
The Vaccine Injured

Sure Got Their "Six Feet Separation"

Rule That They Wanted So Badly.

Thankfully …

Per The Existing "Six Feet Under" Rule

They'll Finally Shut Up About It.

Rest In Peace Robots.

- Ours.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Lioness; what are your thoughts; are we just at the end and it is a matter of it needing to play out or do you see Divine intervention of any sort; taking place?

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In my understanding we are at the end of the evil aion (eion), meaning at the very end of the human rule over the Earth, actually its the rule of the Adversary and celestial principalities, powers, and authorities via human pawns. All will happen the way it was already predetermined by God, who declares the end from the beginning, and operates according to the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11)

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Thank you for sharing those very astute thoughts and for all that you continue to do for humanity.

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it looks like the interventions against every single future pandemic dis-ease, were proceeded by that very pandemic, meaning 'problem, reaction, solution' is valid equally in the health sector of every country.., or let say in all countries where Rockefeller's and Co. are 'managing' the entire 'sickening scene' in order to keep a manageable amount of the people on this planet...

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it looks like the interventions against every single future pandemic dis-ease, were proceeded by that very pandemic, meaning 'problem, reaction, solution' is valid equally in the health sector of every country.., or let say in all countries where Rockefeller's and Co. are 'managing' the entire 'sickening scene'.

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I'm now 64.. and every 5 years for as long as I can remember, Big Pharma and The Media would piously trot out some malarky about the latest Influenza Pandemic – it was going to be a killer this time! Oh, was humanity ever going to get it!! – "Asian flu"... "Spanish flu"... "Swine flu"... "Bird flu"... "Venezualan Beaver Cheese flu"... "Norwegian Blue Parrot flu"... (beautiful plumage tho' 🤔) – but HEY!! They'd "just developed" this life-saving vaccine, only thing that would save humanity, that they'd just cooked up in their back-alley flu-vaccine-com-crystal-meth lab...

And every 5 years, The Morons would swallow this patent bullshit whole, and troop in to take the injection, and every 5 years about a couple dozen would die of it, and several dozen more would be severely and permanently injured... There'd be a great big brou-ha-ha about "corporate responsibility" and the vaccine would be shut down in a great big show of virtue-signalling... 🙄💩

But now? "Covid-19" was upon us! – just like the SARS scam back turn of the century except that time it was from civits – a variety of cold virus peculiar to bats, a cold virus with a 5% - 10% mortality for human beings – had somehow jumped from a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan China, to infect humanity. That was the utterly ridiculous story we were sold, and the only thing that was going to save us (after suppressing news about Chloroquine and Ivermectin and the information this new plague had a mortality rate of maybe 0.003% – and then only if you were in your late 80s and living in a nursing home) was this brand-new experimental mRNA technology they'd created in 8 months flat...

And The Morons once again swallowed the patent bullshit whole, and off they went to take their experimental bioweapon injections as the government vendettas against the Purebloods grew ever more vindictive, atrocious and crazy...

We now have a situation where 30% of humanity could be dead in 2 - 3 years because we trusted.

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚, 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙥𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙪𝙥?

😱 💣🕳

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"𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚"

Perhaps there in lies the issue. This present age , to a large extent; wants nothing to do with 'Good and Holy".

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"Aye, there's the rub..."

-- Hamlet

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The plumage don’t enter into it!

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Hey, I had the Venezualan Beaver Cheese flu. Worst thing ever. But I took a beaver cheese vax and next few times I got it I only had a slight urge to build dams. Now I don't give a dam at all!

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You were lucky! Every time I tried to buy some they were sold out.. The delivery truck didn't arrive till Thursday... No call for it those parts.. And.. Oh too late! The cat got it!

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Approximately 70% of the population took the jabs. I’d say 30% is a very conservative figure, unfortunately. 😔

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There's stories floating about the Internet that I can't verify, that 60 - 75% of the "vaccine" vials shipped were only saline solution. There's also the issue that the Drug Lords are constantly changing the formulation. Thus my wild guesstimate of 30%. Frankly I'm expecting something along the lines of 1347 and a 60% population loss within a year.. for a start...

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I hope that’s true ~ about the vials being saline. But when it’s personally effected you ~ so far, I’ve lost my mom, my best friend, an ex-boyfriend and another good friend in the last year ~ it’s really difficult to keep an open mind and stay positive. I live in a very red area of a red state and I’ve also read online that areas like mine, were targeted by the CDC and Big Pharma to receive the most concentrated and virulent vials of vaccines, which is truly EVIL, if it’s true. But, who knows? I put nothing past these “people.”

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My dear SherryD; my deepest heartfelt sympathy to you for all you have experienced. God bless and keep you well. I have subscribed so start writing and I'll be there to read.

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Thank you very much for your sweet comment and condolences. 🙏🏻❤️

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It's very strange. I'm hearing horror stories from all over.. But up here in The Democratic People's Republic of Canuckistan under Justine Castreau? In the province of "British California"? Almost nothing. I've noticed personality changes in the vaccinated; they become quite combative and paranoid. My step-daughter is a mess; her eczema is now so bad she can't shower and must don gloves to use her hands, according to her Mom her periods are now more like a hemorrhage; a friend who'd taken the injection 18 months ago and said "it was nothing" now bitterly informs me he has myocarditis, a co-worker has had three stents put it due to heart blockage, is on blood thinners. I've heard reports of the vaccinated exuding an atrocious odor; a mixture of rotting flesh/shit and ammonia, but haven't noticed it yet.

