I doubt any of you know the mess here created by the sh*thead turdo.
-public schools are engaging in nefarious activities, for example, in B.C. (bigoted crazies) a father had to court to prevent his underage daughter from being mutilated mentally and physically by deadly trannie therapy without his okay but was jailed for calling her a fe…
I doubt any of you know the mess here created by the sh*thead turdo.
-public schools are engaging in nefarious activities, for example, in B.C. (bigoted crazies) a father had to court to prevent his underage daughter from being mutilated mentally and physically by deadly trannie therapy without his okay but was jailed for calling her a female and used her birth name....all the trannie sh*te was kept secret but he saw a pic of her in the year book with her new trannie name and gender ID...the mandatory Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity policy mandated parents to be uninformed of these abominations to God.
Does anyone know the trannie ideology/insanity that is a damned lie? Refer below.
-gender is determined by "widdle feewings" and identification and not by biology
-there are numerous genders
-it is acceptable to change genders
-gender confused children should use opposite sex names, wear opposite type clothes, pronouns, opposite bathrooms to their gender, and need to have puberty blockers and other sex hormones, and have surgery making them infertile
-gender confused children must be counseled by the affirmation of the gender he or she wishes to become and any opposition and/or counselling to the opposite end is deemed harmful and abusive
-parents opposed to gender change of their children are deemed dangerous, abusive and criminal
-parents have no right to be aware of their child identifying as opposite sex, using an opposite sex name, and opposite sex to their own bathrooms.
All this sh*te under the rule of a boy-king bigot, liar, thief, hater and criminal slime minister. Since 2021 Section 320.101 of the criminal code prohibits parents from helping their gender confused sons and daughters to reject this trannie insanity and accept their natural gender physical reality. Ditto for religious leaders to aid in bringing normality into the lives of trannie children. And psychologists, therapists, etc who are legally bound to affirm the gender the child chooses. The same criminal code forbids helping one to revert back to their normal and natural gender.
The Civil Liberties ASSociation is suing here for New Brunswick to trash its policy of parents being informed of their child seeking to transgender. The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms states:
-children are not adults
-they cannot vote
-cannot marry
-cannot join the military
-cannot buy alcohol
-cannot have sex with an adult
-cannot use weed
-claiming that telling parents is a violation of the privacy and rights of children and a perversion of the Charter and common sense
-it is a battle over facts/Truth vs idiotic ideology
See the wokist sh*t crap that harms children and imposes its brainless BS on parents? Who are these bastards doing the urging of their god satan? Parents ALONE have the sole right without the meddling of statist stooges and trannie activists seeking the destruction of innocent children. Damn every one of you malignant bastards FITH.
A Swedish 2011 study proved that fully transitioned adults had much higher risk of suicidal behavior and psychiatric morbidity than the NORMAL population.
And this bs is gaining a foothold in the USA as well. To hell with this destructivity danger to children. And if you think this is bad, there is a lot more I will not repeat here. This is where political correctness has led and where wokist wankers have increased their attacks on defenceless children.
And take a guess who are the ones who impose the filthy and stalinist Section 320.101 of the criminal code and to enforce it? The forms I filled out for a complaint to the OIPRD included a pile of DIEverSHITty garbage that had NO bearing on the criminal actions of a defective detective liar and criminal. Note I do not say this is my opinion but impose the words from a position of Truth that I can prove.
All this PC shite can go to hell and its authors with it.
It has been close to three weeks since I filed BUT I am sure there is a lot of investigating to be done so I am patient. In this criminal fiasco relative to me, I am still holding 14 other CCC charges, Charter violations, and Bill of Rights violations and that is on just one pig, not to mention the top brass that are culpable of complicity.
Be aware we all have a responsibility to fight for what is right and this is but a small preview what has been going on since the criminal slime minister was elected to the present state of time. If I had one wish, I would ask for turdo to step off a curb into the path of a runaway Mack truck while holding hands with sellout Singh, the leader of the Bloc(heads), and the leader of the Greens.
Is that terrible? Nope. Look at the children who would be spared a hellish existence as a trannie.
