'Thinking' Folks, will NOT be surprised to find 'Special operations' Dispensations by the public@large, against 'Suing' THE Military AND, 'Foreign Forces', operating under Declared 'States of Emergency' (Can be ANY of the NON- Elected- 'FOREIGN' Declarations of 'Emergency', such as U.N. 'PLANdemonics', ClimbApe Change, CO2 'E'mission SWINDLES, or ANY 'Fabricated' Emergency related to the GlobAlists 17SDGs[Strategic Depopulation Goals]). OZtopian (Australia) 2020 ADF 'Defence' white Paper; apart from increasing benefits for ADF & 'Reserve' personnel, 'Buried' in the paper, were references to Amnesty from prosecution for 'Actions against the Home Population' - During States of 'Emergency' - Inclusive of Foreign Forces.
Foreign; Def; Belonging to, or associated with - A Country, WHICH IS NOT YOUR OWN.
DISarming Law abiding, Responsible Citizens of their LEGAL firearms- IS a Strategic program by the State & globAlist 'Installed' Political P.E.T.S, 'Reinforced' by their Propaganda machine = The Pre-bought/Owned Jackals & Hyenas of the MS/Social Media Cabal.
Snowflakes. 1 of Natures many marvels! Apparently, no 2 snowflakes are 'alike' (Current human social references not incluSieve)! It's, Nature's 'Hijacking' by Any/All Nefarious Forces, shows how Limited in All Metric 'Scope', these EgoTestTickAll, & creatively vacuous they ARE, Singular or CollectiveLie!
On a more Constructive note, observe the 'effects' on a water molecule by Various 'inputs', & 'Know', what these same 'Inputs', are doing to US, as a Multi accumulation of the SAME water!
Please check; 'The Hidden messages in water'. By Masaru Emoto. - Beyond words publishing 2004.
Please note; this information/ observances, may be beyond the scope afore mentioned Systems, grunts capabilities/capacities/relevant scope!
Its curious how we keep having fires that affect things the average consumers consume, but why don't we start locating these data warehouses and let Climate Change Burn them to the ground too?
there was another tabletop exercise held last year, attended by Gates, called Catastrophic Contagion, that highlighted a new respiratory enterovirus, to really run thru the young children, to hit Brazil in 2025. Right after this covid exercise ends. Gates planned a decade of vaccines.
We live in a world post, I dunno, 1930? 1950? Where ID mortality is almost a thing of the past. If that is too strong for people then it at least is no longer the great killer it once was. ID deaths have dropped by 90% and most deaths (80%) are from the MAD diet and diseases of civilization - cancer, cvd, diabetes, dementia.
But that doctor wants to crush people because x disease might spread.
I wonder if she ever asks if the cure is worse than the disease? Would she kill a thousand to save one? If she insane?
To protect lives, the economy and future generations from future pandemics, the UK government supports a new legally-binding instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
COVID-19 has demonstrated that no-one is safe until we are all safe, and that effective global cooperation is needed to better protect the UK and other countries around the world from the detrimental health, social and economic impacts of pandemics and other health threats. The UK supports a new international legally-binding instrument as part of a cooperative and comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
At a World Health Assembly Special Session in late 2021, the 194 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to launch a process to draft and negotiate a new instrument, through the auspices of WHO, to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The negotiating process will be led by member states, including the UK.
The instrument aims to improve how the world prevents, better prepares for, and responds to future disease outbreaks of pandemic potential at national, regional and global level. It would complement the existing international instruments which the UK has already agreed, such as the International Health Regulations. It would promote greater collective action and accountability.
A treaty is an international agreement concluded between States or with international organisations in written form and governed by international law. The UK is party to a large number of multilateral treaties, including many through the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies such as the WHO. These instruments reflect obligations states have agreed to enter into to further common goals.
The current target date for agreeing the text of the new instrument is at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. Over the next two years the UK aims to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics and will actively shape, develop and negotiate the text. The new instrument would only be adopted by the World Health Assembly if the text achieves a two-thirds vote of the Health Assembly (Article 19 of the WHO Constitution). The Health Assembly is made up of representatives of WHO Member States.
Once adopted, the instrument would only become binding on the UK if and when the UK accepts (ratifies) it in accordance with its constitutional process. In the UK this requires the treaty to be laid before Parliament for a period of 21 sitting days before the Government can ratify it on behalf of the UK.
The Government always carefully considers whether domestic legislation will be required to implement the UK’s international obligations when negotiating a treaty. Not every treaty requires implementing legislation and it is too early to say if that would apply here. However, in all circumstances, the UK’s ability to exercise its sovereignty would remain unchanged and the UK would remain in control of any future domestic decisions about national restrictions or other measures.
