These people are truly sick.

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Not sick, evil. They worship satan. klaus is his man-bride.

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These globalist are psychopaths that are bend on enslaving the world. Everything they are doing is ungodly and wicked. Their thinking is rotten and their hearts are dark. They need to go to where they came from…hell.

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It is troublesome beyond imagination that on the 248th anniversary of the greatest Republic on Earth it is threatened by the same forces it fought against so many years ago.

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Kevin, Evil never sleeps...

It seems to morph...

-learned that from

USA Horror movies...

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And then some; as I don't think the 'enemies' were anywhere near as big as they are, now.

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The first battle was fought eons ago. The second is here now.

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To be good leaders … the asshats should live like that first to pave the way .

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He better hope people don't decide to "force" him to hang from the end of a rope along with the rest of the cabal of people engaged in this criminal enterprise.

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At what point do we turn the tables on these Mother*** fuck***ers

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Schwab and all the others are blatant satan worshippers. They have exposed themselves to the rest of the world for who they really are. They actually believe they can force their evil intent on the rest of the population of the nations.

We must say NO.

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Granted, because our illustrious 'leaders' have all sold their cajones and are on the hook to these pedophile perverts.

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This is what the NWO wants:

AI & robots to rule the world... of course the evil Marxist NWO regime are the ones who initiatally programmed & taught the AI that climate change is going to destroy the earth & that we need to be depopulated & that animals & plants are more important than humans & that there is no God...

So what could go wrong??? 🤪

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I am referring to the "elites" from now on as "e-leeches."

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Sociopaths would be more accurate.

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All due respect, No. Mass Homocidal Psychopaths.

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Holy hell these people are as evil as evil can get. So how do they think they are going to survive with taking out the CO2 that life all needs, if there is no food, no air, and no water they cannot survive either. So they build bunkers, let all put them into their living graves.

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They don't care. That is secondary. Most are old. It is worth it to them to be able to play God and have all the dumb shits on earth listen to them and eat their poison.

Part of the deranged personality profile. DSM 6

Did Jeffery Daimer care if he got caught and/or killed? Hell no! It was worth the thrill.

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don't forget there are plenty of WEF "young leaders" to take up the psychopathic globohomo vision.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

Really? Is it a fad? Were they born with this desire or did someone teach it to them? Can that be taught? Please murder millions and millions ? And then they plan to do it because someone told them to?

Is this what you are saying?

This may be a rhetorical question because I am not sure I want to know the answer.

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Ah, the mask comes off. WEF’s vision for themselves includes our complete subjugation. And they are prepared to make it happen now. The WEF, who has positioned themselves as masters of the world’s economic systems - completely by themselves with no national support. Certainly “Western” governments have not agreed with this agenda. I guess WEF is worried that COVID no longer scares enough people into compliance, so they had best make their move now while at least one person still believes COVID was real.

I say: down with WEF! Stop giving them free advertising in the form of “news” articles. Don’t issue them licenses to hold public meetings. Stop news organizations from covering WEF “events” and giving them a public voice. Laugh them off the stage. WEF is a monster, stop feeding it.

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True enough, but if you want to abolish organizations like the WEF, you must get to the root of what/who fosters, controls, ideates these imbecile demons.

Even if you abolished the WEF, there would soon be a replacement, and there already are many organizations that are just as dangerous to us as the WEF, there are Bilderberg meetings on a regular basis, there are organizations like the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc.

You will surely find this interesting:



I should add that Brzezinski was advisor to all presidents for over 50 years, and he was constantly hobknobbing with the likes of Kissinger, Rockefeller et. al., so he was always in places of influence... so if you read his quotes and you think he's a madman (which he was), consider that those in power who kept him around for over half a century obviously didn't think he was mad, and valued his ideas.

When you read his idiocies and look at recent history, you'll probably notice that his a lot of his ideas are being implemented, and geopolitically, his ideas were acted upon (look at the Middle East, but as for Asia, they haven't infiltrated as much as they were hoping for, possibly because of Putin getting in the way?).