No wonder the Wrath of God is eternal, what fitting punishments for such human trash perverted child abusers!!!
The site to check is www.jccf.ca Educate yourselves to the Truth!
I doubt any of you know the mess here created by the sh*thead turdo.
-public schools are engaging in nefarious activities, for example, in B.C. (bigoted crazies) a father had to court to prevent his underage daughter from being mutilated mentally and physically by deadly trannie therapy without his okay but was jailed for calling her a female and used her birth name....all the trannie sh*te was kept secret but he saw a pic of her in the year book with her new trannie name and gender ID...the mandatory Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity policy mandated parents to be uninformed of these abominations to God.
Does anyone know the trannie ideology/insanity that is a damned lie? Refer below.
-gender is determined by "widdle feewings" and identification and not by biology
-there are numerous genders
-it is acceptable to change genders
-gender confused children should use opposite sex names, wear opposite type clothes, pronouns, opposite bathrooms to their gender, and need to have puberty blockers and other sex hormones, and have surgery making them infertile
-gender confused children must be counseled by the affirmation of the gender he or she wishes to become and any opposition and/or counselling to the opposite end is deemed harmful and abusive
-parents opposed to gender change of their children are deemed dangerous, abusive and criminal
-parents have no right to be aware of their child identifying as opposite sex, using an opposite sex name, and opposite sex to their own bathrooms.
All this sh*te under the rule of a boy-king bigot, liar, thief, hater and criminal slime minister. Since 2021 Section 320.101 of the criminal code prohibits parents from helping their gender confused sons and daughters to reject this trannie insanity and accept their natural gender physical reality. Ditto for religious leaders to aid in bringing normality into the lives of trannie children. And psychologists, therapists, etc who are legally bound to affirm the gender the child chooses. The same criminal code forbids helping one to revert back to their normal and natural gender.
The Civil Liberties ASSociation is suing here for New Brunswick to trash its policy of parents being informed of their child seeking to transgender. The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms states:
-children are not adults
-they cannot vote
-cannot marry
-cannot join the military
-cannot buy alcohol
-cannot have sex with an adult
-cannot use weed
-claiming that telling parents is a violation of the privacy and rights of children and a perversion of the Charter and common sense
-it is a battle over facts/Truth vs idiotic ideology
See the wokist sh*t crap that harms children and imposes its brainless BS on parents? Who are these bastards doing the urging of their god satan? Parents ALONE have the sole right without the meddling of statist stooges and trannie activists seeking the destruction of innocent children. Damn every one of you malignant bastards FITH.
A Swedish 2011 study proved that fully transitioned adults had much higher risk of suicidal behavior and psychiatric morbidity than the NORMAL population.
And this bs is gaining a foothold in the USA as well. To hell with this destructivity danger to children. And if you think this is bad, there is a lot more I will not repeat here. This is where political correctness has led and where wokist wankers have increased their attacks on defenceless children.
And take a guess who are the ones who impose the filthy and stalinist Section 320.101 of the criminal code and to enforce it? The forms I filled out for a complaint to the OIPRD included a pile of DIEverSHITty garbage that had NO bearing on the criminal actions of a defective detective liar and criminal. Note I do not say this is my opinion but impose the words from a position of Truth that I can prove.
All this PC shite can go to hell and its authors with it.
It has been close to three weeks since I filed BUT I am sure there is a lot of investigating to be done so I am patient. In this criminal fiasco relative to me, I am still holding 14 other CCC charges, Charter violations, and Bill of Rights violations and that is on just one pig, not to mention the top brass that are culpable of complicity.
Be aware we all have a responsibility to fight for what is right and this is but a small preview what has been going on since the criminal slime minister was elected to the present state of time. If I had one wish, I would ask for turdo to step off a curb into the path of a runaway Mack truck while holding hands with sellout Singh, the leader of the Bloc(heads), and the leader of the Greens.
Is that terrible? Nope. Look at the children who would be spared a hellish existence as a trannie.
No wonder the Wrath of God is eternal, what fitting punishments for such human trash perverted child abusers!!!
The site to check is www.jccf.ca Educate yourselves to the Truth!