As the covidians would say, correlation is not causation when it comes to vaccines

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yet they don’t apply the same correlation-is-not complaint to other science that uses statistics and in particular to studies that were the basis for approvals

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That needs to be engraved into their tombstones.

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Albert Bourla of Pfizer confirmed to Klaus Schwab that their vaccination efforts had put them Well on their way to a 50% reduction in population. In fact, if you rearrange the letters in his name you can spell “Be Our Lab Rat. He was also caught trying to enter Spain with a Fake Vaccine Certificate.

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Only two massive changes happened globally starting in 2019. A global inoculation and a global escalation of EMF infrastructure with high levels of toxic exposure. Both must be examined individually and how they interact together to impact all living things on the planet.

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But the towers on every corner are for better cell service! Tell lie vision says I should get the nano lipid tech jab so I’ll be safe from EMF!

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Is there any, I mean any politician trying to stop the toxic EMF infrastructure from being built?

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5g infrastructure being built to enslave everyone! Warp speed 45 sped up the process! C40 smart prison 15 minute cities coming to a town near you! Google c40 city!

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Many but they are given absolutely no public voice or they are threatened so the pretend world that all of it is just fine keeps going, just like the jabs.

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All the towers magically appearing when everyone was locked in their homes in 2020…and no one is asking questions.

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Roll of tin foil cheaper than any so called science degree! As of yesterday bosses son back in the the hospital again! Pfizer jab injury went from transverse myelitis to GBS! Having problems speaking as well! Pfizer can fuck off!

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You mean Pfuck off, right?

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My YT name is PhuckKillBates. Meaning fuck kill gates! Lol! My comments on YT get deleted quicker than I can hit enter on my phone! :)💯🔥💪

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Someone thought to create a Pfuck Pfizer t-shirt before I did. I was late.

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Oh no… just criminal. So terrible that “they” abused people emotionally to get them to participate in their own harm.

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So many dead babies and fetuses… watch out for the wrath ..Micah 5:15

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Common sense is all it takes to know the covid shots were deadly. And of course praying to God when uncertain.

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But I thought it was supposed to reduce deaths. Huh. Sounds nuts.

I wonder what Biden thinks of the shots now.

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Not to be snide, but . . . Can Biden think about the shots at all?

A House Subcommittee on something or other found Biden guilty of exceeding his authority when he mandated vaccination. I wonder if they plan to rap him on the knuckles.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 I like your sense of humour! 👍

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You assume Joke Biden is capable of cognition.

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There are no explosive studies. The wheat and the chaff have already been separated. It did take a bomb to separate them. Further bombs are unnecessary

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This seems like a careful analysis. The only problem I note is their reliance on official statistics of COVID deaths. How accurate is that number? In America deaths were attributed to COVID on the basis of the PCR test which has been shown to be non-diagnostic and thus useless. If Germany followed the same protocol, then their death stats are unreliable.

If COVID wasn't killing people, what was?

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The list is long but the short answer is "The Response". Hospital protocols killed the most in 2020. In 2021 mRNA Bioweapons took over the top spot. #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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Who needs studies? We can SEE the results. People dropping dead.

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The Germans, Japanese and the State of Flotida have deemed mRNA jabs to be Bioweapons. Now what? Some heads shoild have rolled by now. #MEGA #MAGA

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Just how angry will the nations be when they realize who created and delivered them throughout the world?

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Yes. The USA is already the most despised group of people on the planet.

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Such a pity as I have a few friends . Always the crazy one spoil it first the rest. Nothing changes .

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

"An explosive new study has provided evidence of a direct link between Covid mRNA injections and the global surge in sudden deaths." This is not an "explosive" study; it's conclusions have been know for a long time now. It is, nevertheless, still good to have additional evidence to support what has long been know about the bioweapons.

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“Currently awaiting peer review” By the captured a pharmaceutical owned journals and their like- minded accolades?

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I imagine my own cousin's death in 2023 in these statistics, although cancer caused by transfection injection is hard to prove. Germany seems to have been hypnotised by the GloboCap takeover, as acutely experienced by CJ Hopkins who is still being pursued for representing the truth in his art. https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/the-peoples-court-of-new-normal-germany

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How many more years are The American People going to keep babbling about C19 and mRNA Bioweapons without doing anything about it? It is clear what happened. Who will hold the Guilty to account? #DefundTyranny #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #FreedomIsNotFree

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