SSRI’s are handed out like candy at peds offices .

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ssri's have largely replaced traditional talk therapy for both children and adults. therapist assn obviously no match for big pharma

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Yes, every time there’s a mass shooting, that’s the first thing that comes to my mind, “What SSRI or antipsychotic are these people on?”

A close family member was placed on Respirdal years ago. Destroyed her personality as well as her metabolism. She became angry and violent. Fortunately, we were able to safely wean her off, but it took years, literally.

They put kids as young as 5 and 6 on these poisons, likely to fix the autism caused by the vaccines they received as infants! It’s a sick system!

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Also destroys sexual function.

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And ordinary MD's who can prescribe PSYC meds in the absence of psychiatric credentials.

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My acupuncturist told me she's trying to help a 24yr old get off his SSRI's and it's not going well. Been on them for years 😞

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Like an MD doing brain surgery.

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Depending on the specific SSRI, it can take years. Look up Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, if you are not already familiar with them. They've done great work on educating, advocating, and providing guidance on weaning off these. I believe they wrote a book about it and they also have a Substack.


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Saw Dr. Breggin on Brannon Howse Live last night and they were talking about this.

He said that these drugs are very addictive and they basically give you a lobotomy over time and keep a person from fully developing into an adult that can function properly in society.

Bottom line. These drugs are poison and they are turning children into simple minded adults who will never fully mature mentally.

Sounds like to me they are turning the next generation into sheep.

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Commie Kammy can't wait to get her greasy hands on our guns. DO NOT COMPLY.

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