WHY is Fauci not in trial? Why has he not had his pension pulled? Why are more people not coming forward?
Everyone who pushed these lies needs to be arrested, thrown in jail without bail so they can contemplate their actions. If they can do it for J6, they should do it for all the quacks who followed along and didn’t think for themselves.
There needs to be a world wide reckoning, accountability AND the end of the UN, WHO, WEF, and any other globalist group. NO MORE! THIS IS THE END!
UFB. Or not? I cannot recall ever feeling reasssured by what Fauci said since the COVID story began. Once a liar, always a liar. Is someone going to write about the harm of relying on "public servants" with no morals?
Many people just roll with whatever. Not the deep thinkers of anything.
I was most emotionally affected when I saw toddlers with masks on their sweet innocent faces. Their young parents were also wearing masks. I've been seeing more masking lately and
have no idea what that is about.
The Constitution and an individual's rights will
always trump collectivism, if you value freedom.
Don't every buy into the 'collective good' BS.
I remember that stupid line from Star Trek when Spock would say, 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'. Pure drivel.
The 6-foot lie was more than just “distance”. It was about creating a fear so deep, it prevented people from human touch, which is needed for healing and tending to the human spirit. Fauci needs to be in prison - in solitary confinement.
Laura, I’ve read it! I’ve known about Fauci since HIV/AIDS. I remember an interview w/Karry Mullis, (inventor of the PCR machine and Nobel winner). He despised him. Looks like Fauci used the same play book. I often wonder if Fauci would have gotten away with his criminal acts if Dr. Mullis had not passed away just before the scamdemic.
I knew it was all a lie. This isn't the first time a lie was perpetrated on US Citizens..Rocjefeller took over all medical systems.The Salk Vaccine (late 50s & 60s) had the latent Simian cancer virus and it was injected into millions. Since then, synthetic medicines & Slice & Dice have ruled. The issue is the Rockefelker controlled Allopathic Medical System which needs to be examined and reformed with preventive Medicine at the forefront. Slice, Dice and Synthetic Meds needs to be replaced with healthy healing techniques
I felt like a complete idiot going to the grocery store and standing on little feet sticker icons.
People took this stuff seriously! I was at a local post office a month ago and a masked man wanted me to stand 20 feet behind him. Bonkers. Some people are forever traumatized by what took place.
They are literally victims of a psychological operation. I see someone with a mask on now, and I have pity for them. I didn’t feel that way 4 years ago. Truly sad...
Satanic cults wear masks , do ceremonial hand washings and gather in circles 6 feet apart. They simply wanted to perpetuate their use and belief in dark magic and occultist practices to further visit their darkness and pain on th e populace at large who were simply blindly doing what they were told.
Yes, and it's wonderful slowly discovering how many of us there actually were (at least 30% of the world's population anyway) who knew something was amiss and refused. What we thought was preservation of choice was costing us a lot, but those that paid for their compliance with their lives or health or both paid more than our choice had brought to us. Being awake and alert to the rest of the scam is now a full-time preoocupation!
On the contrary - I respect and admire those who forfeited material or social security for the truth that we are all guinea pigs being used by a corrupt system that has no regard for us other than perhaps entertainment and use of our bioenergy for their ongoing digital enslavement and population culling plans. I chose to take retirement myself and live more modestly, as I live in an area of zombified, easily swayed complicit fools who believed the propaganda and were fierce about expecting everyone else to do so (I was physically confronted several times at my workplace about it and forced to disclose to my employer my vaxxed status - I was a VP with management responsibilities). I understand and empathize but I also admire your courage and resolve.
I understand Richard, I did the same thing…I lost three years. I refused to put a swab up my nose. I was sent home on my lunch break, never to return. A few months later, it would have been the jab.
>>>PSALM 91<<< I said it every morning before work, etc! What a powerful prayer! My favorite!
