Did the CIA do the redactions?

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The CDC works for pharma and the WEF. At this stage of their game, it's just "Warp Speed" depopulation. It's like "trusting" Jeffrey Dahmer to collect, preserve, and present, all of the dead bodies and other evidence needed to convict him.

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Excellent analysis Joy.

Well said.

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The CDC is a vaccine company masquerading as a regulator and public-health authority. It needs to be abolished. Until then, it needs to be shunned and loudly ridiculed.

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"I tried following the science but it keeps leading me back to the money" -Meme

https://tritorch.com/degradation/MrBeanIsTryingToFollowTheScienceButItKeepsLeadingHimBackToTheMoney.png [image]

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The only thing they should redact are the names of individuals everything else is safe to reveal except an unsafe vaccine… this is a deliberate coverup of crimes they committed.. and enough is enough… when the bodies stack 17million high.. the indemnity from prosecution needs to be removed.

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VA had safety signals triggered 6 months after the shot roll for myocarditis after the 1st Pfizer shot.

A VA employee, Fran Cunningham, emailed the CDC with the details.

VA and CDC remained silent.

VA still forced their employees to take the covid shot.

VA never warned veterans they could be harmed.

I will keep posting this until the VA stops giving the covid shots to veterans.

Hopefully, some VA employee or veteran, will start screaming, "WTF. You jerks just tried to kill me."

Here are the details in this article:


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⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️this is no joke

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Is this a joke?!?! Seriously???!😳

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Well, I redact the viability of the CDC. It simply no longer exists. Case closed.

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And yet Trump keeps bragging about his role. MAGA votes for it's own self-destruction. Talk about mental gymnastics.

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That is SO crazy! Certifiable verifiable proof that everything we were told all along by "The Science" was IN FACT (scientifically) CRAZY!

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When executing a Psyop on the entire G20 you hide all evidence at least long enough to kill the projected minimum.. Expose' published FOIA document from CIA analyst tracking the Kill rate stated most nations right on target.. Billions of human bodies turned into Biological Time Bombs via the Poison Jab which detonate at varying times in the next couple years... via an array of different cancers [primarily] maintaining plausible deniability... Nuremberg... work at it today..

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I remember listening to an interview of Paul Alexander by someone. (I have to find it.)

In it, Alexander describes how the entire 7th floor (of the CDC I think) was occupied, literally, by the US Military back in 2020.

He said something in passing that clicked with me. I remember thinking: So THAT'S why the inserts were blank! He inadvertently provided a perfect explanation.

I'm looking for it and will send it when I find it.

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I have heard a version of that claim: "7th Floor" of US State Department is a sort of Deep State (DOD+ others) headquarters (from well before 2020). Occasional references can be found in ordinary State Dept communications, for example, "... depending on what the 7th Floor says".

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CDC has little interest in health, it is about profit.

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This MUST be a mistake, maybe some low level worker got stupid on a Friday and put this out.

They can't possibly think this is acceptable.

Even for my paranoid and twisted mind, this is too much.

How , why, what the ??????

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So the CDC is saying “Nothing to see here (quite literally), just move on”. Transparency is no longer a word.

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Honestly?!? Is this a joke? Serious question.

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Wasn't there some agreement that because of the speed of the creation, there would be transparency? People have short memories I guess.

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