Trump is offended that Putin endorsed Harris? Not really, it's optics. Putin knows Trump is the real leader of the US currently, and endorsing Harris takes away the deepstate's ability to blame Russia for a Trump victory.

On the other hand, the deep state knows that Trump has 70-75% of the American people behind him, and will easily win election. In a free and FAIR and clean election that is. And the Dems and deep state are stymied in their ability to cheat and use ballot fraud like they did in 2020. And they will not be able to use the illegals as mass fraudulent votes either. So the deepstate has other plans to retain their illegal power.

They are hinting that there will be cyber attacks and internet outages that may prevent the election from happening. That's why we need to return to paper ballot voting only, no machines. But even after Trump wins convincingly this time, they will still claim HE cheated, and they will refuse to certify the results.

This may be where the threat of civil war looms. Will the military have to be called in to maintain control during civil unrest caused by the Dems' planned rioters, antifa? No Trump supporters want civil war, but many patriots are prepared for it. It would mean defending against the tyrannical government.

Make no mistake, this current deep state regime is the enemy, and they will not leave quietly. If there is civil unrest it will be caused by them.

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UFO's. Spare me.

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