
If You Took

Your Covid Vaccine Shot ( .5 cc )

You Would Have Been Better Off

Injecting 1/2 Of A Cubic Centimeter

Of Anything That You Can Buy

In A Paint Store

Into Your Human Body.


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More jabs , more immunosuppression , more disease . 🤬

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98% were vaxed. 2% lied.

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And us unvaccinated can get it either through shedding or through touching them? Isn’t leprosy contagious that way?

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So scary

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I would address oxidative stress/oxidative damage in those patients with Hansen's (leprosy) disease:


The decreased levels of SOD, glutathione indicate a link between oxidative stress and leprosy. Since the MB patients are unable to produce sufficient amount of antioxidant to cope up with the increased oxidative stress in them. Providing nutritional supplementation may present a novel approach for fast recovery. Administration of exogenous antioxidants like vitamin C, tocopherols would prevent tissue damage and make the patient therapeutically benefited.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16015260/ Protective role of vitamin E on the oxidative stress in Hansen's disease (Leprosy) patients


Background: A constellation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) capable of damaging cellular constituents generated in excess during the chronic, inflammatory, neurodegenerative disease process of leprosy. The consequences of this leads to enhanced oxidative stress and lower antioxidant status. Enzymatic antioxidants provide first line defense against ROS. We have measured the levels of oxidative stress indices like lipid peroxidation (LPO), protein carbonyls together with enzymatic antioxidants in the blood samples of control and leprosy patients. Nutritional rehabilitation by way of exogenous supplementation of functionally efficient antioxidants like vitamin E reactivates the enzymatic antioxidant system and guards against the insult caused by ROS during the pathogenesis of the disease and antileprosy chemotherapy.

Intervention with antioxidant supplementation like vitamin E prevents oxidative stress mediated through ROS and activates the net antioxidant status during the chronic course of the disease and antileprosy chemotherapy.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15242269/ Oxidative stress and anti-oxidant status in leprosy patients


Severe oxidative stress has been reported in leprosy patients because of malnutrition and poor immunity.

High free radical activity and low anti-oxidant levels observed in MB (MB1, MB2, MB3) leprosy patients indicate that there is an oxidative stress in MB cases, irrespective of the treatment status and suggest a suitable anti-oxidant therapy to prevent possible tissue injury.


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This is remarkable and... what else to say.

Did you come to see/read Jeff Childers deconstruct the recent NBC news leprosy fear piece as a kind of attack on a Florida county?

Here is an excellent and funny look at that leprosy story with good references. And some other bizarre covid related info.

Peggy Hall on the leprosy media fear mongering blitz in USA

REAL Cause of LEPROSY OUTBREAK in Florida?

The Healthy American Peggy Hall


NIH Study linking injections with leprosy


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Let The Spinning ensue....

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It's ALL about the immune system but of course that's not really something anyone seems to be interested in!

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Toxicity (of these injections, masks, tests, but also environmental, other "vaccines" and drugs, and so on) causes oxidative stress. This lower the immune system.

Antioxidants are key



Oxidative stress is a condition associated with an increased rate of cellular damage induced by the oxygen derived oxidants commonly known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are capable of damaging cellular constituents generated in excess during the chronic, inflammatory, neurodegenerative disease process of leprosy. Severe oxidative stress has been reported in leprosy patients because of malnutrition and poor immunity. The decreased levels of SOD, glutathione and total antioxidant status in leprosy patients may indicate a degradation of these antioxidant enzymes by free radicals during detoxification processes.

The present study of estimation of antioxidants conclude that the free radical activity was increased and the total antioxidant status was decreased in all MB patients, indicating that there was an oxidative stress even after the treatment with MDT. The decreased levels of SOD, glutathione indicate a link between oxidative stress and leprosy. Since the MB patients are unable to produce sufficient amount of antioxidant to cope up with the increased oxidative stress in them. Providing nutritional supplementation may present a novel approach for fast recovery. Administration of exogenous antioxidants like vitamin C, tocopherols would prevent tissue damage and make the patient therapeutically benefited.


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Too bad these more natural solutions are never mentioned cause of course they make not much money for Big Pharma and their money machine

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Both are not mentioned - these solutions and the real cause of most of these diseases: toxic substances, oxidative damage caused by them. They remain hidden.

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Hidden unless you start using critical thinking and asking question, IMHO

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Yes. And those who should know it and preach are pushing viruses.

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This is eye opening. Or at least it should be. Sort of like the revelations that spike protein was present in breast milk.

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