Do Not Comply. These are clearly criminals trying again to game us again. Just remember, ultimately they are coming for the children and youth. We See Them. These EVIL humanoids who are clearly demon possessed by Satanic Spirits. This is a Spiritual War. Good vs Evil. Do Not Comply. No masks. No Jab. No CBDC. No Digital Passports.

Use Cash.

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A Letter to a Generation


<a href="https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/how-the-us-govt-built-a-shadow-structure-that-enabled-covid-vax-bioterrorism/" target="_blank">The current horrors</a> will not be stopped by politicians and/or lawyers. Those efforts were tried unsuccessfully during the Vietnam era, which you may be too young to remember. They will never work today despite thoughtful analytical essays, websites, petitions, conferences, etc.

The generation to which this letter is directed MUST BE HONORED in future history for PREVENTING THE FASCIST TAKEOVER OF OUR NATION.

(For more of letter: www.bigeye.org/letter.htm)

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Biggest crock of shit I’ve ever seen. All of it. Murderers all of them. EVERYONE better stand up & stand TOGETHER & fight this or these people are going to destroy the country & us along with it !

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Why is that even necessary? We have internationally recognized vaccination. Records. Depending where one wants to travel and from where, different vaccines are a prerequisite for the required visas.

This system has long been in existence, vaccine passports are redundant.

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Ignore them and as long as citizens refuse the vaccines and boosters they can't do it. They are just trying to scare the public and other countries who refuse to have vaccine mandates or even testing.

If our police forces stop being cowards and do their jobs these psychos will be jailed. Look what liars are up next at the emergency act inquiry. All the liars and real threats to canadians security. It will be a laugh. Smart Canadians dont believe them.

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Doesn’t matter if you believe them or not, you too will have to comply if you wish to travel abroad unless this is stopped. If we allow this, it will become necessary for an ever shrinking area outside our residences, until we are not allowed outside our homes without one.

This needs to be stopped.

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It makes me rage inside.

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This is scary and moving quickly, I’m waiting to see what happens and how the masses, that aren’t aware of any of this, react. We need to wait for this stage and see if they all line up to get it or push back. I’m thinking they’ll come out with the deception it’s just for travellers like the arivecan app they started with in Canada, got everyone used to it first, then it’ll be for any medical services and so on.. and so on

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We already have the ground work for this in Japan. I first saw it a year ago in a new shopping area in Tokyo, “QR Code Only” restrooms. To use the public restroom in the shopping area, you must first make a qualifying purchase from a qualified merchant. After paying to the product, upon request, the merchant will show you the QR code for you to scan with your idiot phone. The QR code the displays on your screen to be scanned by the QR code controlled door for the restrooms.

For the first time in 3 years, because covid, our city has allowed outdoor events. In the prepanic era, these were “Come one, come all” affairs. No more. The kids even in our park was in a roped off segment of the park. To participate, you first had to register with the city and hope to get tickets and enough of them for the whole family. You got that? Going to the park for a children’s event is now rationed. If you or family wins the rationing lotto, the city send QR codes to your email account. These must be read by the portable QR code readers at the manned gates upon entering and leaving the outdoor venue. A later event in town was the same except it was held in multiple locations; each requiring the QR code to be scanned for entry and exit.

This is indeed rationing. While there have always been limitations in the number of participants to events, it was rare that my kids could not attend an event they wanted to unless it was by lottery only, usually meeting a kids show character and the like. Never local sumner events. Always was able to go to those with out issue before the panic. This was the first time in 3 years that these were allowed to be held, but not as many as before the panic. We were not able to get QR code tickets for several of the events the kids wanted to go to.

I seem to be the only one uncomfortable with any of this. But, then again, I am the only unmasked person, too.

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So all your friends are fine with this?

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I am the only one who seems concerned about this at all.

We are still under covid “recommendations”. With but few, minor exceptions, I have not met nor talked with any friends for 3 years now. They few I have are mad maskers so I avoid the rest so that I do not learn that they are too. Despite recent experiences, we are not allowed to be at any venue unmasked, a rule I ignore, must be separated by plastic barriers and not allowed to speak. Masking between bites is the “recommendation” and most do in fact follow it. When I go on campus, we must dine “mokushoku”, eat in silence and are not allowed to sit with coworkers.

