What about Chinese CO2 emitters? 99% of the industrial production of the whole world = 99% of emissions...

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This looks like people or groups with extreme ideologies pushing it on the masses. These ideologies are pushed unto people under the guise of protection or out of altruistic means. The sole purpose unchecked mass immigration is to financially drain resources and erode culture.

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This witch sounds very discriminatory.

How much does Soros pay her to push this insane crap?

It may be coming down to the fact that the criminals have taken ( and printed all the money ) and now they/we are just funding our own demise.

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Well, Europe might be a write off, but here in America we aren't going down without a fight, I probably won't be around to see it (you never know), but my granddaughters will have at least their own personal AR-15 and plenty of ammo to shoot.

It's becoming a 'target rich' environment.

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That sounds romantic but it us not going to go down that way. It is a genial slow squeeze starting with our money being taken and then our bodies.


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Even that plan will not survive first contact with the enemy.

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Doesn't the new senior general of the USAF want to have predominantly black officers and pilots from now on? How will your grand-daughters and their AR15s cope with JDAMs dropped on them from 30,000 feet and being droned with Hellfire missiles whilst the pilots of those drones are sat in a control room on the other side of the US?

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My smallish SoCal city was majority white and Hispanic 40+ yrs ago. Now it’s majority Asian and white. Really think it’s not happening?

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Did anyone bother to check what the RAIR Foundation is before promulgating their mission?

The editors have exposed themselves.

They are either irresponsibly reckless or are sympathetic to far-right propaganda.

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far-right propaganda? lol right/left paradigm is an divisive lie, both sides are controlled by the same forces.Hegelian dialectics process. Problem- reaction- solution.


This article is simply describing a successful implementation of the globalist population replacement agenda

United Nations: Replacement Migration


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Kalergi :

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”.

Brought to us by rothschilds & friends.

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Lower IQ race, easier to control

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Nothing easier, it doesn't even need to mix us too much...:)

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Was going to mention Kalergi. The deliberate secondary aim of US hegemony after stealing resources is population displacement.

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My conclusion is that US is playing others game with its name and puppets like the other "powerful countries".... anyway, regarding the subject Peter Sutherland, UN representative, member of the bilderberg club, who was also a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland and a former director of the Goldman Sachs group, said that "the European Union must undermine its national homogeneity" and that "prosperity lies in multiculturalism . ".

we no longer ask the question whose prosperity is, because we know the answer.

nothing happens naturally, everything is perfectly planned, coordinated, put into practice.

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A shift in the European demographic caused by war, famine, intra country upheavals and inability to survive set millions of middle eastern peoples searching for a new home. Europe is now that home it is inevitable

that the population mix will change but to refer to having Aryan CO 2 emitters as a problem and that their numbers should be reduced is ludicrous. Personally I think this woman is displaying a form of self hatred that is dangerous to the society. It will take along time for Aryans to be replaced and then it should be a natural progression in the society. I think this women is fomenting dissension in a culture already roiling due to mass covid and in migration. I am sure she has no Aryan CO2 emitters in her life but feels free to try to sell her bizarre idea in the market place of ideas leading to action. In a sane world she would never have been govern a platform from which to foment her ideas.

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Remember race is just a construct used to divide us.

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We need immigration in the US to maintain the tax base and support government. Dropping birth rate and fertility issues due to covid are real. Why our government is under the heel of the WHO is mind boggling until you realize we are under that heel is due to the Bank Of International Settlement which is at our door - What deficit? Who do you think covers this debt? We sold our soul to the devil and he will eventually call for payment of said debt via any means possible. Imagine the USA run by the IMF and the austerity this would inflict on all citizens! Immigration is not the problem it is the solution.

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I remember when the vaccines mandates were being enforced and people were losing their jobs over refusing. Illegal immigrants were pouring over the border without forced vaccinations. Yet the replacement theory was a conspiracy. Time to put your thinking caps on folks. This is all part of the plan.

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Immigrants were vaccinated it was required. Replacement theory is no conspiracy look at falling birth rate and decrease in fertility rates amongst vaccinated and general population as well due to multiple issues. WEF may wish to reduce population but the world is not ready for this mass reduction especially USA.

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Would you mind sourcing that about the vaccines, it must be something I missed when researching?

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Got ZERO 'Descriptives' left after CONVID # Something For 'Clown World' - 'Experts'! Maybe ,'Escapees' From the 'Expert IDIOT Factory', Could 'Lead by example', to HELP ClimbApe change BY; Handing over ALL 'Industrial Derived Products' = Phones & ALL Electronic devices/Clothes/Building Products/ANY transport Systems/ ALL food ( Nasty Farm produce!), It's winter in Northern Hemisphere ( Better TURN OFF heating Sources, LEAVE your Shelter - GIVE IT to an 'Immigrant'! OH! And I heard from a Reliable Source - STOP BREATHING, to 'Help' ClimbApe Change!

