By edict by the NIH (Dr “King of Quacks” Fauci) and CDC (Dr “Queen of Quacks” Walensky), the ObamaNOcare hospital system were directed to use the Remdesivir protocol nationwide. The agencies created monetary incentives to the hospitals and doctors to promote the deadly protocol. The protocol was used to inflate the number of deaths and treat them as Covid 19 deaths to support the narrative that Covid 19 was a very deadly virus to cause fear in the public that the pandemic was real. By successfully creating that public fear, they were then able to more easily convince the public to take the Covid vaccines. As it turned out, the vaccines were just as deadly as Remdesivir. This was a planned and intentional crime of genocide and everyone who was complicit in these deadly actions need to be held accountable for crimes against humanity and mass murder.

Honest medical workers KNOW that it kills people. Some have admitted that one day after the first dose, kidney function drops dramatically.

There is a special place in hell for everyone that was involved in this genocide.

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Sick people don't fight back either. On Facebook, where its 95% normies from Blue land in my old world, there are lots of posts suddenly about so and so dying, too young and so on....

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20000% increase you say? sounds like a "coincidence".. perhaps Climate change?, oh I know.. It's Putin's Fault! lol.

Praying for them to stop boosting.. God Bless

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As a nurse of almost 25 years... we cancel vaccines for 50 incidents.... this is outrageous. I’m truly disgusted by our medical “leaders.” Barf

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Went to graduate school with Germans. Have family in Hesse and Rhineland. They will be the last people on earth to figure things out, just after those Amazonian tribes that shoot arrows at helicopters.

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The dozy bums are slowly waking up around the world

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Mar 11, 2023
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Yes mate.

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