Ignorance, Intimidation and Coercion Conned billions into that. Global IQ Test Fail.

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Or stupidity, fear and sometimes coercion. As to IQ test, people failed but the globalists won...

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My kids were coerced. I'm out for blood. Get the gibbet out.

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Freedom or Bondage. Choose wisely.

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Fear is our enemy, thats why people injected themselves, the demons knew if could plant fear into the globe, the rest would be a cake walk and sadly it was. I put my faith in God, I listened to Him and never fell for any of it.

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Exactly. If more people had prayed and asked God for guidance they would have not been vaccinated.

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Bioweapon. Period , vaccine my arse.

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*Like. My like button is still not working - cheers Substack, I SEE YOU.

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Try and refresh the page after clicking. Worked for me with that problem.

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I tried that, I'm afraid something sinister is afoot...

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He seems to be the only one with guts and human instincts.

His words send chills up and down my spine a hundred times over!

Historical and biblical 🙏truth

God bless you Dr. Yeadon and you’re family !❤️

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Great man, we need more of these!

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If we spent as much time trying to help the injured as opposed to judging them for getting jabbed, just look at the progress we could achieve.

People that judge are the very people I despise! They sit on their perch and they spit on them with words! “Well you did it to yourself” by using God for their hateful remarks. If you try to live by Jesus’s teachings…you wouldn’t be judging them…you would be helping them!

I do not hear Dr. Yeadon judging anyone but the ones that did it to us.

And no I did not get jabbed but that doesn’t give me the right to downplay and humiliate the victims that were lied to.

We are all God’s children! Show some compassion🙏

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Is this not a judgement also?

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No it’s not!

I know lots of good Christian’s that were manipulated but that goesnt give me the right to judge them!

I’m telling them they should not judge the people who bought into it. Only god has that right!

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True, but not if they themselves pushed the shot on others.

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I agree but don’t stereo type the whole group like some do. A lot of them are victims not the enemy. It’s hateful rhetoric, hateful word salad and it makes them feel good to degrade others and judge their faith! How dare they! Only God knows your faith not man!

I read this all the time.

Call out the perpetrators…not millions who are dearly hurting 😞 or gone. We are all affected in some way.

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if they themselves were in a position to make the injections mandatory, schools, employers, whatever level of government and did make the injections mandatory. I don't see why there should be compassion for these people. I don't see why there should be compassion for people who without agency tried to shame and coerce other people to get injected, like all the actors and talking heads.

No one who did this, no one who supported this and no one who acted as useful idiots should be allowed to get away with their actions. If there isn't punishment ranging from extreme to some kind of sanctions, depending on intent and culpability, they'll do it again and they'll keep doing it. As we can see some of them are continuing to push the injections. In spite of all the evidence of harm. Of serious lifelong injury and death.

Any decent individual would have paused the injections when the first reports came out. But they didn't.

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There's not enough rope in the world.

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Nobody paused the injections. Instead people like Wollensky and Biden doubled down, even when they KNEW the shots were harmful, and tried to scapegoat the unjabbed.

Even people waiting for their shots watched others collapse or have seizures after getting jabbed, and didn't have the sense to walk away.

What came over us to be so blind, many even to this day? OF COURSE this is part of a depop agenda, as horrifying as that is, it is the only cogent explanation for what has been observed vs. the gaslighting and denials.

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good comments. Everything that is happening confirms what you're saying. At least to me. I used to think people were hard wired to mindlessly obey from centuries of being ruled by kings and emperors and dictators. Of course there are other reasons propaganda, NLP, various other mind control methods.

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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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Malone never met a virus he didn't like.

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They've been lying about many things for a long time. They are liars lying lyingly. Truth is kryptonite to them. Our whole society is based on a pyramid of endless lies coming from the Freemasonic Illuminati, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and other nogoodniks acting in cahoots to create permanent fear and havoc.

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Agree and you make a brilliant point!

Do you think the famous people coming out screaming “hurt” are telling the truth? I don’t want to mention any names but one such character is part of the monarchy🧐

Just curious.

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Difficult to say. I have been following the Kate Middleton saga, and it looks to me like they have replaced her with a clone. Unbelievable times. The gaslighting is epic.

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