If my bank did this I would withdrawal ALL of my money in a heart beat.

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And I wonder where the phone center for its "Telephone Banking" is located.

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Well, that'll slow down a run on that bank, anyway. lol

Kinda like the jabs being a dry run for what's coming, eh?

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After the COs of these banks boof the till and sell ahead of stock price collapse then the taxpayer is left to do the bail out. Privatize the profits and socialize the losses is the mantra of this criminal class.

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That's just bad management. Old (improper...) signs hanging around. My organization only lately got the stupid signs down. Y'know, unionized workers...

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There is a movie being released called the bank of Dave. An Englishman who decided fed after GFC to create a community bank to counter bitcoin g bank theft and lies. I’m looking forward to it coming out - can’t imagined be it will be on MSM

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In Australia we already have our four major banks closing hundreds or f branches. One bank ANZ released a statement saying they are not taking cash at a number of branches. The other thing happening here since the 90’s is that smaller banks and credit unions have been taken over by the big four. They maintain the name of the bank / building society etc to maintain the illusion you have choice. There used to be a site called who owns my bank -you can only try. As for checkouts you’d be lucky to find a checkout that’s manned. Mostly self check out and they have facial recognition cameras. Some supermarkets in inner Sydney and Melbourne are trialling supermarkets where you scan goods to not your phone and pay with wallet in phone.. the governor of our reserve bank stated last year at meet the press that we don’t print money it all digital silly. And our major banks are trying to get people into not digital wallets and tracking our carbon footprints.

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Such BS. Top down, of course.

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Holy Hannah! That's scary. It's all happening so fast now.

A couple of my local grocery stores have recently upgraded the self checkouts to have 10-20 more.

Stupid people, making cashier's jobs unnecessary . I guess we'll see a longer line outside of the EI offices soon.. Tellers and cashier's etc

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I'm in Montreal Quebec. What's the obsession over these self checkouts? I hate those. There"s always something going wrong. Now: Instead of going once for a good grocery shopping spree, you buy less because of the rather restrictive self checkouts. Then you take your car multiple times a week to go back to the store for a few more items at a time. Good for the environment right??? I heard a few thieves love these, they say it's very easy to conceal items. what gives??? I'd rather wait in line for the only open human checkout.

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We do the same. Even if there's 20 ppl ahead of us.

I was a grocery store and Home Depot cashier for many years.

When the self checkouts came along I refused training on them multiple times. I always said, rather belligerently, "I'm not going to train to unemploy myself" Idiots.

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I've seen a video about these self checkouts (I don't enter in those kind of stores, I can live without the very well) and it seems that most of the people love them. Guess why...because they don't want to see human faces or talk with people and are very comfortable with cameras and everything (how much interaction can be in a store, you imagine) It was the sadest load of comments I've read in the last time. They are not only stupid, but they have no empathy or respect for others, they are simply empty. Otherwise, they enjoy using and consuming products made by people's hands....

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In other words don’t get or loose cash. They lock the prison door with a digital currency. Besides they probably don’t have enough collateral to stop a bank run and they end up in the trash

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Where in Canada, and when was this taken!? 😳

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Windsor, ON area, yesterday

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Is this a new sign, or just left over from Covid? There are still some lingering Covid notices on the walls and doors of retailers, banks and medical facilities.

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Uggggh , I live right over the bridge in Detroit .

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My home town.

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Pull your money out and tell them WHY.....put it in a credit union in the meantime.......

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Interesting how CIBC is trying to redirect customers to digital services. Just another "nudge." This comes after the recently updated TD Access Agreement and new Digital Banking Agreement.

I documented 5 strategies we could use to manage digital banking risks.


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