Tucker & Surgeon General converstion was awesome and truthful. Thank you.
We all need prayer and to be praying.
''Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.'' Hebrews 11:1-3
Thank you, Lioness of Judah. Once again, more critical information that everyone must know before it's too late. Indeed, the technology used to create these alleged Vaccines, aka Bioweapons, is clearly beyond human engineering. It's sadly evident that Satan's fingerprints are all over this human tragedy.
"All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed." John 3:20 NLT
As I understand it, That is in the DOD Countermeasures protocol which is incentivized by Federal Medicare reimbursement structures AND by the nefarious stipulation that if the hospitals follow those protocols they are indemnified against malpractice suits (ah the irony of ironies: do malpractice (which is what the protocols are) and you are paid more and protected against malpractice suits. Deviate from the protocol and you are opened up to malpractice suits.
Sasha Lapova goes into this in great detail in one or two of her posts.
It is as far as I can tell, not a state level issue; We would need a new administration And massive changes in both houses of Congress, and, frankly a bunch of RINOs to get ASDS & be replaced by representatives with no ties or allegiance to Big Pharma.
Start praying for a miracle!
I am not sure why the declaration that the pandemic is over didn’t automatically sunset all the BS.
I agree, but ending pandemic declaration should logically end the EUA approvals, so any use after that of EUA countermeasures, drugs or whatever you want call them should be considered illegal & revenue from same should be clawed back from Pfizer et al.
The MRNA/DNA in the lipid nano particles is definitely been shown to be stable and able to withstand catabolism in the body, make its way to & into the cell and into the cell nucleus. So it is not a matter of believing or not, but does it get into the ova of girls in utero, prepubescent girls, pubertal girls, and women and spermatogonia of boys and men. Unfortunately, we will have to wait half to a whole generation to find out regarding humans (one of the many reasons it should never have been allowed, much less encouraged for reproductive aged of either sex, much less pregnant women.
This is society wide democidal malpractice ! These people are literally worse than Hitler.
I won’t argue with you on communists v Hitler; tyranny by committee v 1 tyrant. Using the shorthand of Hitler gets them off the hook and lets them paint it as a R v L issue, when Hitler was in fact a socialist (what is NAZI an acronym for?)
No doubt the virus was engineered, Fauci $ paid for it, only deadly for high risk people who were mismanaged, there was cheap effective treatment packages known from the beginning, Fauci knew this from the gitgo (his name is on a pre 2019 paper on HCQ), nanotechnology is key to the ?effectiveness ? of the vaccines but also to their Geno-toxicity, the discussion that there is/was no virus is a distraction mostly by people who are not clinicians (just because the mismanagement explains most of the mortality, doesn’t prove there wasn’t a virus, in all due deference to Michael Yeadon, never blame conspiracy for what can be attributed to ineptitude (or sloppy manufacturing processes)-- plenty of direct evidence of conspiracy, but not everything is result of conspiracy, plenty of people who should be in line for the gallows without adding more marginal ones.
Early 2020,a young man on YouTube posted, that he had just recieved an email from his brother who worked for phizer in the lab, his brother told him, whatever you do, do not have the injection, it steralizes you , and if a man gets Injected, goes home to his partner and has sex, then she is then vaxed.......this hasbeen co firmed..professor Sucharit Bahakdi, told us last year, his friend,a top scientist, virologist ,doctor, ,in Germany, was asked by 3 families to do special autopsies on their 3 sons ,all in their twenties who had just died after having the vax , he did, and he found the MRNA had got into all organs, including the brain, and found in all 3, that their testicles were full of MRNA, he found no sperm, not one....
Are you sure that this was early 2020 not early 2021? --I am not doubting you, as it is plausible, given that he worked in Pfizer’s lab and would have access to their data.
Did YuoTube overlook that post? Surely, if the minders saw it they would have taken it down, unless they didn’t realize its significance.
This is important, because it demonstrates beyond a shadow of doubt that Pfizer knew a) widespread distribution of the vaccine in the body, b) it sterilizes men, and by analogy would also cause reproductive harm to women, c) transmission by sexual intercourse.
All before the rollout of the vaccine.
Who else knew? FDA CDC DOD, NIH agencies, Fauci? Brix?
We need all internal documents, all emails, all phone logs related to the vaccines and COVID of Pfizer, Moderna, all the Alphabet agencies.
Heads need to roll, bodies need to be incarcerated, companies need to be bankrupted by suits, federal agencies need to be dismantled, depopulated and only repopulated in absolutely necessary. Those not incarcerated should be banned from any government office (excepting possibly mail carrier), ditto for those incarcerated on release.
I call it "Satan's Syrup" in podcast interviews! 2020 was the dress rehearsal! In my interview with Dr. Ladapo he was very guarded and not too vocal about the Jab https://rumble.com/v3py659-transcend-fear-interview-with-florida-surgeon-general-joseph-ladapo-m.d..html
Tucker & Surgeon General converstion was awesome and truthful. Thank you.
We all need prayer and to be praying.
''Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.'' Hebrews 11:1-3
Thank you, Lioness of Judah. Once again, more critical information that everyone must know before it's too late. Indeed, the technology used to create these alleged Vaccines, aka Bioweapons, is clearly beyond human engineering. It's sadly evident that Satan's fingerprints are all over this human tragedy.
"All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed." John 3:20 NLT
ok but why are FL hospitals still allowed to murder people with rundeathisnear?
how many more plagues can we withstand before pharaoh's heart is no longer hardened?
