The covid truth is suppressed thru mis/dis/mal information via the mainstream press and the DoD propaganda arm so completely that the

only source printing and reading the Lancet news will be like minded scientists and readers seeking truth. The majority of the population was captured long ago. The courts cannot act against this cabal due to Constitutional Laws that make fraud, murder and death by vaccines and CDC treatment protocols legal. Act to force congress to repeal Constitutional Laws and a reckoning might happen til then we are all pissing in the wind.

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First, help this to go viral among the sheeple.

THEN, let the stragglers know that Big Harma bought off Congress so that there's nothing they the stragglers, can do about it.

At least then they'll have a CHANCE of waking up!

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So many maimed , tortured and murdered… it will take generations to unpack the crimes against humanity.

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If we could just get one study in the Lancet that showed these pictures. Why won't any scientists study these things?

(No need to read the story. You can just look at the first photo).


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Let's not pussyfoot around here, okay?... OK.

Never before in the history of mankind has such a globally organized crime against humanity been plotted and successfully carried out. These are NOT 'vaccines' and to call them 'jabs' is whimsical and misleading as to suggest they have some redeemable, beneficial medical purpose. They do NOT! These lethal injections are BIOWEAPONS... plain and simple!

Because the makers of these products have been knowingly and purposely pursuing a satanic, world-wide depopulation agenda they MUST be hunted down, arrested, tried, sentenced and EXECUTED as the laws of all our civilized societies deem necessary for the benefit and preservation of mankind.

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like and we're now in it.

WAKE UP sleeping Christians!!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ

MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com - THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog)

WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email)

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

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Well said William. Christians are part of the problem (speaking as a recovered ex Catholic). Christians have fallen for the cabal mind control trap of religion, taking most of them out the fight.. believing in false ideology and idolatry derived from solar cults (astrotheology) as well as taking the Nicea tortured & mistranslated texts of the bible for reality . I don't know what will wake them up, but I pray 🙏 they do and join back in the spiritual battle.

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People are still going to be lining up for their 192th booster in 2085. Those few that are still alive...

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So whats the "explosive" thing of the study about 44 studies ? Just 74% of the reported deaths from the vaccine in these 44 studies were confirmed by three physicians, 26% died not from the vaccines as noted in the studies. Or have i misunderstood anything ?

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The dam is slowly breaking.

However, it is probably too late for those who were completely captured.

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Mean time from "vaccination" to death was 14.3 days. And you weren't accounted as "vaccinated" until day 15. Ain't that interesting? Almost, almost as if someone somewhere knew something.

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