But I imagine we'll get there... And let me end by saying I'm sorry for your loss. Honestly, yours is the worst story I've head so far. 😥

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Oh my! I’m sorry your step-daughter is having such a hard time. Those heavy periods are no joke and can actually lead to Anemia, if not treated. I had that problem a few years ago because of peri-menopause and I had to take heavy-duty iron pills to get back on track. I hope she gets better soon!

I’m glad it’s not just me ~ I have several friends that are Liberals (Bless their hearts!) and all have been vaxxed & boosted multiple times over. And all are suffering from multiple health issues now, as well. One just had a stroke a few months ago and I posed the question to him, “Do you think your stroke has anything to do with the multiple COVID vaccines and boosters you’ve received?”

He became absolutely enraged and refused to even consider the possibility. Instead, he turned it around on me and said, “Really, Sherry??? Are we really gonna go there? Stop with the ridiculous conspiracy theories already.” 😒 But, in addition to dealing with multiple health issues, he’s been on a downward spiral, personality-wise too. The things he posts on Facebook would lead one to believe he’s literally losing his mind. So yes, I see the bizarre paranoia, combativeness, extreme depression, anxiety, crazy mood swings, suicidal thoughts, deep denial (or maybe it’s just pride or stupidity?), as well.

I must say, I’m glad my sense of smell isn’t very good. 👀🤢 This is the first time I’ve heard that vaxxed people stink, but it doesn’t surprise me and it makes sense if you think about it ~ with all those weird clot-like structures that have been pulled out of vaccinated people by embalmers, etc. blocking arteries and blood vessels, it seems like the body wouldn’t be able to properly filter toxins. I’m sure the jabs have a negative affect on the liver and kidneys, as well.

Also, thank you very much for your condolences. 🙏🏻

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At some point as the spike proteins chew her brain to little pieces, Catherine will likely have to go into care... and when that happens, she's on her own, because Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Henry ordered anyone visiting a nursing home must take The Lethal Injection... which neither her mother nor I will do.

Catherine is 27 years old. Her life is over. I tried to warn her. She wouldn't listen. 😥

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As A Country

We Are Still

Shitting Obama Out.

The Body Politic

Will Recover.

And Our Immunity

To His Kind

Will Strengthen.


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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I will not comply.

I will not get vaccinated.

I will not wear a mask.

I will not stand 6 feet away from people.

And I will not do any of this to keep a job or be able to buy food or receive medical care.

I will not comply.

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I am right there with you!!! I stopped within two months of the nonsense in 2020!!! Lived my life free, took my supplements and never got their virus!!!! Oh my!!! Oh the reactions from the sheep!!! Screaming at me….put on your mask, running from the grocery aisles, getting stalked by a husband listening to his wife to stalk me…..very lucky for him that day, getting accosted by a manager in a store I frequented for years, getting those blank stares of fear by the masked sheep while they run around outside with their masks…no thanks! I thank God everyday for his discernment to know a scam like this when it happens!

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Yes, I remember those days all too well. Being told I was SO selfish for not getting jabbed and that I was playing Russian roulette with my health and the health of others. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ Being treated like an absolute pariah by friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc. My own family members shunned me and told me I was being embarrassingly ignorant and I would regret my decision in the long run....

Well now, isn’t it funny how things have changed?

The majority of people I know that got the jab have serious regrets and wish they hadn’t gotten it. It is, by far, the single smartest decision I’ve ever made in my life. And every day I, like you, thank God for his discernment.

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It sure is funny, because so many were relentless in attacking us and trying to make us feel guilty. They had no proof of its efficacy or safety…just what the talking heads said. No thanks.I also believe strongly in the immunity God has provided all of us! Amazing how all the jabbed was told for years that if you got something you would have natural immunity, then all of a sudden the lies about it never made them question it. I’ll never trust man over God and this plandemic proved how easy it was to sway so many Christians! I have some friends who I really tried to stop from getting it and they did it anyway because their daughter wanted them to get so they could see their grandchildren. They just told me the last month that I was right and that they wish they would never have gotten them. That daughter has also had their beautiful grandchildren injected.

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In a world devoid of meaning the zombies worship “the science” as defined by the masters. They begged for protection and begged the masters to take their souls in payment. The masters replied “we already have them” and began the slaughter.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I see the idiot mask wearers everywhere. I'm sure they'll stampede to be the first to get yet another clot shot, sadly.

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There’s plenty of those retards around here, too.

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I read a scientific article proving the current bird flu strains are not even close to being contagious between humans. It should be thousands of years before this becomes a problem. If this happens therefore we can be certain the World Homicide Organization made it in the lab and released it on purpose.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

World Homicide Organization...very clever, sir. May I use that in my own correspondence?

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Sure, spread the word, also you can use National Homicide Service, see here;

We should now consider the NHS as terrorists, the killing arm of the WHO terrorist organization.


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The Vaccine Injured

Sure Got Their "Six Feet Separation"

Rule That They Wanted So Badly.

Thankfully …

Per The Existing "Six Feet Under" Rule

They'll Finally Shut Up About It.

Rest In Peace Robots.

- Ours.

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"There's a sucker born every minute."

-- PT Barnum

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