Kind of eerie, I just wrote about developing attitudes for an environment of war. Seems the general sentiment is in the air, unfortunately.


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God’s will, God’s plan, God’s glory, be done. Thank You, Lord, for the hope we have in Your Son, Jesus.

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The elite think they can hide in their bunkers while NATO saves the day and wins the nuclear war. This madness around the world must end and it will only end when the globalists are put away for good. This evil runs deeper than the Gates and Soros public display oligarchy. These monsters control the intelligence apparatus, government and the military but now are so outnumbered they must still hide in the shadows. But God wins

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"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." Revelation 20:20 KJV.

"I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done" Isaiah 46:9,19 KJV. It's all been foretold. And the night grows darker still, as we enter the tunnel let us keep our focus on that pinpoint of light at the end of the tunnel, determinedly walking toward it.

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Excellent write up. It takes effort to keep up with all that is going on. My friends and family do not believe much of what I say to them. I had a friend, no longer, that called me a coward for telling him that he is being lied to. Of course, he is also double vaxxed and boostered up so, oh well.

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With WW3 comes the same risks for the brain dead globalists as any other human. How will the earth survive WW3? I am assuming you mean a nuclear war. Will some patch of land or water remain pristine so that the globalists will have a place to wait out the destruction that will take decades to reverse, if ever?

Not even the all-knowing globalists (lmao) can predict the result from a shock the size of WW3 as a nuclear holocaust. In fact, there is no great shock the global dumbbells can predict the outcome of. They thought their fake covid pandemic would be enough to enslave the world. No, they underestimated their power and the desire of all 7.8 billion humans to accept their nonsense.

The farther they go down the rabbit hole, the closer they get to having their own butts grabbed by the wolf.

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Won't happen unless we allow this to happen!! It's time for everyone to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!!

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Russia/Ukraine War serves ONLY to suck the U.S. Middle Class Cash Cow dry...To prepare for attack by the BRICS in conjunction with those loyal to The Committee of 300 including the U.S. Techno-Treasonous both Militarily and Economically. Anybody believing Russia and Putin NOT of the whole Conspiracy is taking some of the CCP produced Fentanyl-laced Cocaine/Heroin.

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Glad to see you featured Leo Holman’s article. He’s been a featured guest on Brannon Howse Live many times and always gets to the nuts and bolts of it all.

I highly recommend checking out his articles as he is always on point and over the target as they say.

Thanks again for sharing this wonderful article with us all.

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