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Sep 12, 2023
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what are trying to do, get this site kicked off? that's how provocateurs talk.

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That's an ignorant thing to say.

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Sep 12, 2023
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I don't have one, yet. But I know "spilling blood" isn't the solution.

I know God will give me and many others the answer when He's ready.

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Sep 13, 2023
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Build barns. Dig wells. Teach the children well. Love your neighbors. Worship Almighty God.

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Of course, what exactly constitutes acts of violence is never defined. These clowns could never determine what Americans are going down what paths towards what acts of violence. So Marxist, as usual.

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Violence? Start with the violent acts of invading a 7 year old's body and ripping his reproductive organs out all to satisfy some fasco-Marxist idiot.

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Picky point: Marx wanted democracy in the workplace--probably the LAST thing these clowns advocate.

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Might as well put my name on that list.

Just spell my last name correctly, Homeland Security.

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I have worked around gov't workers in Ottawa, Canada's capitol, for years. Half are too stupid to even spell things, correctly, the other half to busy racing to go home at 3:30.

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Most of the US federal government workers are "still working from home."

50% of them could be fired and we would not even notice a difference.

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you know the old saying, "good enough for government work." it's true everywhere.

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Wasted money as is most money that goes to the government.

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Anyone with an American flag is in their crosshairs.

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CP3 programs are a scam and another one of the endless ways that they target law abiding Americans. These are all Marxist programs. If they want to stop school shootings, ban SSRIs on a National Basis.

You know when that dreaded AR-15 was developed, 1959.

You know when it was first used in a mass school shooting, after SSRIs were given to school children.

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What a friggin boondoggle. Just re-read this BS paragraph. How can somebody put this many words together in such a lengthy paragraph, nothing but buzz words, and when you are done reading it, you can't make sense of anything in the entire paragraph. Just a bunch of "feel good", "sounds good", BS buzzwords. “Created in 2021, CP3 is tasked with strengthening our country’s ability to prevent acts of targeted violence and terrorism nationwide. To help accomplish this mission, CP3 cultivates partnerships across every level of government and within local communities, provides grant funding and prevention training, and promotes greater awareness and understanding of TVTP (Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention) strategies and best practices.  Leveraging a public health-informed approach, CP3 brings together behavioral and mental health providers, educators, faith leaders, social service providers, nonprofits, law enforcement, and other state, local, and community partners to address systemic factors that can lead to violence while strengthening protective factors at the local level that support the safety, well-being, and resiliency of communities in the United States.”

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Creates partnerships indeed. How many people has the FBI set up to commit crimes that they wouldn’t have any intention of doing if the FBI hadn’t helped them do and provided everything they need to do it? Just look at how it was the FBI who actually targeted the Michigan governor and was mostly in charge of how it was done. Why isn’t that defined as entrapment?

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Defund the government!

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Make the rich pay ALL. THE. TAXES. Every single friggin' one, at every level of gov't, plus all the users' fees which fund our motor vehicle dept.s and court systems. THEN gov't spending will get under control--but not until then. Why should it, while the 99% are disproportionately paying all the taxes, & most of that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ is being handed to the 1% for THEIR private enterprises?

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Good note to bring to attention, Their definition of "violence" is anyone they don't like , and can build the police state on the back of, and this is a build out of snitch network, now to go overt, to make it seem normal to betray your neighbors, but let me tell you, this is a psyop THEY HAVE ALREADY BEEN DOING THIS< they are already done a good job of coercing neighbors with covert targeting "counterterrorism" program: if people would have listened to the targeted people rather than do the pile on, then all would have realized how demonic our agencies and government are and wouldn't keep falling for psyops, but so it goes the hard way - let me give you some advice, "never believe" agencies or those they have under their control minions over regular every day American , granted some of the supposed TI's are actually agents doing crazy stuff to confuse, to be fair , but don't give away the republic - Stand up for your fellow Americans - and your children - and speak up against this tyranny -


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Aha...churches and faith leaders, here we go. A time ago I've read on a substack about a church making a survey about political views and what the man answered. He said that is ok, why not, this thing, they want to understand better the actual situation (??!!) , when I asked wth is that (in my world churches are not making social surveys)....hmm, hey, see, is not ok.


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Sep 12, 2023
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the orthodox church in general is reluctant to modernity, if some spied on their parishioners, they surely had other methods. with migrants, the problem is complex, it happens in many countries, not only in America. Europe is overwhelmed by this situation. after all, according to the way things are going, countries without population would no longer be countries...so yes, they are preparing for everything. It will not come good times. Btw, the state is not a state. What it is is just an administration, an office, an agency in the service of other powers which are making the decisions. (the state was not abolished, but gradually disappeared (as Friedrich Engels said)

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Sep 12, 2023
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Catherine, I was borned and lived in a communist country and I know more than I can say here, the history and the stories are very long. Things weren't only black and white. The church was under attack in all the communist block but not many gave up, priests went to jail or prefered to die and many churches have been destroyed. But the faith won. The "state" I was talking about is the present one. The corporations and organizations replaced it, its intervention is not needed anymore, I am sure you see all is theatre.

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I was unable to completly read the article as I felt Satan himself had written these grants. Do we stop paying our taxes? There is no easy answer, other than united we stand or divided we fall. Even the simpliest of resistance will eventually defeat these luciferians. Some of us will be mighty, some will try their very best and might fail but it ultimately boils down to every little helps. At this stage only Jesus and His Blessed Mother can help us. And remember They win, but in the meantime we have to stand our ground and fight back.

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They are funding and training a new litter of baby Brownshirts and tattling Karens. Unemployed liberal arts majors=future leaders of the struggle sessions. “There is nothing new under the sun”. Draw your line in sand and wait for it to be crossed, they are coming.

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Condensed Version: If you feel powerless and pathetic in your own life, here is a comprehensive list of hotlines you can call to report your family, friends and neighbors for the crime of being independent thinkers and freedom-loving entrepreneurs. Yep, assaulting others of whom you are envious always makes weak people feel more powerful (Oh, and once you herd all of us into the gulags you’ve gleefully helped create, kindly shut the door BEHIND you.).

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Sep 12, 2023
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The Stasi still runs Germany.

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Sep 12, 2023
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The Stasi was the secret police of East germany. You know the saying 'the walls have ears?" Neighbors ratted on neighbors. Germany is still going after dissidents. They just don't call it the stasi any more.

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30 pieces of silver for every Judas. Follow the money and steer clear of the Judas organizations.

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$20 million paid out as BRIBES to SNITCH on their fellow Americans. The equivalent of 30 pieces of silver.

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