakening of America and destruction of other countries by this illegal regime in our federal government is by accident. This is what Ovomit wanted from the beginning! It’s just that Trump spoiled the apple cart when he won the election and Hitlery didn’t get in. Now its all being accelerated to end and destroy America and the American people as fast as possible. It’s clear that the majority of Congress is also involved since few have spoken out about what is happening.

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As an American abroad, you exemplify the insightful, informed intellectual American who is a rarity. Sentient points all.

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Thank you so much. God bless you and keep you safe!

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My thanks. God Bless you too. x

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How come we don't know where approx. 5 million people are being held? Some people know. More then just some. Well speak up people. Stop accepting money for silence and disgusting criminal work. You will most likely be killed for what you know and did so escape now while you still can. And do some damage to the Evils while you are at it.

How about we start being a little more suspicious of underground tunnels in cities and bunkers in SW Va etc. I read there are possible underground holdings on J Epstein's ranch in NM. Near the modest ranch house, near the non used ? oil rigs. The King's land is surrounding Epstein's, like completely...the researcher author said and showed the deeds and lots. It just so happens the older couple ( the Kings - well connected there, he is a lawyer ) deals in orphan children and various children's organizations AND the wife has a PhD ( if my memory serves me correctly ) Chemistry and specializes in Direct Energy Weapons. A few weird things have happened in that area involving children and law enforcement and then they got buried; likely when the corrupt FIB and the main culprit alphabet agency came in to " take over " " we've got this, go home ". The planes land and then hide under some nearby trees on the ranch. Still visible by SAT photos. Interesting it was still active, well with Epstein dead and everything🙄

This might make some good sleuthing and if our law enforcement is reading this, please look for the children and save them from torture. Don't forget to look underground, bring the right equipment hint: the trap doors may be in the basement of the house or under the floor boards if no basement. And thank you for being good humans and doing the job for which we pay you. Best.

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Interesting that you mention the tunnels. I heard a lot about them when Trump was in office and he was working with the military to destroy them. Apparently they are under many states. It’s sickening to know how evil so many people are that they trafficked these children for such evil and despicable purposes beyond sexual abuse, but torture and sacrificing them. I wouldn’t be surprised what was surrounding Epstein’s ranch house and the surrounding areas. I’ve read a lot over the last ten years about how much the children service agencies are trafficking children and many go missing every year and no one ever looks for them. Also some of the other children’s organizations were not as they seemed and were used for these evil purposes.

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You’ve got it totally right. I’m sure if not the CIA then another of the Cabal controlled three letter agencies US or UK we’re instrumental in this diabolical plan. Ukraine is lost and has only months left before a complete surrender so we need an Israeli 9/11 event to take our eyes off of the Nazi (Jewish) Zelensky and perpetuate more war. These wars and our communist Biden’s government agenda are trying to bring the US to its knee’s morally and financially. I can’t see any Uniparty official in any position to stop this madness.

This 9/11 event stinks as bad as the twin towers demolition and finding one of the “terrorists” passports in the street. Many of us have grown wiser but a majority still believe cnn.

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I agree with you completely! You know if we are sitting out here deciphering all the information and finding the real truth, you have to know that the majority of our officials are completely corrupt and in on it. If I was in office, I would be screaming from the mountain tops yet we see no one other then President Trump is speaking out. It’s evil and despicable.

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Correct they needed the tax payer to make forced donations to IsRaEl cuz you cannot say you dont want to help them or you will be lableled anti-semitic.

So anything goes for them nothing goes for us.

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The Hamas supporters are rallying across Canada too, celebrating the attacks on our Jewish brothers and sisters. Moreover, a major union local, tweeted their support in a since removed tweet re: Palestine is rising...the president of CUPE liked the tweet. This local represents profs at McMaster University. It is disgusting, and so far our government has done nothing to stop the hatefests rising in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. God have mercy. Christ have mercy.

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All planned by the Globalists ahead of time. Primed and ready to go. All the pieces were in place, T shirts, banners etc made before Bibi opened the door. It is what, day three , over a weekend, and everything is all ready to go. 🤔

Everybody please use critical thinking and world history as a guide. Not triggered emotions. The Cabal uses this against you.

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Bibi and his Globalist cronies invited this in. He had CNN there filming before the doors were even opened. He has sacrificed the citizens of Israel already to the highest Bioweapon Injection rate.

Blatantly. This " home grown" attack serves many purposes you all should see here, especially the authors. Serves to cover up his mass weekly deaths from the Bioweapon Injection, covers up and distracts from investigations of such in Israel, acts as a Pearl Harbour, 911 etc to kick start a WW3, a new great excuse to destroy Palestinians and surroundings, a new money and weapons laundering outlet for the US of A since the Ukraine hoax is now being realized by the Americans. Probably more benefits then this even, like keeping him and his cronies in power, since he vacillates between leadership and being jailed.

It really is so obvious and the same old story over and over again.

PS. Did you notice in your pic of Muslims marching, in the front row are all three the same people or identical twin triplets ( highly impossible ). Hopefully this is not photoshopped.

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Look at Bibi face and eyes when saying "It's war" : He's happy.

