Canada is captured by the WEF.

The current government lead by puppet Trudeau and his cronies are most all WEF devotees. The majority of Canadians want him gone. Our political system needs an overhaul. Power is in the hands of the Greater Toronto Area and Quebec. The rest of Canada is held hostage. What is happening in the USA is happening here. SOS. Our Country is broken.

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lethal "vaccine", second "pandemic" - technology they injected EASILY allows it, more limitations such as masks, lockdowns, sterilization with this so called "vaccine", war, "terror attacks", famine, rationing food in the future with qr codes (forced "vaccination"), 5G and surveillance, climate change and lockdown - New World Order sect does not joke and we are still waiting for what? People are still in their lala land while they attack from every direction

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I have a feeling that the Communists/ Leftists/ Globalists are attacking Canada because the are our neighbor and largest trading partner. Mexico is letting china produced drugs and illegal immigrants flow into our country. It is a two front war against us.

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Little Fidel the Canadian Communist.

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Do they have elections? I’m not up on Canadian politics. Everything is right here folks. Who will be next?

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UNf---king real.

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What's happening in canada is truly scary - signs of things for the rest of us? Most scary of all is all the people who support him and what he is doing!

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What has become of the once-honorable "Green" movement?! 😢

Yes, organic farming and permaculture is a good idea.

NO NO NO, forcing it suddenly and at gunpoint is NOT a good idea.

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Canada's got big problems. My bet is they'll eventually fix them.

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extermination for those refusing to comply?

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2019: Greta Thunberg tells David Attenborough that his documentaries about the natural world were the reason she spoke up in defence of the environment. https://youtu.be/tmrFUVOOR14

Except that David Attenborough lied!

Netflix, Attenborough and cliff-falling walruses: the making of a false climate icon


There is evidence from the 1990s that walrus naturally fall from cliff tops even without the menacing threat of polar bears, aircraft, or drones.

The footage Attenborough used to make his Netflix case seems to have come from a well documented incident in September 2017 when Walrus were driven over cliffs by about 20 polar bears however both Netflix director Sophie Lanfear and cameraman Jamie McPherson insisted there were no polar bears in the vicinity at the time they shot their film footage.

Narrator: The BBC installment shows that falling walruses had been driven off cliff tops by polar bears but this action was not included in the Netflix film.

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Good one, Lioness!! Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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“controlled quiet” - applying what we know of Orwellian double speak, we may potentially assume the opposite meaning: controlled noise rooms. One may presume, for a given range of capability, that they can control from minimal quiet (maximum noise) to maximum quiet (minimal noise). Potential speculative application: they may be able to blast music or noise or speech or sounds as a form of torture (oops I mean establish an evironment of “controlled comfort”) upon a targeted individual.

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the nightmare never ends...

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I hope there are contractors that refuse to bid on the contract and those that refuse to work on it. The construction industry has to step up like the truckers did.

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