You were much smarter than I -- they swabbed me a couple of times before I figured out that the swabs and the (Chinese manufactured) masks were also part of the trap (along with the shedding from others and the ramping up of the 5G). My spouse lost her job but was rewarded with a better one for her stand against the drama and unreasonable deprivation of rights (they wouldn't even consider a waiver). She cried because she'd been there 10 years and loved the people with whom she worked, but could not compromise what she knew to be wrong for comfort and acceptance. Psalm 91 is so very powerful, comforting and strengthening when the external circumstances communicate differently. And nice to know that as we're holding Him, He's holding us...and that we can REST (He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and REST in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].), STAND (Ephesians 6:13) and see beyond our circumstances from a heavenly perspective (Ephesians 2:6). HIS LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS and it's exciting to discover so many people of faith standing in truth, confidently. TRUTH IS FREEDOM.
One other observation -- we belong the one true living God and have been given everything pertaining to life & Godliness -- we're joint heirs with Christ and partakers of the divine nature -- we've been bought with a price and are no longer our own, walking in newness of life. We may endure difficulty for a time here, but we are secure in the redemption of our lives and there is eternity in our hearts -- our minds are being renewed and our future is secure in Him. The present may present difficulties but our reward is with Him who died, rose, ascended and now lives to advocate and intercede on our behalf. Romans 11:33
I remember going to our grandchildren's Christmas concert. Watching the children trying to sing with their faces covered by masks was sick, and yet many embraced it. Insanity.
We all die. Even globalist Luciferians. Maybe today.
WHY is Fauci not in trial? Why has he not had his pension pulled? Why are more people not coming forward?
Everyone who pushed these lies needs to be arrested, thrown in jail without bail so they can contemplate their actions. If they can do it for J6, they should do it for all the quacks who followed along and didn’t think for themselves.
There needs to be a world wide reckoning, accountability AND the end of the UN, WHO, WEF, and any other globalist group. NO MORE! THIS IS THE END!
UFB. Or not? I cannot recall ever feeling reasssured by what Fauci said since the COVID story began. Once a liar, always a liar. Is someone going to write about the harm of relying on "public servants" with no morals?
Do you think people that followed the rules, social distancing and wearing the diapers now feel like an idiot.
Mamy are ready to be duped again. Sheeple.
Many people just roll with whatever. Not the deep thinkers of anything.
I was most emotionally affected when I saw toddlers with masks on their sweet innocent faces. Their young parents were also wearing masks. I've been seeing more masking lately and
have no idea what that is about.
The Constitution and an individual's rights will
always trump collectivism, if you value freedom.
Don't every buy into the 'collective good' BS.
I remember that stupid line from Star Trek when Spock would say, 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'. Pure drivel.
The 6-foot lie was more than just “distance”. It was about creating a fear so deep, it prevented people from human touch, which is needed for healing and tending to the human spirit. Fauci needs to be in prison - in solitary confinement.
The worst were couples where one was in hospital and they isolated and alone. Criminal.
If you really want to get the deal on Fauci check out JFK Jr's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" he has been killing people for decades.
Laura, I’ve read it! I’ve known about Fauci since HIV/AIDS. I remember an interview w/Karry Mullis, (inventor of the PCR machine and Nobel winner). He despised him. Looks like Fauci used the same play book. I often wonder if Fauci would have gotten away with his criminal acts if Dr. Mullis had not passed away just before the scamdemic.
Yes. How very convenient the timing of Dr. Mullis' death was.
I knew it was all a lie. This isn't the first time a lie was perpetrated on US Citizens..Rocjefeller took over all medical systems.The Salk Vaccine (late 50s & 60s) had the latent Simian cancer virus and it was injected into millions. Since then, synthetic medicines & Slice & Dice have ruled. The issue is the Rockefelker controlled Allopathic Medical System which needs to be examined and reformed with preventive Medicine at the forefront. Slice, Dice and Synthetic Meds needs to be replaced with healthy healing techniques
I felt like a complete idiot going to the grocery store and standing on little feet sticker icons.
People took this stuff seriously! I was at a local post office a month ago and a masked man wanted me to stand 20 feet behind him. Bonkers. Some people are forever traumatized by what took place.
They are literally victims of a psychological operation. I see someone with a mask on now, and I have pity for them. I didn’t feel that way 4 years ago. Truly sad...
For many there is no learning curve. Many still don't know about Vitamin D or that their
immune system has been compromised. The biggest divide I see are people who access independent media and those who don't.