If changes to UK law were considered necessary or appropriate to reflect obligations under the treaty, proposals for domestic legislation would go through the usual Parliamentary process and the UK would not ratify the treaty until domestic measures, agreed by Parliament, were in place.
This process of ratification allows scrutiny by elected representatives of both the treaty and any appropriate domestic legislation in accordance with the UK’s constitutional arrangements. The Government does not consider a referendum is necessary, appropriate or in keeping with precedent for such an agreement.
I had covid. Maybe they juiced me with 5G but I had a fever snd it felt like a bioweapon: different from any other flu. My younger friend had it too. Same symptoms. Totally weird. Why do you say there is no virus?
Good find on the document. They sure do plan. I hope to read it later.
It is possible to cover an area with specific frequencies or with chemtrails that create the illusion of a "pandemic."
Based on all the evidence that came up in the plandemic era, it turned out that western "Medicine" is a fraud by morons, the preconditioned, the ones with Stockholm Syndrome, the ones who have given up their humanity for money, and the criminally insane, trying to consolidate their power by turning the world into a single, depressing computer game.
Stress in many forms accumulates and, once it exceeds the person's threshold (everything in the world seems to work with thresholds), the person gets "sick," but in unpredictable ways most of the time. The stressors are so multi-faceted and interact with each other unpredictably that it is impossible to determine even a complex set of stressors for particular symptoms. Stressors can be mitigated and/or eliminated sometimes one by one, but say, replacing our "smart" water meter would cost us $1,200, unless I could find a way to sue the utility company. After phoning around to lawyers for days, not a single one was willing to take on the case.
Geo Engineering; So much for the ENMOD CONventION of NOT, 'Weaponising' the Weather! Another waste of Global paper & Ink! Mixed in with the already mentioned 'Stresses' to citizens, is the vast array of DEWs [Direct Energy Weapon systems, used in ranges from physical Building Material 'Dissolutions', stand alone Spot 'Wild fires'[without 'Defined tracking', - Maybe Mr Alumina pre Visited], to 'Mind control/interference = ALL Patented for digital 'LegaliTies') deployed by the Military/ 'Spy-SureVeilLance' acronym Groups - Though this could be IncluDead in the 'G'men Public Deployed Comms 'NetWork'- NON Safety investiGated 'Sciences'!= NONE tangible, in Plain sight!
That is fascinating. Where did you learn about how chemtrails/frequencies create the illusion of a pandemic? I know that 5G was suspect but I thought it was shown that something else caused the symptoms. I must have missed some work?
Just saw your post. Lots of my substacks accounts have been going to junk even though they are in my address list. Surprisingly all the materials junked are vaccine hesitant;)
I applaud you for trying to sue!! Great idea:). I was sued once and the guy hired an extremely expensive lawyer. I had to represent myself. Challenging!! But: I won big:). I hired a paralegal to help me file paperwork. I am in California—might be fun to try here!
In order to create the appearance of a pandemic, the perpetrators must poison specific areas, which can happen through 5G, as was the case in Wuhan and in Northern Italy, but the tech is there in many other ways.
Chemtrails have been around for at least 30 years, but it was only recently that their existence was officially admitted in the geoengineering program. However, they are military tech. When various chemicals can be sprayed from airplanes uncontrolled, the method can be used for poisoning specific areas.
I keep wondering how much longer Substack is going to be allowed to go "unchecked," that is, function as a honey pot.
Amazing you could win by representing yourself, but hiring a paralegal was probably the winning move! As a matter of fact, at US courts, the judge presides over what is allowed to be said and/or presented, which alone determines the outcome of a trial... Still, good to know that a few sane people are still left in CA! :)
The problem with "smart" meters is that they emit powerful pulses intermittently, which doesn't allow the body to get used to the radiation. It's basically murder in the long run...
The app is horrible for me. Everything I like a comment, it creates a new page. Difficult to explain. Also, I can't see what I'm typing when trying to comment. I get email notifications for substack. I *think* I receive them all.
Good suggestion! I had downloaded the app but subsequently deleted it: am SO tired of the fine print agreements demanded by ‘free’ apps. I do now open my account several times a week to see what I have missed which is kinda similar to what you suggested. Thanks.
Yes, I missed the question, so here is my response.
Where did I learn? I usually put two and two together. There are a few maxims I employ and one of them is that "If something can be done, someone will do it."
