Every Christian who has studied their Bible knows what’s happening & can see what’s coming soon.
Have you read Schwabs book: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”?
He & his father idolized Hitler & his father worked for Hitler.
His book mine as well be titled: “The Fourth Reich”.
Schwab & all his buddies from the WEF, UN & WHO are working together to destroy Christianity & Judaism especially because they teach our Rights come from God & not government.
When they are done using the Muslims for their terrorism then they will go after them also.
It’s also why they are destroying American pride & our Constitution, because both have always centered around Judeo-Christian values & morals.
Since they are evil & want to make evil things legal, they know most of us won’t go along with them, that’s why they are & have been actively trying to depopulate us.
The Covid injections are the most obvious & yet nobody is being held accountable because the WEF is in control of our government!
The end times is coming, look up Christians, our redemption draws nigh❣️
Every Christian who has studied their Bible knows what’s happening & can see what’s coming soon.
Have you read Schwabs book: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”?
He & his father idolized Hitler & his father worked for Hitler.
His book mine as well be titled: “The Fourth Reich”.
Schwab & all his buddies from the WEF, UN & WHO are working together to destroy Christianity & Judaism especially because they teach our Rights come from God & not government.
When they are done using the Muslims for their terrorism then they will go after them also.
It’s also why they are destroying American pride & our Constitution, because both have always centered around Judeo-Christian values & morals.
Since they are evil & want to make evil things legal, they know most of us won’t go along with them, that’s why they are & have been actively trying to depopulate us.
The Covid injections are the most obvious & yet nobody is being held accountable because the WEF is in control of our government!
The end times is coming, look up Christians, our redemption draws nigh❣️