The Global Brothels, Inc. : reports prostitutes aka sex workers are preventing “johns” from leaving brothels, claiming “johns” refuse to give free sex to prostitutes (SWs). The Police are planning to break into the brothels, and arrest the “johns” for altruistic behavior. No due process, straight to Prison.
Now ladies and laddies, you managed to survive this far on your intution and ignorance. Claws and Gates of hell and poor Teddy <man of colour> know what is good for us dummies. So please do what is dictated to you. Follow these DEMONS and have a miserable and lonely life. Me? I am going about as if nothing matters except the gift of life. Oh, by the way I am going out for a meal and a few jars with neighbours. Please do not report me to CLAWS.
The globopsychohomopedo brigade has planned this for a long time.
I sure wish THEY would get their boosters! 💉💉💉🔥
Coming soon: "The U.S. Constitution: A Toolkit for Tyrant Incarceration"
despicable and rotten
WHO can go to the devil.
They only lie:
Documents concerning state legislations on this matter. I made a table to make it easier in the first link
Evil 👿 ,front and center.
The Global Brothels, Inc. : reports prostitutes aka sex workers are preventing “johns” from leaving brothels, claiming “johns” refuse to give free sex to prostitutes (SWs). The Police are planning to break into the brothels, and arrest the “johns” for altruistic behavior. No due process, straight to Prison.
Now ladies and laddies, you managed to survive this far on your intution and ignorance. Claws and Gates of hell and poor Teddy <man of colour> know what is good for us dummies. So please do what is dictated to you. Follow these DEMONS and have a miserable and lonely life. Me? I am going about as if nothing matters except the gift of life. Oh, by the way I am going out for a meal and a few jars with neighbours. Please do not report me to CLAWS.