I guess that with finally being allowed to attend outdoor events, most are happy to put up with whatever restrictions they must just to be allowed. Madness.

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It is not enough to simply not comply. We need to pull ourselves away COLLECTIVELY from the future THEY have for us and UNITE back with our Natural Coordinates to put us back on our right timeline, future and destiny as a Human race. http://pppway.net/#Vision

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This is round 2 of the same push. Or maybe it never went away. The answer is the same-- don't get vaxxed. They need a shot into every arm. That is what they were pushing for and they never got it. The evil has not gone away and the answer is still the same. Don't comply. By the way the vaxx passport for flying never included private air travel. I found a group that puts together charter flight to get people out of Canada, and in general help people travel without the mandates/vaxx passports. https://www.freedomtravelalliance.com/

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You are eventually going to need it for much more than travel. We have QR Code only restrooms in Japan. As well as QR code tickets to outdoor civic events that are now rationed and sent to your email account by the city. No QR code, no entry. Imagine when this is more universally applied, say like your bank account, supermarket and gas station.

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Too bad enough people don’t just say no.

Money is a driving force.

No money for businesses or events, they’d stop this immediately.

Tell your friends to be uncomfortable for a wee bit of time.

But to comply will destroy them.

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It happening around the world. Need a vaccine passport in many countries. Could not enter many grocery stores in Germany without one. Everyone, collectively and individually, needed to just say “No” one day one. We didn’t.

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I wonder if this will apply to the folks invading the US borders.

Sorry, just a bit of levity to address a comical topic. The evidence is becoming clear to even the dumbest politicians that the vax is a killer for recipients and the careers of its advocates. Over the next year they'll be falling over themselves to assert it wasn't them, but those dummies across the aisle. The new guys will say it was the old guys. The old guys will say they don't remember. Vaxes are on the verge of becoming very unpopular.

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Oh no.

Only the hive minds need it.

Besides, the globalist believe replacing citizens, especially white ones, with whom THEY DEEM, lower class, will make society more compliant.

Not sure the Criminal element coming over the border will comply with Creepy Gates and Klaus.

It might just backfire beautifully on the Elites.

M13. Go to







Et Al homes. Lots of good stuff to steal there.

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I will not comply.

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You will not have the choice. Rather, the choice will be comply or starve or freeze or if in the sunny south, die of heat stroke in the summer.

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There are choices.

Short term uncomfortable

Or long term self imposed prison.

If one complies

That’s the choice one makes.

And it will destroy everything in each country, just for a momentary convenience.

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I made the same point elsewhere not long ago. It seems that most of humanity prefers the most likely life of misery over guaranteed immediate but short term discomfort.

I agree with you, but find far too few others who do.

There is a term that once offended me. I thought it too strong and was insulting. I was wrong. It is accurate. There are more sheeple in the world than there are people.

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Lol. You always have a choice.

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I do not have an idiot phone. Starting a year ago this fact has kept me locked out of public rest rooms, unable to get in or out of outdoor events and just yesterday, pay at the register I stood in line at, at a supermarket. Without an idiot phone, you can’t get the required QR code issued by the stores or government to access certain venues. This is Japan. Imagine when the QR code, or worse is required to buy groceries and gas and to pay utility bills. Unless we stop it, this will happen. Is happening.

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Start growing your own food.

Move to the country

Find like minded people.

I don’t think people understand that this is Nazism on steroids.

The QR code is the tattoo.

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Looking into the food growing. Moving is a no go. Wife is a confirmed Covidian. Works for Pf and follows all the recommendations perfectly, even though she has recently admitted masks do not work, she demands we were one, “It’s the RULE”. I don’t, so you can image how three years of both of us working from home has been.

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We need to fight back, now. Somebody needs to take lead , I will follow.

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HOW DO WE STOP THIS besides not complying....we need a plan....it's almost too late....hate to say it.....

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I would suggest they adopt this "pandemic treaty": https://drvitor.substack.com/p/a-pandemic-treaty-for-the-who

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A war against the peoples based on a lie and fraud - and only if all stick together and fight against it with all means, this inhuman and deadly action will come to an end!!

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And the masses are so dumb ed down in their own self interests that for this to happen would completely surprise me. This whole generation has been groomed to put these globalist stooges in the position they are in.

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I think, that you are right.... and that makes me very sad, especially in relation to the children, but also very angry...

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