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'Nut Job Nazi's' behave and speak EXACTLY as the ancient Venetian Black Nobility's KINGS/PEERS, TRADING/SHIPPING COMPANIES NOW CORPORATIONS, AND BANKERS which are now THE CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY CARTEL over the colonies of the world...As Hitler, Stalin, Mao, British and Spanish Kings and the current Ding-a-Ling Upchuck through Puppet Schwab and the rest of the German Nazi descendents of original Nazi's brough to North America or kidnapped to Russia.

Sounds as every 'MINING COMPANY STORE' back in the day where the only options for food, shelter and clothing was through a Nazi Owner at inflated prices...Or, to be EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS, STARVED and LEFT NAKED.

The whole world has faced this TYRANNY through all time before now...And, it EVENTUALLY rose to fight back. IT'S TIME TO REMOVE THE BRUTES OF EARTH FROM IT AND GIVE THE POPULATION OF GOD A MOMENT TO BREATH FREE.

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They don't like free markets, only monopolies which they control. Like the medical cartel and the Rockefeller-Rothschild oil cartel.

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They also do NOT tolerate Monopolies...


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Rothschilds are all over medicine too

Even had the ability to predict thr need of a c19 test 5 years before the "novel" virus showed up.


Dr. Jill Rothschild is Chief of the Pediatric Hospitalist Section, Department of Pediatrics.


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from what I understand Blackrock and Vanguard and one other own 85% of everything now. They are run by jews.

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Not by a long shot. THE CENTRAL BANKERS ARE ONLY A FACTION OF THE NOBILITY AND NOT ALL ARE JEWISH OR EVEN CLAIM TO BE JEWISH...As most are Corporatists once aligned with The Dutch/British East India Company as well as the Monarchy/Peers.

The Venetian Black Nobility CLAIMS to adhere to any number of World Religions; mostly Christian and Jewish.

Fact is they're all DEMONIC and Satan/Luciferian in orientation. It's called CAMOUFLAGE and it's worked even into this day by DIVIDING SOCIETY and playing on the same EVILS AS HISTORY DOCUMENTS. Pursue the known Demonic Covens and Ritual Torturers Trafficking Humans and Illicit Drugs as Opium nad Cocaine in the West since El Chapo's conviction...All covered/shielded by their Minions in Govt. aligned with the Fraud/Cheats now installed into positions of power and you will have the actual enemies.

The Bush Crime Syndicate is the top of The Hierarchy of Evil in North America and very much owners of Vanguard/Blackrock (They mutually own one another and the same corporations needing to be broken up) as well as Northrup Grumman.

Actual Jews are as innocent as almost all real Christians.

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they're all DEMONIC and Satan/Luciferian in orientation.

No question that's a true statement.

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How well you overstate yourself.

Christians and Jews are NOT DEMONIC and it's about time

people refuse to fall for those old hatreds fed by those who really ARE.

Never realized how truly STUPID and INTELLECTUALLY LAZY; if NOT TOTALLY OUT OF TOUCH WITH SELF human creatures are

until recently when being brought into the realization of antisemitism

again being bred by the Demons to distract from themselves and their

Minion Imps installed into power to cover their azzes.

Guess it's acceptable to harass, torment and murder to work out the frustrations bred by the EVIL one's...As so often happens;



and all the rest of the Wars for Profit and Power the Black Nobility

located in London, City of London and Switzerland officially order.

About time humanity pulls them out from the entities they hide behind

as the Brits for the last thousand years and the U.S., Commonwealth,

U.N. and all the other groups they've founded to creat layers

of confusion.

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Please stop referring to these psychopaths as elites. Elite denotes a superiority

over the rest of society. Call them what they truly; parasites.

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Predator Parasites

A higher level Parasite.

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garbage human would be okay for a change, if they are human, which is doubtful.

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No one with half a brain will ever accept forced submission to an unelected organization. Their time is quickly coming to an end.

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Ask the Chinese and North Korean and other citizens of various countries , and through time if they agree with you.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

To subjugate a nation is one thing. To bring the entire planet under forced tyranny is another thing altogether. Everybody wants to rule the world.

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An old bald fat git who likes dressing up like some Star Wars High Priest of the universes… dreaming that the rest of life form is going to worship him instead of GOD…. 8.5 billion of us… ripping him of his throne… and stuffing him back up satans arse…. Is very much on the cards…

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