When the objective is to create the appearance of a pandemic, the symptoms must be consistent over a specific area, which is possible to achieve by employing chemtrails or radiation.
It surprises me, too, that people seem to be waking up; I am hearing back stuff I used to disseminate 18-20 months ago, only to be told I was too "negative," whatever that means. I said it in vain that it's best to hope for the best and prepare for the worst; my words fell on deaf ears.
As for geoengineering, I first read about it on a Canadian site, but the following seems okay:
The virus was never proven to exist, the test can not identify the alleged virus: " Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms; This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. " p. 38 https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
The symptoms you had look like poisoning. There were many theories , we might never know for sure what they've used exactly in some areas.
In the beginning of the plandemic I listened to the interview by a retried colonel of Russian GRU ( military intelligence) his theory was , that TPTB might use some chemical poisons which induce respiratory flu like symptoms in some cities/towns. He might be right...
Note, that THE main 'Psych Leverage' on Society as part of the 'Existence of CONvid-19 EXERCISE', was the RT-PCR 'Test' results, Blitzed over EVERY Pre Purchased MSMedia outlet for 'Maximum' Mass Terror effect - well for non questioning John & Jan citizen's 'benefit'! And, as usual, not many Folks questioned - How, R.Rothschild [U.K] Registered a 'Test Kit', in the year 2015 - Definatively FOR 'Novel' Coronavirus 19, NOT available - APPaRentLie until Year 2019? With the 'Test kit', being 'Laboratory use only', NOT, for stand alone Diagnosis of disease, & used at max 25>28 cycles, even then = NOT the 40>45 Cycles 'Used' by OZtopian (Australia) Govt/Medical cabal, for FULL 'Effect'!
Next; The SAME RT-PCR CONvid 2019 'Test Kits', were then Bulk exported Globally, including OZtopia & N.Z in 2017/18 - 2 Years AHEAD of the 'Novel' Coronavirus PlanDemonic = Finally! OZtopia has an ACTual/Tangible example of Future 'Preparedness' in the ILLness - Apologies, HEALth/ Business arena! This IS even better than a Book on the MAUI 'Fires', printed just 2 DAYS, after the 'E-Vent'!
Further to these anomoLies, Folks thinking that this MIS/DIStribution of RT-PCR BonaFide COVID-19 'Test' kits @ PRE Plandemic times as the Usual CONspiracy arena, World Bank's OWN Trade tracking Group W.I.T.S Specific tracking Number for COVID-19 RT-PCR Bulk test Kits; : # 300215. With the World Bank further 'Investing' in Global Trade-Health, finally, good News. Project P173789. COVID -19 Strategic Preparedness & Response Program (SPRP) -StrategyProject, fired up as a Bank/IFC Collaboration in 02/April/2020 (Quick offf the mark for a 'SurePrize PlanDemonic' - Surprise pandemic), WILL, Apparently be due for 'Project' Finalisation on the 31/March/2025! WHO knew, about Precise Dating on 'U.Ncontrolled' MIS/DISease = AMAZING!
Anyone for Mass manipulation? In a world where Groups such as the U.S. CDC can over exagerate 'CONVID' fatality figures by 1600% Plus (In violation of their 'Laws' - I'm pretty sure), to Massive Downplaying, Manipulating & 'Dissolving' statistics of CONVID Jab Adverse reactions & Deaths (again, pretty sure that ain't 'legal' - to Alter or Destroy 'Official records')! = Dodgy 'Calculator batteries' - Maybe.
Yes, I agree, I think all 'disease' can be seen as collections of symptoms of detoxication- fever, pustules, pox... which are essential for the body. They can occur after poisoning, polluted air for example but also happen at changes of season etc and signals can also be given to others to detoxify. Which explains why people get sick with the same symptoms at the same time.
Detoxification is a healing phase and mustn't be suppressed. If the body is supported with nutrition and sleep, and not treated with medications everything should be fine.
There might be a virus but the point is, like you say, there'e no evidence that there is! - I've tried to show that in my short post- https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w- scientists must purify viruses in a density gradient and show pictures. Otherwise we are just taking someone's word for it that it's there- and that it's causing the disease (even harder to show if they can't even find it in the first place!).
My daughter and her husband went to a Christmas party at the end of 2021 and nearly everyone, around 200 people, all came down with something afterward that was assumed to be Covid.
I was suspicious because even on the diamond princess the contagion rate of whatever was allegedly going around wasn’t 100% and that was among elderly travelers, not healthy 20 and 30 somethings.
That event made believers in Covid out of most of the party goers.
Thank you for the prompt response. Agreed that the tests are corrupt.
