Luna59 has it right. They didn’t lose data. This refers to intentionally vaccinating the control group so they have no data after that point. This has been done to all Covid clinical trials. It’s deliberate destruction of the trial and it’s obviously a big NO NO! Every research person knows this so think about that.

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Good article, Lioness, linking tomorrow as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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with off-the-charts VAERS for adults, injecting a baby/child is asking for trouble.

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i hope someone puts them in a cage and LOSES the key

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It amaze me that they come up with so many excuses. They say the lost it. What next excuse? Computer glitch? Or human error? ...ext

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Lost the placebo group.....so isn't this negligence and cause to fire all involved in the losing of the info?????

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Was this the trial where over 3,000 children didn’t even make it through the trial? Is that what they mean by “lost?”

Out of 4,546 children in the Pfizer trial that they presented to the FDA, three thousand did not make it to the end of trial. 34 of the vaccinated group got covid, 13 of the unvaccinated got covid. They utterly twisted the data Dr Craig says, and completely ignored 97% of covid cases during the trial and only focused on a tiny number. 12 children got covid twice and all but one was vaccinated. THEN after all that, they had the audacity to vaccinate the control group - you know, those that weren’t vaccinated. This is Dr Clare Craig of the Hart Group. https://rumble.com/v18s66i-bombshell-dr.-clare-craig-exposes-how-pfizer-twisted-their-clinical-trial-d.html.

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They do it because they can. We allow it by our acceptance of repeated abuses. Complacency is fatal for some, a nuisance for others, undetected by most. We deserve every insult. Desmet's new book explains why. It's our nature. Maybe enough will figure it out so that we can force some changes. Probably not.

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This. Is. Insane.

Very insane.

Although considering the data we had until now from the placebo groups, definitely makes sense that the dogs over at the FDA would 'eat the homework" lol

"Did Pfizer Roofie the Placebo Babies

Saline injections are not supposed to have such an aggressive side effects profile. So what exactly was in Pfizer's placebo injection?"


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When everyone is insane, it's the rational ones who are marked as insane. Sanity is declared by the masses.

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They vaccinated the placebo group, and unblinded everyone. It was not lost data, it was a deliberate decision not to collect the data.

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There is no way they "lost it". Obviously they didn't like the results and hid the data. These people should be in jail.

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The problem is not that they faked the data. The problem isn't even that the vax is dangerous for some. The problem is that most people were dumb enough to accept blatant fraud. Maybe some of them have learned their government can't be trusted. Probably not.

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Hung, drawn and quartered.

No mercy.

These people are psychopaths

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Lost was meant to mean they decided not to continue with a placebo. They unblinded at that point and offered the vaccine to everyone. Lost as in no longer existed because they did not want it to. This is clear if you watch the imbedded video in full or listen to Bigtree.

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