NATO Expansion & Ukraine's Destruction. Russian civilians are being PREPPED for war. India Suspends Visas For Canadians. UN President Approves Pandemic Declaration
I went to check out some items in a store recently and the female cashier was dressed up as a cat with wiskers and cat ears made out of her hair and makeup to achieve the catness. I never saw a tail but I was trying not to stare.
As a society, we tolerate mental illness to the point that it’s the norm . Maybe the DSM- 5 needs updating . 😭
Woof woof 🐶.
DSM-5-TR was published last year, because they knew you were going to ask.
Are furries listed ? … ugghhh
Listed as what?
Try 300.7 (F45.22) in ICD-10-CM
They are normalizing mental illness, not good imo.
I see your point, but maybe you're just envious.
Josh Whore-ly is a fetid cauldron of human excrement
I went to check out some items in a store recently and the female cashier was dressed up as a cat with wiskers and cat ears made out of her hair and makeup to achieve the catness. I never saw a tail but I was trying not to stare.
This is proof!
Crimea under attack-
OH, EX-HIPPIE! A former “flower child” now advocates for war and embraces Big Pharma. Listen to the new hit song.