Agreed that isolating the virus had issues.
However, most poisoning does not give a temp unless it is a bacterial food poisoning. Also, my best friend who lived in a different town had the same odd symptoms as did my family. Perhaps’they’ poisoned her in another city a week after they poisoned me? My family came down with it in succession as if we had infected each other. That rules out water contamination, food toxins, something introduced in the inside air...plus, it would have to be a poison which does not much affect kids. They had mild symptoms. Usually kids do more poorly than adults with toxins:(
BTW I had been around a woman who came down with it several days before I did who is vaxed vaxed boosted. 🙄
I know lots of credible people don’t believe that it is a virus. I dunno but personal experience is vital as a foundation of truth. I MO the poison model does not fit with my experience as well as the virus model.
Not related—my mother was from Nova Scotia. Did I read you are in Canada? Is that too personal???
The problem I think is that what people see is not supported by science.
There is no evidence of transmission of disease between people - so that would not fit with a virus theory but would fit with a detoxification theory (the signalling within families may only apply to those who need it, maybe children are unaffected as they don't need to detox, perhaps getting more vitamin D, running around outside). The need for detox can be because of emotional stress, worries and all sorts of things not necessarily actual 'poisons'.
The experiments with the Spanish Flu in 1918, supposedly a very virulent disease involved very sick patients breathing and coughing directly into healthy people's faces ' published in 1918
‘Experiments Upon Volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and December, 1918 M. J. Rosenau.’ (see page 11) (1)
showed that after 62 healthy volunteers were exposed to alleged virus by breathing the fetid air of very sick ‘flu’ patients and having them repeatedly cough in their faces, much to the researchers surprise; only one developed a sore throat and not one developed influenza like illness'.
I read parts and skimmed others from the world bank document. Focused on 25 countries (small), but they're taking on a monitoring, health equipment provider, and population tracking role? Gosh, maybe I should pester my local bank to emulate that. Oh, wait... they already monitor us with constant barrages of questions about whether my info is current, what plans do you have coming up (when making a big withdrawal - part of the "know your customer" program, and now they're consolidating accounts so they can provide the conVEEEENience in seeing all your accounts in one place. (Um... you can shut them all down in one fell swoop now, right? And you spent all this money for this new feature... FOR OUR CONVENIENCE??? WOW!)
Given this plan's age, I'd like to see an updated version. The World Bank has been the puppet for many western countries' efforts to inject twisted sexual program acceptances in order to get loans for development and food. I laughed when I saw in Table 2, under risks... "Lack of accountability
measures to ensure that resources supporting COVID-19 activities reach intended health care facilities and beneficiaries." (aka corruption). Table 2 is an interesting list of risks to their program. (see also on page 3-4 the high level risks).
The one good think about how the US is set up is we have 50 different governments. The Feds struggle to get them all to follow the dictates. ie Florida, Texas and others. This one fact alone will keep us from going full bore China. Not saying it wont be crazy, is just we have somewhat of an advantage.
That's a valid point, Phil. The current governor of Florida seems to be well aware of the reserved state powers detailed in the US Constitution. Most governors in the US behave as though the states are subservient to the federal government in all cases, though even a casual reading of the Constitution would reveal that idea to be false.
Politicians in both parties treat the Constitution as a dead letter. That's the result of accepting the ridiculous premise that the Constitution is a " living document". I've wondered before how making the supreme law of the land a "living document" could relegate it to the status of a dead letter.
'Thinking' Folks, will NOT be surprised to find 'Special operations' Dispensations by the public@large, against 'Suing' THE Military AND, 'Foreign Forces', operating under Declared 'States of Emergency' (Can be ANY of the NON- Elected- 'FOREIGN' Declarations of 'Emergency', such as U.N. 'PLANdemonics', ClimbApe Change, CO2 'E'mission SWINDLES, or ANY 'Fabricated' Emergency related to the GlobAlists 17SDGs[Strategic Depopulation Goals]). OZtopian (Australia) 2020 ADF 'Defence' white Paper; apart from increasing benefits for ADF & 'Reserve' personnel, 'Buried' in the paper, were references to Amnesty from prosecution for 'Actions against the Home Population' - During States of 'Emergency' - Inclusive of Foreign Forces.
Foreign; Def; Belonging to, or associated with - A Country, WHICH IS NOT YOUR OWN.
DISarming Law abiding, Responsible Citizens of their LEGAL firearms- IS a Strategic program by the State & globAlist 'Installed' Political P.E.T.S, 'Reinforced' by their Propaganda machine = The Pre-bought/Owned Jackals & Hyenas of the MS/Social Media Cabal.