To The Folks above - DO ALL OF THIS FIRST, & I'll consider - --------- NONE of your NON-sensical 'Theories'!

Wellness to the 'Thinking' rest of us!

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"Dr." Verena Brunschweiger has been vocal in the past about her decision not to have children.

It seems that 'feminist' Verena is getting more militant.

She's also had buccal fat removal: she's a Narcissist.

2019 book by V.B.

Childfree instead of Childless - A Manifesto:

"Living childfree means rebelling against social expectations - and is therefore also a feminist decision. Women who decide not to have children are the courageous pioneers of a movement that must gain support if our planet, which has been excessively exploited by the Western lifestyle, is to remain habitable and worth living on for much longer. As a sociologist and philosopher, but above all as a feminist and ecological activist, Verena Brunschweiger goes right into the taboo zone of our social consensus, which finds it difficult to imagine a happy life without children. She takes a critical look at the pronatalist dogma that permeates politics, culture and everyday life and has inscribed itself into the deep layers of our thinking, feeling and desires. She shows who benefits from this consensus and that it will not ensure gender equality in our society. Her conclusion: Germany needs a genuine women's policy, not an unreflected pronatalist population policy."

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She ought to start by example off herself. Lead the way sister. Apparently Satan has convinced white people to hate white peoples. And since when are there too many people, especially now after vaxx deaths, and low birth rates.

Seems anyone on tv is a satanist.,kill your tv and the vipers on it.

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So often these people come across as knowing what’s best for the masses while not remotely thinking it should have anything to do with them. I find myself wondering how many children she has and is she comfortable telling them they can’t procreate? And are they writing themselves out of the future? Or do they envision a future where they can see how to 100% control those few people they have a need for? So many questions. (And none of them are related to climate change).

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I've written this a number of times, the biggest problem for the pyramid cap and their wet dream desires are the western populations with their long history and fight in achieving human rights, freedoms and autonomy from the insane control freaks within the ruling elites. Western peoples of all political stripes had better awaken to this existential threat or the whole of humanity will once again be reduced to being a peasantry existing in a "new dark age made more terrible by perverted science."

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It isn't just in Europe. I know conscientious people who live in the Midwest US who have slight Buddhist leanings and their beliefs have been co-opted and seeded with the idea of "just too many people..."

I've had the conversation with a friend several times, pointing out that the planet is suffering from "greed," not too many people. While there may be a number limit the planet can support, the real problem right now is purely greed. Squeezing profit and energy upward into the hands of a few, self-proclaimed superior overlords is not good for pollution levels.

Every one of the problems facing our planet could be fixed in a week if we included the collective wisdom and creativity of humanity. A very small handful of creepy profiteers like things the way they are right now, suffering and all. We are manipulated to fight with each other and reduce the pool of people who might stand up to "leadership." Then even more people are training in self-contempt from a belief "we are ruining the planet" so it is best if we die.

Uhhh, no thank you.

Notice, these superior people never include themselves in the list of who has got to go! It's just little you and me. Yuk and double yuk.

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Perception is reality. All of “us” need to enable, entice, get, coerce, motivate the people of the 16,25%, those on the bell curve smart enough to figure this out, to take action. That only they can do; no one can declare and emote freedom for you. However we cannot form an assembly and social compact solo. A Congress Assembled is required for a Constitutional republican form of government on the several states. Our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka ARTICLE I Section 1 is the de jure provisional government on Oregon. The other states including Delaware #1 through to Minnesota #32 must provide a quorum that includes South Carolina. That designation and fictional location is the location of original jurisdiction. A proper oath to the proper Constitutions circa 1859 with God included is required.

The Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly has the knowledge from our successful experience. We accomplished the tasks required to accomplish the de jure state of original jurisdiction on Oregon. November 2022. We help other Jural Assemblies. On Oregon we found that with The Oregon Assembly and our Oregon Statewide Jural Assemblies there are no stumbling blocks. We exchange and are mutually inclusive. There is only one jury pool on Oregon at this time and we are growing. The time, people, expenses and requirements are exacting as they should be. Do it correctly from the start in original jurisdiction on your state or territory. We will help.

One cannot show up at the door to the Confederation and perpetual Union of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America’s Constitutional; Article IV Section 4 without your ARTICLE I Section1 social compact bona fides in order. For one to expect to Join a Congress Assembled and Article V (see Buvier under native and nationality) and shall qualify for Article II Section 1 for the Electors. A man or woman with their bona fides in order shall take back their states; no one can do it for us. The United States of America and the United States of the de jure original jurisdiction circa 1859. They, the 16.25 %, see exactly what we see and do not make the unmotivated move.!? We know the motivators. No one can do it for you.

