Does America have a President ? ….. I think the term is autopilot Asshoolery

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Our current Surgeon General is an ignorant ass and the most radical yet. He’s beyond political and just an incompetent DEI hire that must have a fake medical degree since he hasn’t made a truthful statement yet.

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The content you shared from Alex Jones is poor:

1) There's more than enough information that humans are already being connected to cybernetic hivemind supercomputers through the brain-computer interface without their consent. There are more than 10 whistleblowers in this article alone who testify to this (former district chief of FBI SoCal Ted Gundersson testifies to the targeting program, former NSA Technical Director, ex-CIA, ex- DARPA researcher, ex-MI6, ex-MI5, etc.): https://patrickkim.substack.com/p/targeting-proof

2) Months ago, Jones himself used to quote one such expert (Dr. James Giordano), but seems to have backtracked from his commitment to the full truth since then. For example, Dr. Giordano says this technology is already in existence in publicly available, open source lectures, so there is no need to even speculate either way, unless you want to directly challenge the evidence which proves this, and which comes directly from many high-level individuals in or formerly of the DoD. Is he forgetting what he reported on, or...? The disservice Jones does to the truth in this video is disturbing, especially given his affiliations to transhumanist Elon Musk. BTW, Neuralink if you hadn't noticed, is a blatant misdirection as no implants have been necessary to connect the brain to the cloud for actually quite a few years now (see bio-coded directed energy in above link)... added to which fact there is also nanotechnology in everyone's blood (permeates the blood brain barrier)..?

3) Does the idea of Alex Jones asking a woke robot what is going to happen in the future and then agreeing with everything it says not seem just a little bit ridiculous to you?

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Switzerland - home of the Rothschilds and central bank cartel - is not neutral. It's NWO Zentrale.

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