What shocks me is how blind, ignorant and dumb people are to still think these shots are safe and not know these shots are dangerous.

I can easily see how people will take the mark of the beast when it arrives

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It's a form of ransom. Here's a poll about this that's open to the public.


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Just like the CEO of Pfizer was unable to enter Israel because he was not fully vaccinated. The rules are for thee and not me.

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Perhaps Western may be considered an “innovator” as it has found a new way to convert students into donors. Does the policy specify a dollar minimum? They might suddenly get a rush of one dollar donations from students and parents.

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Parents and students should NOT support these evil institutions… Take your money elsewhere!


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They should talk to their lawyer. Demanding vax or payment is support for liability litigation by injured students. Their demand is clearly arbitrary, making them liable for damage.

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Is this what we call "Rich Privilege"? Wow

I just posted this 5 minutes after your post: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/dear-college-student-youve-been-punked

Thank you for all your work.

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I have some good idea. How about donate $1 or or $20 to the school and by definition becomes a donor. So you can be qualify not to take the vaccine shot.

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