I bet also diseases could be manufactured to be more deadly. Creatr disease, put dna in a dish, see if said disease destroys dna? I would be willing to bet all the "ancestry" dna is being used somehow, other than connecting you to some cousin on Jersey?
I bet also diseases could be manufactured to be more deadly. Creatr disease, put dna in a dish, see if said disease destroys dna? I would be willing to bet all the "ancestry" dna is being used somehow, other than connecting you to some cousin on Jersey?
Abs. The person in charge of 23and me is sibblig to the one that heads google. Something like that. I remember hearing about it. Sure it is easy enough to find. All connected.
Alzheimers, Parkinsons — these are manmade diseases. These crazies running the science labs are hellbent on depopulation. A couple of years ago I noticed the trans men that Starbucks & Target were employing had the same tone of voice. It struck me that the 20 percent of the younger generation now identifying as trans may be victims of vaccine manipulation. No one has been paying attention to what Pharma has been doing until Covid.
I agree. They're victims of the medical complex. Also found on nih, gender dysphoria as adverse event. With the outrageous amount of poisons being punped into the children, since Reagan decised to help kill them is astronomical.
Thanks. Just wanted to see if you could see. I was told several minutes ago that my videos on Rumble are being disappeared. Can you let me know if you can see them? https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
I bet also diseases could be manufactured to be more deadly. Creatr disease, put dna in a dish, see if said disease destroys dna? I would be willing to bet all the "ancestry" dna is being used somehow, other than connecting you to some cousin on Jersey?
Yes,23 and me, with other Genetic "Screening" companies,where is that Data being collected at?
And what's it being used for and by whom? Is it being sold to biolabs, government, etc.
your gvmts working for the un elected lying and destroying lizards from all the alphabet ngo-same suspects
Abs. The person in charge of 23and me is sibblig to the one that heads google. Something like that. I remember hearing about it. Sure it is easy enough to find. All connected.
Was wife, now exwife.
Google is at center of the nonconsensual brainchipping and torture of Americans for brain data. Do you remember that Google visited Obama in the WH 427 times? Willing to bet $10,000 related to Darpa Brain Initiative. Obama has received &100M in kickbacks since leaving office from the beneficiaries of this experiments. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3554953/Google-staffers-meetings-White-House-staggering-427-times-course-Obama-presidency-averaging-week.html
Alzheimers, Parkinsons — these are manmade diseases. These crazies running the science labs are hellbent on depopulation. A couple of years ago I noticed the trans men that Starbucks & Target were employing had the same tone of voice. It struck me that the 20 percent of the younger generation now identifying as trans may be victims of vaccine manipulation. No one has been paying attention to what Pharma has been doing until Covid.
I agree. They're victims of the medical complex. Also found on nih, gender dysphoria as adverse event. With the outrageous amount of poisons being punped into the children, since Reagan decised to help kill them is astronomical.
Steveo, do you see any other comments from me?
I saw one or 2 earlier but I'm not sure if I'm seeing all of them, depends on how many you've posted?
Thanks. Just wanted to see if you could see. I was told several minutes ago that my videos on Rumble are being disappeared. Can you let me know if you can see them? https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
It just took me to an account login page. I don't have a rumble account.
Thank you for doing.