Snowflakes. 1 of Natures many marvels! Apparently, no 2 snowflakes are 'alike' (Current human social references not incluSieve)! It's, Nature's 'Hijacking' by Any/All Nefarious Forces, shows how Limited in All Metric 'Scope', these EgoTestTickAll, & creatively vacuous they ARE, Singular or CollectiveLie!
On a more Constructive note, observe the 'effects' on a water molecule by Various 'inputs', & 'Know', what these same 'Inputs', are doing to US, as a Multi accumulation of the SAME water!
Please check; 'The Hidden messages in water'. By Masaru Emoto. - Beyond words publishing 2004.
Please note; this information/ observances, may be beyond the scope afore mentioned Systems, grunts capabilities/capacities/relevant scope!
Wellness - John D.
Snowflakes all have six sides. 'Why Nature Loves Hexagons' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pypd_yKGYpA
Its curious how we keep having fires that affect things the average consumers consume, but why don't we start locating these data warehouses and let Climate Change Burn them to the ground too?
there was another tabletop exercise held last year, attended by Gates, called Catastrophic Contagion, that highlighted a new respiratory enterovirus, to really run thru the young children, to hit Brazil in 2025. Right after this covid exercise ends. Gates planned a decade of vaccines.
We live in a world post, I dunno, 1930? 1950? Where ID mortality is almost a thing of the past. If that is too strong for people then it at least is no longer the great killer it once was. ID deaths have dropped by 90% and most deaths (80%) are from the MAD diet and diseases of civilization - cancer, cvd, diabetes, dementia.
But that doctor wants to crush people because x disease might spread.
I wonder if she ever asks if the cure is worse than the disease? Would she kill a thousand to save one? If she insane?
Stunning work, this is incredible. I'm going to link to it in my most recent post. It's so diabolical it feels like it knocked out the senses.
Welcome to the Harlot system of world control, Mystery Babylon the Great. Good news: Yeshua is returning soon 🙏
New BINDING legislation coming;
To protect lives, the economy and future generations from future pandemics, the UK government supports a new legally-binding instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
COVID-19 has demonstrated that no-one is safe until we are all safe, and that effective global cooperation is needed to better protect the UK and other countries around the world from the detrimental health, social and economic impacts of pandemics and other health threats. The UK supports a new international legally-binding instrument as part of a cooperative and comprehensive approach to pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.
At a World Health Assembly Special Session in late 2021, the 194 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to launch a process to draft and negotiate a new instrument, through the auspices of WHO, to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The negotiating process will be led by member states, including the UK.
The instrument aims to improve how the world prevents, better prepares for, and responds to future disease outbreaks of pandemic potential at national, regional and global level. It would complement the existing international instruments which the UK has already agreed, such as the International Health Regulations. It would promote greater collective action and accountability.
A treaty is an international agreement concluded between States or with international organisations in written form and governed by international law. The UK is party to a large number of multilateral treaties, including many through the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies such as the WHO. These instruments reflect obligations states have agreed to enter into to further common goals.
The current target date for agreeing the text of the new instrument is at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. Over the next two years the UK aims to work towards building a consensus on how the global community can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics and will actively shape, develop and negotiate the text. The new instrument would only be adopted by the World Health Assembly if the text achieves a two-thirds vote of the Health Assembly (Article 19 of the WHO Constitution). The Health Assembly is made up of representatives of WHO Member States.
Once adopted, the instrument would only become binding on the UK if and when the UK accepts (ratifies) it in accordance with its constitutional process. In the UK this requires the treaty to be laid before Parliament for a period of 21 sitting days before the Government can ratify it on behalf of the UK.
The Government always carefully considers whether domestic legislation will be required to implement the UK’s international obligations when negotiating a treaty. Not every treaty requires implementing legislation and it is too early to say if that would apply here. However, in all circumstances, the UK’s ability to exercise its sovereignty would remain unchanged and the UK would remain in control of any future domestic decisions about national restrictions or other measures.
If changes to UK law were considered necessary or appropriate to reflect obligations under the treaty, proposals for domestic legislation would go through the usual Parliamentary process and the UK would not ratify the treaty until domestic measures, agreed by Parliament, were in place.
This process of ratification allows scrutiny by elected representatives of both the treaty and any appropriate domestic legislation in accordance with the UK’s constitutional arrangements. The Government does not consider a referendum is necessary, appropriate or in keeping with precedent for such an agreement.