These are the same people who probably thought
World Trade Center #7 just did a perfect free-fall down into its own foot print or didn't know about building 7 at all, and/or didn't care.
I digress.
I totally agree. And I definitely get that. I realize at 60, everything I was told growing up, is a lie.
It's really quite off-putting when you finally understand that.
That's where a good sense of humor helps.
But when I found out the moon landing was a total fraud I had no
trouble believing it. Bart Sibrel @ sibrel.com is the man who unravels that story.
I see recordings from the moon landing and it looks so fake! People were so gullible and trusting back then. I really see it now!
Thank you for the recommendation @sibrel.com! I saw the documentary “A Funny Thing…” It really woke me up!
Fear is the brother of stupidity, is the father of lies, is the grandchild of gullibility and the son of a totalitarian!
Satanic cults wear masks , do ceremonial hand washings and gather in circles 6 feet apart. They simply wanted to perpetuate their use and belief in dark magic and occultist practices to further visit their darkness and pain on th e populace at large who were simply blindly doing what they were told.
Not all of us complied. I’m not blind.
Yes, and it's wonderful slowly discovering how many of us there actually were (at least 30% of the world's population anyway) who knew something was amiss and refused. What we thought was preservation of choice was costing us a lot, but those that paid for their compliance with their lives or health or both paid more than our choice had brought to us. Being awake and alert to the rest of the scam is now a full-time preoocupation!
Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining! I lost my job of 23 years and then some. I don’t do well with tyranny.
On the contrary - I respect and admire those who forfeited material or social security for the truth that we are all guinea pigs being used by a corrupt system that has no regard for us other than perhaps entertainment and use of our bioenergy for their ongoing digital enslavement and population culling plans. I chose to take retirement myself and live more modestly, as I live in an area of zombified, easily swayed complicit fools who believed the propaganda and were fierce about expecting everyone else to do so (I was physically confronted several times at my workplace about it and forced to disclose to my employer my vaxxed status - I was a VP with management responsibilities). I understand and empathize but I also admire your courage and resolve.
I understand Richard, I did the same thing…I lost three years. I refused to put a swab up my nose. I was sent home on my lunch break, never to return. A few months later, it would have been the jab.
>>>PSALM 91<<< I said it every morning before work, etc! What a powerful prayer! My favorite!
God loves you Richard, my brother in Christ.
You were much smarter than I -- they swabbed me a couple of times before I figured out that the swabs and the (Chinese manufactured) masks were also part of the trap (along with the shedding from others and the ramping up of the 5G). My spouse lost her job but was rewarded with a better one for her stand against the drama and unreasonable deprivation of rights (they wouldn't even consider a waiver). She cried because she'd been there 10 years and loved the people with whom she worked, but could not compromise what she knew to be wrong for comfort and acceptance. Psalm 91 is so very powerful, comforting and strengthening when the external circumstances communicate differently. And nice to know that as we're holding Him, He's holding us...and that we can REST (He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and REST in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].), STAND (Ephesians 6:13) and see beyond our circumstances from a heavenly perspective (Ephesians 2:6). HIS LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS and it's exciting to discover so many people of faith standing in truth, confidently. TRUTH IS FREEDOM.
One other observation -- we belong the one true living God and have been given everything pertaining to life & Godliness -- we're joint heirs with Christ and partakers of the divine nature -- we've been bought with a price and are no longer our own, walking in newness of life. We may endure difficulty for a time here, but we are secure in the redemption of our lives and there is eternity in our hearts -- our minds are being renewed and our future is secure in Him. The present may present difficulties but our reward is with Him who died, rose, ascended and now lives to advocate and intercede on our behalf. Romans 11:33
YES, YES, YES, and Amen in Jesus Christ’s name!!!✝️✝️✝️
Little Mengele.
What a tosser
Just like the useless Masks, the Social Distancing was a way to visually remind people to be afraid, be VERY afraid of the "Deadly" Corona Virus.
I remember going to our grandchildren's Christmas concert. Watching the children trying to sing with their faces covered by masks was sick, and yet many embraced it. Insanity.
Ridiculous insanity. Worry about the real problems we have. You people are like a dog with a bone. Grow up.
We need a meme with a clown with horns
Americans are already dumb enough. Follow the plan.