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Dec 22, 2023
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Unity...that would be a miracle 😊

Merry Christmas!

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So many are ignorant of America’s history. All the young single male illegals may be turned against the American Citizens. They know zero history. They could and may be intended to become puppets of the puppet masters for money. A Beautiful Civilization in decay due to greed and ignorance of the people. The people have been more concerned about what kind of car they drive than what is going on in their country. Now that is ignorance and evidence of lack of appreciation of freedom and lack of knowledge in general. Just plain dumb Americans have been duped by the Elites who worship Satan. Look at who you voted for and find out about them.

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Dec 24, 2023
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Thank you.......!!!!!

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There's something SERIOUSLY WRONG when other people seek to take away our individual agency.

Essentially, we're lab experiments or slaves. Let's see how these people enjoy being prosecuted and put in prison where their own liberties are taken away. Or perhaps worse.

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I don’t believe they will be prosecuted because those in the Justice System are just as bad. Satan has taken their souls. God is our only hope. I personally believe Earth needs another “Noah Catastrophe” to purge Earth of Evil. Then God can begin again. I don’t want that, but the Evil seems to be overwhelmingly pervasive. “Please help us Heavenly Father”

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It's said to be a hot one... not a long bath

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There are days I think that giant asteroid should just hit Earth and put us out of our misery.

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Me too. Just make it quick, dear God🙏

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I'm reminded of this scene from Serenity (a great movie, btw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM7a0i7Vdqw

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I tried to watch it. Too depressing. All movies today are violent, and too depressing. I’m old. I want only movies from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s now. The real world is scary enough. No wonder so many young people take drugs, tattoo their entire bodies and have mental issues. God made a beautiful Earth for people to enjoy and help each other. Movies and TV shows are hurting humans. That’s part of the Great Reset Plan. Lots of subtle brainwashing . As a teacher of 40 years, I saw it change in front of me. I know God is sad to see His beautiful free America , that He gave us, turn to Evil with technology, Bill Gates, Zuckerberg and the money hungry politicians. Satan is killing America gradually due to ignorance of God’s values. Pray a lot!!!!

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Susan, I'm going to share a video with you (I'm going on a hunch that it will mean something to you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1U8Ear8VeI It is a reading of a document that can be seen here: https://emp.byui.edu/ANDERSONKC/halesp.pdf

I would invite you to read the comments under the video. I think you'll find a few very "interesting" comments regarding dark influences today. You might catch another reference to another video, which I found interesting.

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The worse part is the only way to stop these demons. In fact it needs to be public hangings

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Add the guillotines to the statute of liberty and Washington monuments as reminders of this time.

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Time to fight these monsters trying to destroy humans and the Earth. Demons, every single one of them. God, please help us.

Destroy the evil soon.

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These people need to be taken out.

Kill them all. Before they kill us.

Every single one of them.

Kill them all.

Rid the earth of these narcissistic sick bastards

Time apparently is running out

Those who can should get to it

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We all want someone else to take one for the team.

Including me

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At what point do the concerned people say "Enough"?

Since we cannot physically escape this World (and only suicidal people want to), then we must accept certain facts:

Firstly: If some entity(?) has the 'means, motive, and desire, to murder individuals or groups of humans, then the Deed is done. Many fearful leaders have learned that there is no longterm defence against assassination.

Second: Individual humans must make a value judgment between 'obsession with security' and 'a calm and rational enjoyment of life'.

Security is an illusion! There never have been any guarantees except for eventual death! There is no way of knowing how many were never born??? Any entity offering (selling at a price) "Security" is committing fraud. At best, the Security is temporary.

So each of us has to chose the aspects we will concentrate on. I reject Fear.

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The system and the people behind it must be crushed.

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Ha, they told us that masks can save our lives.

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Lioness: Stop doing the "Advertising" for the Fear Mongers!

We should never accept injustices. But, they are a fact of life.

Mostly, I'm a "Techno-skeptic". Just because someone claims an invention, does not make it real or practical.

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I am not advertising "fear mongers" I report on the facts for people to assess the information and make their own conclusion. I am not going to stop

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Grace and peace

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Do you know what "Truth" is?

I will leave now, hoping that you find Peace.


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"I am the way, the truth, and the life" - Jesus Christ

I have my peace in Him

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Thus saith the LORD!!!

Our ONLY defence.

Love you sister!

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Amen 🙏

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Sounds like you want censorship. I want all the evil exposed.

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Thanks for the warning. I've been targeted by electronic weapons for more than 17 years. It's not all all surprising that the controlled "governments" are intending to destroy as many of us as possible by whatever means are available.

BTW Rerum Novarum was so far, your greatest post. Thank You.

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This, and Bill Gates with his new wafers, and contaminating our food, they really wants us maimed, sterilized and then dead.

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I’ve decided dead may be good.. I’m a Patrick Henry fan, “ Give me Liberty or give me death”

Heaven is best. I’m old so I can say that. If I had small children I’d be fighting the evil ones in politics every day. Go go go Tucker Carlson and Dennis Prager. Both are brilliant and love free America. God has a few left on Earth🙏

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Masks and i did not know each other. However remember the idiots in the plastic tents? Well when the demons unleash this demonic air I am going to buy a rollerball tent. I can roll down to the village, save the old feet from wearing out. pick up my bits and bobs and all is well. There is a slight problem, I haven't figured out to get it to roll up hill. All ideas greatfully accepted.

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Just picture in your mind Billy Gee chasing you with a spray can. You will probabably levitate Uphill at the speed of science!

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Inhalation without us knowing it.

Is that how they spread the covid bioweapon?

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To answer your question.

Yes, according to Karen Kingston and others. She has all the evidence and has posted it on her substack. Others have also shown how they tested it before Covid in different areas, one site was in a hotel in the double entrance to see what would happen and how people would respond.

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You can't convince me that there is a good practical need for something like this other than evil intent so the "scientists"working on this can go fe fi fo fum themselves though I'm sure they are convinced it is for the "benefit" of mankind.

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Remember, all these surreptitious studies and "vaccine" testing are being done because they cArE so much and are concerned for HeALtH.

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If it's being talked about, it's already being done. 😢

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The Satanic Globalist Cabal controls advanced technology. From nanotechnology to A.I. and everything in between. Will they use this technology to advance Humanity or to control/ depopulate Humanity. I think we know the answer.

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