Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Serial killers brag about how many people they've killed, right?

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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

God save us from this nihilistic madness.

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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

MAiD is beyond EVIL and in fact they are torturing people as they die with the drugs used.

It is NOT assisted dying it is MURDER and Canada now leads the world in HARVESTING their organs as they die.

Watch the TRUTH posted in this video, by a doctor who knows.


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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Dr. Mengele reincarnated.

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Isn't This 'WombMan', suppose to be wearing a NAZI UniForm, in a FEMA 'Health' CONSendTraitorN CAMP- & Taking 'Trophy' Selfies?

ANYONE, who has Delivered over a Thousand NEW lives, But LOVES putting HuMans 'Down', should either change to being a STRAIGHT Youth'N'Asia 'Animal' VET, Or get their STATE 'Dream Job'= KILLING Prisoners on 'Death Row'!= So much for the MIS/DISappeared # 1 Ethical MediCall ETHOS > 'FIRST, do NO Further HARM to the Patient'!! (Could one 'Imagine', when the SAME 'Person' IS Prematurely ill, & Their Time 'Comes'? Would 'THEY' fight for Semblence of FURTHER Life, when shown the FINAL 'Option'??)

AND, I'd just 'Love' to be their 'Partner'- IF, I was a Psycho Killer! We'd share a Romantic Evening, with a nice Bottle of Aged red, an Elegant 4 Course meal - Then share Victim Photos. Maybe finish the evening by Watching a Romance, such as - 'Silence of the Lambs'! Or maybe something Adventuresome as 'Hostel'! = NAH! Something VERY ABNORMAL in the 'Wiring Box' of these Folks = IF, they were on the Other side of The 'Moral Line'- They'd be Doing the Community @ Large a PROPER Service, AND Euthanasing THEMSELVES!

Wellness to the United Moral us - John D. CitiZen.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Heed Dr. Coleman's advice, resist these vultures like your life depends on it,. because it does!

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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Canada has “a law, and I obey this law, and so there are people who are not eligible under the law.” This “doctor” would have fitted into Germany 1939 nicely. They also had laws that made certain people “eligible” and like all government laws they moved the goalposts and expanded it. Doctors should be thought of as healers not killers of their patients.

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The Govt bears responsibility also but the "Doctor" is in NO WAY a healer.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Right. What she is saying is she follows the law, she follows the law because the "law" allows her to conceal her true nature. Right, ethical, moral action isn't in the picture.

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Absolutely, she will go where the law leads regardless of ethical or moral responsibility. Terrifying.

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Yes one of Mengeles assistants.

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All these folks that choose to die need Jesus. And all those doing the killing need to repent asap or will see hell

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Plain and simple, these are *murderers* that have been authorized and justified by the "legal system".

Most people don't realize that there are indeed *monster* walking among us - monsters wearing garments of distinction. They call themselves "doctors", "judges", "Congressmen", "Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens". But they are simply *monsters*, and will be Judged as such.

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They believe they are a Protected Species.

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It's more like a "special", "superior", and "entitled" species. Stated differently, they believe - they TRULY, GENUINELY BELIEVE - that they are **better** than you and me, that they are God's gift to the planet. The truth is the exact opposite.

Their actions reflect that belief. You can die, but they deserve life. You can go hungry or eat bugs, but they are entitled to the best foods on Earth. You can live on the streets or in a tent, but they must have stately mansions. You can walk, but they get to have Lear jets, yachts, and a fleet of luxury cars. Your carbon footprint must be microscopic, while their carbon footprint can be limitless. In short, you can suffer, but never them.

Once people understand that reality, many worldly events suddenly make sense.

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"Thou shall not kill" The 10 Commandments.

Revelation 22:15

"Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying"

That woman is a psychopath but no different than the government who allows this legal murder. No different than Bill Gates or other rich billionaire's who fund murderous vaccines, geoengineering that poisons humanity or feeding bugs to people.

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Then why are military people "honored"?

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They are performing a great service in protecting our country. In war, it's kill or be killed. I'm sure there is a lot of repenting going on in military personnel as well...

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The idea of war is a sort of caveman mentality - my weapon is bigger than your weapon kinda thing. That means nobody is safe in the world with that attitude. It is stunning to me how many humans think war is inevitable. Of course that just buys into the supremacy syndrome. Often individuals see themselves as part of a big sea that they have no control over. And that's because we've been indoctrinated to think that. But our beliefs are the power behind everything. Systematic killing of one's own species is anti-biological. We should all shudder at the thought.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 21

because there is honor and courage involved. An individual euthanizing people isn't comparable. Because sometimes you have to fight to protect your people and everything that you hold important. Because if you don't fight you will be a slave or dead and your children and women will be dead or worse. My weapon is bigger than your weapon is never a thought.