How are the various Assemblies and Jural Assemblies going to provide their delegates with the proper bona fides?? Charlatans will be sussed out at the door if not properly vetted and vouched for signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. WWW.orsja.org will help you.

AVR, David Straight, Charley Ward, Simon Parks, Keith Livingsway, NLA/John Derash, “the militia,” Peoples Rights, III%, Mark Emery, the Republics there are several, all of them and many more seem to have an excess of pragmatic misinformation mixed in with the nourishment for the body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul men and women’s peace, safety and happiness. When they do the work they will earn the responsibilities of a provisional government! With a Civilian Court of record, a Jury Pool to populate a lawful de jure Grand Jury; an Article III Amendment VII court with an implemented ex parte Milligan and a nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. A lawful Marshal with Deputies and Amendment II well regulate militia to augment our unalienable rights.

We individually and as ORSJA.ORG have reached out to Oregonians and with success. Cynthia, Charlie, Bobby, Brandon, others and several organizations on Oregon come to mind. Just across the spectrum of the people. The de facto attorneys, sheriffs, elected and appointed persons without their proper oath to the proper Constitutions circa 1859, must go. They have no honor, not fit for positions of trust. They must convert from de facto to de jure by oath. With God included. It must be the same on every state and territory so the same remedy must work also. The same fraud is across all hierarchies. What happens when the de facto no longer deceives the people? The answer is! They do the Constitutionally required work to obtain Article IV Section 4. So, far only Oregon has the correct Constitutionally required Bona Fides. Through www.orsja.org will help Jural Assemblies do the work.

If you are being paid by the corporation then that is where your loyalties are. All of the US Senators are paid by the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. All the House Reps are also. They should be paid by the states. However when the States paid them and they displeased the states they got no pay. So they legislated a way to shirk responsibilities.

Jefferson one of the founding fathers Declared nullify those laws that usurp the Legislatures authority is ones responsibility. How is your mindset? Can you grok the thought and carry it out?. And he’s right. Nullification on a statewide program. Backed up by the knowledge that Athens, Tennessee 1946 is right around the corner.

Three out of 4 of the first 4 Presidents all went against the 1st Amendment and attempted to stifle the Press. Only Washington didn’t. Washington hung 2 men twice to make his point.

When a man or woman with their children comprehend the LAW. Then they should seek counsel among the people. Not among persons before the BAR. Do not cross the Bar, file your paperwork with the appropriate place, record, notice, claim, demand, petition for redress, and more. Do not plea, complain, bargain, compromise request, register, whine and snivel. Know you status, standing, jurisdiction, law form and venue and default as a man or woman. These State of Oregon aka STSTE OF OREGON’s Courts are all bogus, for profit, color of law, de facto, incorporated governance iterations of the power that should not be. We have proven that several times. Do not give them authority or money. Check with www.ORSJA.ORG first. If your mindset is faulty your outcome against the de facto may / could be flawed. I did 20 days in county jail and several years’ probation. There is no remedy for a man or woman with their children in any court on Oregon except ours. Nay the other 32 states and 17 territories.We actually did the work to have a lawful court of record.

The de facto federal government has had 170 year to perfect their fraud. They are good at it. Oregon has had 113 years to perfect their fraud. They are good at it. Be careful when interacting with the de facto. They think you are the cash cow and you are supposed to do as you are told. WRONG. ARTICLE I Section 1

WWW.ORSJA.ORG, as an entity, seems to be out front on this push back. Why is that? 2 years ago Texas had a Grand Jury and fighting the Medical Boards et al. Then gone. But the Republic of Texas seldom responds. Jenn is a brilliant thinker. Why is she not in the forefront for Texas instead of teaching? Or push someone out in front going the right direction and speed. Slow and steady does not get this done this year 2024.

Why, with all the people I know of, do they not take immediate action? Another teaching opportunity, another seminar, attending to distractions. After 4 years of ORSJA.ORG activity. If “they” in the de facto could punish us they would. So, apparently we are not illegal.

So, I need some counsel. ORSJA.ORG needs some counsel. You need some counsel. All of us need some unfettered advice of counsel. That is unavailable from the BAR attorneys! All Judges are BAR attorneys. They are all registered or unregistered foreign agents. They also support the State of Oregon is a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings. Operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jhadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be..

Compromise is lose/lose not a good strategy in the current era. One cannot treaty with the de facto. The de jure must be 100%. Then in keeping with a lawful government. It must be republican in natural law for men and women on the land and soil, in trade not inter-state commerce.

They can at anytime expatriate to another jurisdiction for commerce or election or appointment as they see fit.

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Globalists are Traitors to their countries and should be charged with Treason with appropriate punishment!

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Great article!

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