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
They taunt their victims:
Thank you for keeping the candle burning. Many of us appreciate you.
smokechaser sees
I had covid. Maybe they juiced me with 5G but I had a fever snd it felt like a bioweapon: different from any other flu. My younger friend had it too. Same symptoms. Totally weird. Why do you say there is no virus?
Good find on the document. They sure do plan. I hope to read it later.
It is possible to cover an area with specific frequencies or with chemtrails that create the illusion of a "pandemic."
Based on all the evidence that came up in the plandemic era, it turned out that western "Medicine" is a fraud by morons, the preconditioned, the ones with Stockholm Syndrome, the ones who have given up their humanity for money, and the criminally insane, trying to consolidate their power by turning the world into a single, depressing computer game.
Stress in many forms accumulates and, once it exceeds the person's threshold (everything in the world seems to work with thresholds), the person gets "sick," but in unpredictable ways most of the time. The stressors are so multi-faceted and interact with each other unpredictably that it is impossible to determine even a complex set of stressors for particular symptoms. Stressors can be mitigated and/or eliminated sometimes one by one, but say, replacing our "smart" water meter would cost us $1,200, unless I could find a way to sue the utility company. After phoning around to lawyers for days, not a single one was willing to take on the case.
Geo Engineering; So much for the ENMOD CONventION of NOT, 'Weaponising' the Weather! Another waste of Global paper & Ink! Mixed in with the already mentioned 'Stresses' to citizens, is the vast array of DEWs [Direct Energy Weapon systems, used in ranges from physical Building Material 'Dissolutions', stand alone Spot 'Wild fires'[without 'Defined tracking', - Maybe Mr Alumina pre Visited], to 'Mind control/interference = ALL Patented for digital 'LegaliTies') deployed by the Military/ 'Spy-SureVeilLance' acronym Groups - Though this could be IncluDead in the 'G'men Public Deployed Comms 'NetWork'- NON Safety investiGated 'Sciences'!= NONE tangible, in Plain sight!
Wellness - John D.
That is fascinating. Where did you learn about how chemtrails/frequencies create the illusion of a pandemic? I know that 5G was suspect but I thought it was shown that something else caused the symptoms. I must have missed some work?
Just saw your post. Lots of my substacks accounts have been going to junk even though they are in my address list. Surprisingly all the materials junked are vaccine hesitant;)
I applaud you for trying to sue!! Great idea:). I was sued once and the guy hired an extremely expensive lawyer. I had to represent myself. Challenging!! But: I won big:). I hired a paralegal to help me file paperwork. I am in California—might be fun to try here!
In order to create the appearance of a pandemic, the perpetrators must poison specific areas, which can happen through 5G, as was the case in Wuhan and in Northern Italy, but the tech is there in many other ways.
Chemtrails have been around for at least 30 years, but it was only recently that their existence was officially admitted in the geoengineering program. However, they are military tech. When various chemicals can be sprayed from airplanes uncontrolled, the method can be used for poisoning specific areas.
I keep wondering how much longer Substack is going to be allowed to go "unchecked," that is, function as a honey pot.
Amazing you could win by representing yourself, but hiring a paralegal was probably the winning move! As a matter of fact, at US courts, the judge presides over what is allowed to be said and/or presented, which alone determines the outcome of a trial... Still, good to know that a few sane people are still left in CA! :)
The problem with "smart" meters is that they emit powerful pulses intermittently, which doesn't allow the body to get used to the radiation. It's basically murder in the long run...
I don’t think that I received a notice of your answer:/.
You covered lots of topics!
Geoengineering has been around for decades. Do you read Dane Wiggington?
I changed where I sleep because of the dumb meter. Because getting radiated less frequently is so good. Arg.
There is a surprising number of my neighbors and family who now share my concerns about globalism. That is one of the blessings of the covid debacle!
I do think that this will create more genuine Christians and fast friendships.
Get the app. You will see a number on the app indicating new posts by those you follow.
The app is horrible for me. Everything I like a comment, it creates a new page. Difficult to explain. Also, I can't see what I'm typing when trying to comment. I get email notifications for substack. I *think* I receive them all.
Good suggestion! I had downloaded the app but subsequently deleted it: am SO tired of the fine print agreements demanded by ‘free’ apps. I do now open my account several times a week to see what I have missed which is kinda similar to what you suggested. Thanks.
Yes, I missed the question, so here is my response.
Where did I learn? I usually put two and two together. There are a few maxims I employ and one of them is that "If something can be done, someone will do it."
When the objective is to create the appearance of a pandemic, the symptoms must be consistent over a specific area, which is possible to achieve by employing chemtrails or radiation.
