Ever get the feeling that these people won't stop, until they are stopped? No matter how terrible the harms, no matter how obvious the evidence of those harms?

Many Western nations have ordered 8-10 doses for each man, woman, and child in their population. In contracts with no refunds, no wriggle room anywhere. Per Robert Malone's fig leaf for them, if only Big (P)harma paid as much attention to their drug development as their lawyers do to contacts, maybe this genocide wouldn't be happening.

Of course, that ignores the layers of criminality, collusion, and plain old conspiracy that have been prominent from day 1 - if not visible until after. The faked origin story alone should see Fauci fry, in how he engineered the fiction, the takedowns, the other muck. That he has not been deposed and interrogated about the whole rotten mess proves that he is not a rogue in the system but a functioning part of it and whatever agenda is being served. Apparently everyone on Capitol Hill has been provided with the evidence.

Yet it continues. It worsens, as this cumulative toxin is ramped up with each failure.

While those same people are not mandated to be Shot up, and have been receiving proven treatments when required.

Next the CDC/FDA will approve Shots for tiny humans, despite no evidence of safety OR need. But like RFK Jn said, the Big (P)harma types need the Shots on the childhood vaccine register to have the best immunity from ever being held accountable.

I fear we are not far from the day when a grieving American parent makes them accountable.

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They all need a noose… 🔥

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Well, I guess people will ignore the CDC/FDA's recommendations or death rates are going to skyrocket. #TimeWillTell

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Murderers. Hang ‘em all.

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"Cows love routine."

-- The farmer who runs our dairy co-op.

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Most People love routine; especially as they become older - and hopefully - wiser.

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And these new ominous code additions by the CDC so hospitals and insurers can track “vaxx” status:


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