As I understand it, That is in the DOD Countermeasures protocol which is incentivized by Federal Medicare reimbursement structures AND by the nefarious stipulation that if the hospitals follow those protocols they are indemnified against malpractice suits (ah the irony of ironies: do malpractice (which is what the protocols are) and you are paid more and protected against malpractice suits. Deviate from the protocol and you are opened up to malpractice suits.
Sasha Lapova goes into this in great detail in one or two of her posts.
It is as far as I can tell, not a state level issue; We would need a new administration And massive changes in both houses of Congress, and, frankly a bunch of RINOs to get ASDS & be replaced by representatives with no ties or allegiance to Big Pharma.
Start praying for a miracle!
I am not sure why the declaration that the pandemic is over didn’t automatically sunset all the BS.
Because this BS was planned.
I agree, but ending pandemic declaration should logically end the EUA approvals, so any use after that of EUA countermeasures, drugs or whatever you want call them should be considered illegal & revenue from same should be clawed back from Pfizer et al.
I think the rule of law has broken down.
It broke down the day that Joe Biden was inaugurated, if not before... likely J 6, just not the way the MSM portrayed it.
Everything. Everywhere. Satanic.
99942 Apophis Asteroid = Giant Serpent Ancient Egyptian deity of darkness and disorder
Year of the Dragon = 2024
X = Osiris Rising
I welcome his use of the term "Anti-Christ".
Regardless of whether you agree with the mRNA/DNA angle, he brings up the 'foreign matter'; the fertility issues; the turbo cancer; and above all..
The Absolute Evil of the Lockdown Measures.
The MRNA/DNA in the lipid nano particles is definitely been shown to be stable and able to withstand catabolism in the body, make its way to & into the cell and into the cell nucleus. So it is not a matter of believing or not, but does it get into the ova of girls in utero, prepubescent girls, pubertal girls, and women and spermatogonia of boys and men. Unfortunately, we will have to wait half to a whole generation to find out regarding humans (one of the many reasons it should never have been allowed, much less encouraged for reproductive aged of either sex, much less pregnant women.
This is society wide democidal malpractice ! These people are literally worse than Hitler.
The Communists were worse than Hitler. Let's give them their due. That's where they are taking us.
Many scientists contend there is no RNA in the concoction.
The SEC reg called it 'gene therapy' whilst Moderna CEO said it was the 'software of life'.
There is defo graphene oxide lipo nanoparticles - and people are definitely dying and being maimed.
That is enough for me.
I won’t argue with you on communists v Hitler; tyranny by committee v 1 tyrant. Using the shorthand of Hitler gets them off the hook and lets them paint it as a R v L issue, when Hitler was in fact a socialist (what is NAZI an acronym for?)
No doubt the virus was engineered, Fauci $ paid for it, only deadly for high risk people who were mismanaged, there was cheap effective treatment packages known from the beginning, Fauci knew this from the gitgo (his name is on a pre 2019 paper on HCQ), nanotechnology is key to the ?effectiveness ? of the vaccines but also to their Geno-toxicity, the discussion that there is/was no virus is a distraction mostly by people who are not clinicians (just because the mismanagement explains most of the mortality, doesn’t prove there wasn’t a virus, in all due deference to Michael Yeadon, never blame conspiracy for what can be attributed to ineptitude (or sloppy manufacturing processes)-- plenty of direct evidence of conspiracy, but not everything is result of conspiracy, plenty of people who should be in line for the gallows without adding more marginal ones.
Early 2020,a young man on YouTube posted, that he had just recieved an email from his brother who worked for phizer in the lab, his brother told him, whatever you do, do not have the injection, it steralizes you , and if a man gets Injected, goes home to his partner and has sex, then she is then vaxed.......this hasbeen co firmed..professor Sucharit Bahakdi, told us last year, his friend,a top scientist, virologist ,doctor, ,in Germany, was asked by 3 families to do special autopsies on their 3 sons ,all in their twenties who had just died after having the vax , he did, and he found the MRNA had got into all organs, including the brain, and found in all 3, that their testicles were full of MRNA, he found no sperm, not one....
Are you sure that this was early 2020 not early 2021? --I am not doubting you, as it is plausible, given that he worked in Pfizer’s lab and would have access to their data.
Did YuoTube overlook that post? Surely, if the minders saw it they would have taken it down, unless they didn’t realize its significance.
This is important, because it demonstrates beyond a shadow of doubt that Pfizer knew a) widespread distribution of the vaccine in the body, b) it sterilizes men, and by analogy would also cause reproductive harm to women, c) transmission by sexual intercourse.
All before the rollout of the vaccine.
Who else knew? FDA CDC DOD, NIH agencies, Fauci? Brix?
We need all internal documents, all emails, all phone logs related to the vaccines and COVID of Pfizer, Moderna, all the Alphabet agencies.
Heads need to roll, bodies need to be incarcerated, companies need to be bankrupted by suits, federal agencies need to be dismantled, depopulated and only repopulated in absolutely necessary. Those not incarcerated should be banned from any government office (excepting possibly mail carrier), ditto for those incarcerated on release.
Lets use a worldwide citizens plebiscite to overrule governments https://donfindlay.substack.com/p/they-are-trying-to-kill-us
Dr Ladapo is fantastic!
Anyone who won’t say depopulation cannot be trusted .
It's mass genocide, planned years ago...
Another link that is not available. But the title says it all.