It surprises me, too, that people seem to be waking up; I am hearing back stuff I used to disseminate 18-20 months ago, only to be told I was too "negative," whatever that means. I said it in vain that it's best to hope for the best and prepare for the worst; my words fell on deaf ears.
As for geoengineering, I first read about it on a Canadian site, but the following seems okay:
The virus was never proven to exist, the test can not identify the alleged virus: " Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms; This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. " p. 38 https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
The symptoms you had look like poisoning. There were many theories , we might never know for sure what they've used exactly in some areas.
In the beginning of the plandemic I listened to the interview by a retried colonel of Russian GRU ( military intelligence) his theory was , that TPTB might use some chemical poisons which induce respiratory flu like symptoms in some cities/towns. He might be right...
Note, that THE main 'Psych Leverage' on Society as part of the 'Existence of CONvid-19 EXERCISE', was the RT-PCR 'Test' results, Blitzed over EVERY Pre Purchased MSMedia outlet for 'Maximum' Mass Terror effect - well for non questioning John & Jan citizen's 'benefit'! And, as usual, not many Folks questioned - How, R.Rothschild [U.K] Registered a 'Test Kit', in the year 2015 - Definatively FOR 'Novel' Coronavirus 19, NOT available - APPaRentLie until Year 2019? With the 'Test kit', being 'Laboratory use only', NOT, for stand alone Diagnosis of disease, & used at max 25>28 cycles, even then = NOT the 40>45 Cycles 'Used' by OZtopian (Australia) Govt/Medical cabal, for FULL 'Effect'!
Next; The SAME RT-PCR CONvid 2019 'Test Kits', were then Bulk exported Globally, including OZtopia & N.Z in 2017/18 - 2 Years AHEAD of the 'Novel' Coronavirus PlanDemonic = Finally! OZtopia has an ACTual/Tangible example of Future 'Preparedness' in the ILLness - Apologies, HEALth/ Business arena! This IS even better than a Book on the MAUI 'Fires', printed just 2 DAYS, after the 'E-Vent'!
Further to these anomoLies, Folks thinking that this MIS/DIStribution of RT-PCR BonaFide COVID-19 'Test' kits @ PRE Plandemic times as the Usual CONspiracy arena, World Bank's OWN Trade tracking Group W.I.T.S Specific tracking Number for COVID-19 RT-PCR Bulk test Kits; : # 300215. With the World Bank further 'Investing' in Global Trade-Health, finally, good News. Project P173789. COVID -19 Strategic Preparedness & Response Program (SPRP) -StrategyProject, fired up as a Bank/IFC Collaboration in 02/April/2020 (Quick offf the mark for a 'SurePrize PlanDemonic' - Surprise pandemic), WILL, Apparently be due for 'Project' Finalisation on the 31/March/2025! WHO knew, about Precise Dating on 'U.Ncontrolled' MIS/DISease = AMAZING!
Anyone for Mass manipulation? In a world where Groups such as the U.S. CDC can over exagerate 'CONVID' fatality figures by 1600% Plus (In violation of their 'Laws' - I'm pretty sure), to Massive Downplaying, Manipulating & 'Dissolving' statistics of CONVID Jab Adverse reactions & Deaths (again, pretty sure that ain't 'legal' - to Alter or Destroy 'Official records')! = Dodgy 'Calculator batteries' - Maybe.
Wellness to the United US! - John D
Your video linking this has been taken down by YT.
Wouldn't be a surprise there.
Yes, I agree, I think all 'disease' can be seen as collections of symptoms of detoxication- fever, pustules, pox... which are essential for the body. They can occur after poisoning, polluted air for example but also happen at changes of season etc and signals can also be given to others to detoxify. Which explains why people get sick with the same symptoms at the same time.
Detoxification is a healing phase and mustn't be suppressed. If the body is supported with nutrition and sleep, and not treated with medications everything should be fine.
There might be a virus but the point is, like you say, there'e no evidence that there is! - I've tried to show that in my short post- https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing?s=w- scientists must purify viruses in a density gradient and show pictures. Otherwise we are just taking someone's word for it that it's there- and that it's causing the disease (even harder to show if they can't even find it in the first place!).
Very interesting,
Always learning
Interesting. Agree on virus skepticism.
My daughter and her husband went to a Christmas party at the end of 2021 and nearly everyone, around 200 people, all came down with something afterward that was assumed to be Covid.
I was suspicious because even on the diamond princess the contagion rate of whatever was allegedly going around wasn’t 100% and that was among elderly travelers, not healthy 20 and 30 somethings.
That event made believers in Covid out of most of the party goers.
