Like to see this splashed on MSM. His story of his life starts on Sunday night on TV, they should add at the end, Warne died from the clot shot. As soon as I heard he was overseas I knew it was the vaccine. Tragically they planned his past unhealthy living but he was already living a healthy life and fit again.

My neighbours daughter 50 years old also died from it, seems that this age group was hugely effected from this poison.

No vaccines are safe, no proof they work, and no virus has been isolated.

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Should say "blamed" not "planned"

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Has any politicians or their children suffered or were they all exempt? This must stop!!!

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no body is going to prison anywhere on earth including gates for pushing vaccines. we are dealing with extremely powerful forces, the evil has "moved on" from vaccine and his next agenda seem to be Fake Alien invasion to lock down whole city and then the aliens carried some virus, so the whole world needs to be vaccinated.

If you notice gates suddenly talking about UFOs and Aliens, you know its time

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Still recommended for pregnant women... 🥲🧐😤🤬😭

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Not only the mRNA, they recently detected DNA rings, which means they hijack the cell nucleus to produce non-stop whatever poison they wanted.

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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A slow poison that shorten lifespans thru multiple mechanisms, host susceptibility and obscures their evil intentions.

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Another Not-A-Vaccine death.

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VA still pushing covid shots on veterans.

Because nothing is too good for our veterans. /s

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Culls the rolls of people they have to “care” for. Just as I believe the urgent recommendations for the elderly to get the clot shots bc they’re so vulnerable. Yep, many are. All the better to remove them from the healthcare system.

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And in the US, from Medicare, social security, and pensions.

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