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Great info.

Does that Hamas leader look Jewish or what? He looks like a casting call rabbi.

Thank you!

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Very interesting. I read the entire essay. Excruciating research.

The take home which will flip people out is that Arabs are part Jews and Jews part Arabs because they are all intermingled with the Arab/Jewish ruling class and even the other classes with the affairs and rapes inceste etc. specifically the Arab ruling class have been Jewish through the years. Does this summarize it correctly?

It is what I thought originally on a simplistic level but I could not provide the proof equations that they are all really from the same pot and and it is just tribal fighting, now I have learned it too, is mostly theatre. Accept for all the unfortunate lives that are lost and harmed via collateral damage in the way they do business and rule their countries.

Thank you to you and your colleague for the enlightenment. Everyone should at least skim this to improve their understanding of what is going on and that it is really a set up to take our money.

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Sure they are all related. Goes back to Old testament......they are all cousins ir brothers going back to Abraham. That is what makes it more absurd.

Myself i probably carry dna of one or more of the Israel tribes. ....and so many others.

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“Why? Because, at this point, both sides want it. They’ve been manipulated into mutual hatred and they’re taking the bait.”

None of us should take the bait on anything related to this conflict: data/information about who, what, where, when, how, why, etc. Keep you guard up and a cool head.

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Absolutely right. It is a trick by the No Good leaders again!

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This has all the makings of a false flag. There is no way Hamas caught the IDF off guard. It was a setup to do the following. 1. Unite Israelis so the Netanyahu government stays intact through upcoming elections 2. Start another war or basically a genocide of everyone in the Gaza Strip. 3. Take attention away from the NATO loss in Ukraine.

This is an orchestrated attack by the Cabal (Illuminati / banking cartel / deep state or whatever you call these satanic monsters that want to depopulate and enslave the world).

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A great assessment and warning to freedom loving citizens. It’s inevitable, sooner than later, that terrorists attacks will begin in America. We have been infiltrated with thousands of terrorists who are just waiting on the green light to proceed. Keep your head on a swivel.

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These globalists are monsters. We need to have a tax that takes everything from anyone with more than say a billion dollars. These people have so much and still it is just war, destruction and propaganda because no matter how much they take, it is never ever enough.

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And guess what Muslim is behind puppet Biden, DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! We must DEMAND our state GOVERNORS form our own citizen militias IMMEDIATELY!!!! Where are all the MEN IN THIS COUNTRY?????Stand up PROTECT and FIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILIES!!!!!! You should be SWARMING THE OFFICES OUR CONGRESSMEN/CONGRESS WOMEN- SHERIFFS OFFICES - and be VOICING OUR CONCERNS!!!

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You do understand, Good People, that this is a "False Flag"? You are aware Hamas is controlled by Mossad and the CIA? That what is really happening, since the bogus war in Ukraine was going nowhere, "The Powers That Shouldn't Be" created this "Pearl Harbour Event" to goad America into a war with Iran, and thus a nuclear confrontation with Russia? Just saying. How do I know? I don't, as such. But it's just like the Kennedy assassination, or the murder of Diana, or 9/11 or the 7/7 London bombings ... about a dozen other things: Everything about it is so tediously predictable... And so nakedly obvious... 🤔


Capt. Roy Harkness

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I agree with you that Israel became complacent and perhaps was resting on their laurels all the way back to the 6 day war. On first glance Hamas seems to be committing suicide but their aim is to draw other players in like Hezbollah and even Iran. If that happens the US will probably move ground troops in to protect Israel. If that doesn't happen Israel might have to dip into their nuclear arsenal which everybody knows they have. The end game looks like it's shaping up as a dystopian nightmare.

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If they use nuclear weapons they will never be able to inhabit Israel again due to the radiation and fall out.

That would be a problem.

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They might not have a choice since Iran will soon have nuclear weapons and will use them against Israel.

Mike Adams has an interesting take on the Hamas incursion. He says the Israeli government allowed it to happen to gain public support for the use of nuclear weapons against Iran to destroy its nuclear program. He says they were willing to sacrifice a few thousand of their own people in order to gain support not only among their own people but among the liberal western countries. https://www.brighteon.com/6d28b0a8-de39-4848-bd0d-a2d896bfb7c4

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Yes, of course on your second paragraph.

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Easy fix.....USA will be the new Israel....oh wait....it already is.

This attack is designed solely to destroy Hamas. They will sacrifice many of the other side to achieve the goal.

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Keep in mind that the Saudis are doing a peace deal with Israel. Now it may be unwinding. Hamas et al. cannot let peace take place otherwise they would have no reason to exist. All funding would stop and Hamas and Hezbollah would cease to exist. Hate is their business.

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Mike Adams has an interesting take on the Hamas incursion. He says the Israeli government allowed it to happen to gain public support for the use of nuclear weapons against Iran to destroy its nuclear program. He says they were willing to sacrifice a few thousand of their own people in order to gain support not only among their own people but among the liberal western countries. https://www.brighteon.com/6d28b0a8-de39-4848-bd0d-a2d896bfb7c4

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