Did the opposite for me.
And yes Jo always learning is a great motto!
Note, that most of these Cruise ships, 'WITH' Mysterious illnesses, are ALL WiFi 5 G Fully enabled.
Wellness - John D
Thank you for the prompt response. Agreed that the tests are corrupt.
Agreed that isolating the virus had issues.
However, most poisoning does not give a temp unless it is a bacterial food poisoning. Also, my best friend who lived in a different town had the same odd symptoms as did my family. Perhaps’they’ poisoned her in another city a week after they poisoned me? My family came down with it in succession as if we had infected each other. That rules out water contamination, food toxins, something introduced in the inside air...plus, it would have to be a poison which does not much affect kids. They had mild symptoms. Usually kids do more poorly than adults with toxins:(
BTW I had been around a woman who came down with it several days before I did who is vaxed vaxed boosted. 🙄
I know lots of credible people don’t believe that it is a virus. I dunno but personal experience is vital as a foundation of truth. I MO the poison model does not fit with my experience as well as the virus model.
Not related—my mother was from Nova Scotia. Did I read you are in Canada? Is that too personal???
Thanks for your substack.
The problem I think is that what people see is not supported by science.
There is no evidence of transmission of disease between people - so that would not fit with a virus theory but would fit with a detoxification theory (the signalling within families may only apply to those who need it, maybe children are unaffected as they don't need to detox, perhaps getting more vitamin D, running around outside). The need for detox can be because of emotional stress, worries and all sorts of things not necessarily actual 'poisons'.
The experiments with the Spanish Flu in 1918, supposedly a very virulent disease involved very sick patients breathing and coughing directly into healthy people's faces ' published in 1918
‘Experiments Upon Volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza, Boston, November and December, 1918 M. J. Rosenau.’ (see page 11) (1)
showed that after 62 healthy volunteers were exposed to alleged virus by breathing the fetid air of very sick ‘flu’ patients and having them repeatedly cough in their faces, much to the researchers surprise; only one developed a sore throat and not one developed influenza like illness'.
1) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/flu/3750flu.0016.573/11/--experiments-upon-volunteers-to-determine-the-cause-and-mode?page=root;rgn=full+text;size=100;view=image
Always learning,
I caught it from someone with a dry cough. That was in December 2019 in England.
You might read Firstenberg on the causes of flu. Otherwise: Bacteria? Yes. Pathogens? Yes. Toxins? Yes. Viruses? Dodgy ...
Not sure that it will even take 5 years for them to accomplish their goals. Good article. Will be linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
In Shanghai, they are killing the pets of the people who are in quarantine. https://ussanews.com/2022/04/08/pets-slaughtered-in-shanghai-because-of-covid/
they lock people in cages, take their children and kill their beloved pets. Demonic monsters
Dr. Kim looks like a demon. Look at her ugly face, baring her teeth.
I read parts and skimmed others from the world bank document. Focused on 25 countries (small), but they're taking on a monitoring, health equipment provider, and population tracking role? Gosh, maybe I should pester my local bank to emulate that. Oh, wait... they already monitor us with constant barrages of questions about whether my info is current, what plans do you have coming up (when making a big withdrawal - part of the "know your customer" program, and now they're consolidating accounts so they can provide the conVEEEENience in seeing all your accounts in one place. (Um... you can shut them all down in one fell swoop now, right? And you spent all this money for this new feature... FOR OUR CONVENIENCE??? WOW!)
Given this plan's age, I'd like to see an updated version. The World Bank has been the puppet for many western countries' efforts to inject twisted sexual program acceptances in order to get loans for development and food. I laughed when I saw in Table 2, under risks... "Lack of accountability
measures to ensure that resources supporting COVID-19 activities reach intended health care facilities and beneficiaries." (aka corruption). Table 2 is an interesting list of risks to their program. (see also on page 3-4 the high level risks).
The one good think about how the US is set up is we have 50 different governments. The Feds struggle to get them all to follow the dictates. ie Florida, Texas and others. This one fact alone will keep us from going full bore China. Not saying it wont be crazy, is just we have somewhat of an advantage.
That's a valid point, Phil. The current governor of Florida seems to be well aware of the reserved state powers detailed in the US Constitution. Most governors in the US behave as though the states are subservient to the federal government in all cases, though even a casual reading of the Constitution would reveal that idea to be false.
Politicians in both parties treat the Constitution as a dead letter. That's the result of accepting the ridiculous premise that the Constitution is a " living document". I've wondered before how making the supreme law of the land a "living document" could relegate it to the status of a dead letter.