Wars are inevitable, anyone sane doesn't want this but conflict, kinetic or otherwise is going to happen. Of course most wars are banker's and military industrial complex wars. But most soldiers don't know that. They think they are honoring the oath they took.

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Do you have a death doctor as part of your team? Before long, the insurance companies will have you choosing one along with your other specialists.

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Big Food will cut off your food supply (bugs) and then Big Pharma will provide the kill shot 💉

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Maybe NOT! 'This', would mean, that the Insurance Companies, would have to pay out 'Earlier'! Far better to get pHARMa Corporations to Extend your Life with Chems, thus pulling in More insurance policy Coin, Then, at an appropriate time - Before the Insured 'Put their Paw out', You can then 'MIS/DISsolve the Insurance group! = VOILA! PROFITABLE - Without responsibility!

On the other side of Insurance/Pensions/401K 'Payouts' to ACTUAL 'Taxpaying' CONtributors, The Dr Death 'ArrangeMeant', By Govt (CONvid Jab 'Program' InClueSieve), The U.S of A's 'Pension Fund', USED TO have approx U.S$ 28 TRILLION in the 'Kitty'! Due to 'UnForeSeen -Issues', > Extensive Wars, DODGY/Failed Policy 'Support' & 'Agency' Ops (Black Ops per 'Acronym Agencies', that's CoveRed in the ANOTHER Est U.S$ 40 TRILLION DEBT NOT 'Declared' By NotMyGovUSA, PLUS the Est US$37 TRILLION SepeRate 'DeclaRed Debt' = AppaRentLie, just 'Numbers on a Screen' - Like 'Times Square')), Sorry > CONsecutive U.S. Administrations PilferRing The 'Pension Funds' for 'Some Time'- Mainly to Pay off 'Interest ONLY' to the PRIVATELY OWNED U.S. Federal Reserve (Greedy- Fickle Bastards, that By - Oh, 'ABOUT NOW', There's a HUGE VACUUM, where the 'Funds' USED TO BE! =

SolutIONs time; A) Do you take to task the 'Instigators of Deception & FraudYouLent Policy/Operations'? B) 'WE THE PEOPLE', (U.S. CitiZens in this case) Tell the Govt (A CONtractor ONLY - TO THE 'WE THE PEOPLE') To 'SHOVE IT', and 'Start Afresh' by Creating a NEW PEOPLE'S FEDERAL RESERVE - FOR 'WE THE PEOPLE', & Refuse the 'DEBT' - Left to the Architects of 'E'CONomic destruction? Or C) CollectHive Cranial Insertion in WreckT-All OriFace, & Hope the Bad Man CONstruct - 'Magically' MIS/DISappears?

Answer/ Final Solution; The NotMyGov ReAction; ('UseLess Eater Phenomena' - Only while your Slavery Mark, is on the Credit side of the 'Ledger'!) = Get Rid of the Problem 'PAW'S' = 'Emergency' Inoculations of The Elderly 'Paws', PLUS, across the Board, to 'Thin Out' Future 'Paws', & Organise 'ReplaceMeant' ImmiGreatION PoliceSee (Policy - AND, AlternNativeLie Police SureVeilLance= Isn't 'English' Marvelous?). Guess CONvid 'Myth-I-Call BeasTie, COINsiDentAlly, came in Handy- Just in Time! - Who Knew! ADD in a Few 'Weather A-NO-moreLies' in places like Nth Carolina/Tennessee/Florida/Texas & Elsewhere!

Wellness to the Unified us - John D. OZtopian CitiZen

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‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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you’ll be grateful and like it.

i bet she is a grateful dead fangirl.

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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

I’m seeing pediatricians in a similar light. Mass murderers in bowties☠️

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Amen. Veterinarians too. If you don't connect the dots then you are willfully blind.

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Pediatricians are the worst.

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Oct 20Liked by Lioness of Judah Ministry

Euthanasia is a back-door strategy to depopulate. MaiD is the next killing field, Pamela Wallin recently tabled a bill in Canada that includes “mature minors”, a term than can be widely applied as the bill does NOT specify any age limit. The bill also supports the concept of removing final consent. Euthanasia without consent. It's no longer about 'choice' but about legalizing mass murder. https://locallibertyletter.substack.com/p/maid-the-next-killing-fields

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They aren't even hiding it anymore. Kill the Westerners and bring in millions of non-white replacements.

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exactly. And they are doing it right in front of us, as if we aren't even here.

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